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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

         The submitted manuscript for publication in the International Journal of Multidisciplinary in Cultures & Religions Studies must be an original manuscript that has never been published elsewhere and is not being under consideration for publication in any other journals. All authors are required to strictly comply with the regulations, format, and processes for submission of research article, academic article, book review, review article, and special article for publication in the International Journal of Multidisciplinary in Cultures & Religions Studies. The in-text citations and reference list must be according to the APA style (6th edition).

          The points of view and opinions expressed in the manuscript are of the authors’ responsibility, not of the Editorial Board of the Journal of MCU Peace Studies. The authors must consider the principles of research ethics by which the manuscript must not contain plagiarism and do not infringe any copyright. In this regard, the Journal requires that the percentage of duplicate content must not exceed 20% by employing the CopyCat program of the Thai Journals Online (ThaiJo) System, announced in September 2020.


Instructions and requirements for authors wishing to publish the manuscript:

            1) The authors must study the format and perform preliminary formatting as prescribed by the Journal. 

            2) The authors must log in at https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ijmcr to submit the manuscript (in .doc or .docx format/ Word document).          

            3) The manuscript must pass the format checking by the Editorial Board and the authors must revise accordingly to the suggestions of the Editorial Board. 

            4) The content and components of the manuscript must pass the consideration and approval by the Editorial Board before submitting to the experts for peer-review.

            The Journal of MCU Peace Studies does not have the policy to collect publication fees more than what is specified above. Authors should be careful of people impersonating members of the Editorial Board asking for additional charges. The Journal has no involvement and does not take responsibility in any aspect.

           6) The manuscript must pass the peer-review by 2 experts and the consideration of the Editorial Board is taken as final. In the case that the author’s manuscript does not pass the peer review and consideration from the experts and Editorial Board, the Journal reserves the right not to publish the manuscript and without refund in any aspect.

            7) Whichever journal group the International Journal of Multidisciplinary in Management and Tourism will be in after being assessed by the Thai Journal Citation Index Centre (TCI), the authors agree to accept the assessment results without any argument.

            8) The content of the manuscript that has been revised according to the experts must be highlighted in red color for the Editorial Board to verify that the authors have revised it. The Editorial Board will consider that the authors have not revised the content if it is not highlighted in red color. The authors have not more than 1 month to revise the content after receiving the peer review results from the Journal.

            9) Although the manuscript has already been approved, if the Editorial Board is unable to contact the author and the author does not revise the manuscript or takes longer time to revise than the specified period, the Journal reserves the right to reject the publication of the manuscript and cancel the acceptance letter for publication, by which the author will be notified through the registered email.

            10) If the manuscript and the processes of manuscript submission are not complete, the postponement of publication in each issue/ number is under the authority and right of the Editorial Board without asking for permission from the manuscript's author.


Manuscript Preparation

            1) The manuscript must be in .doc or .docx format/ Word document only.

            2) The manuscript must be written on a standard A4 paper with a length of 10 – 15 pages (including the references page), written on 1 side of the paper and set for 1 column, and written in Times New Roman font with font size at 12 points.

            3) The margin on 4 sides of the paper must be set for 1 inch equally with single line spacing. The paragraph should be indented 7 spaces. 

            4) The resolution of figures and tables used for presentation must appear sharp and must be numbered and titled in bold letters beneath the figures and tables e.g., Table 1, Figure 1, or Model 1. The figures presented must contain the complete details and be understandable without having to reread the body text. The figures must be in consecutive order according to the content in the manuscript in which the description must be concise and consistent with the figures presented.

            5) The manuscript title must be in both English (24 pt.) placed in the middle of the paper.

            6) The author’s name must be in both Thai and English (16 pt.) without inserting the academic title. The author’s name must be typed in regular letters and placed below the manuscript title and on the right margin. The superscript number should be inserted in front of the author’s name to identify the author’s institute. In the case that there are more than 2 co-authors and from the same institute, insert only 1 superscript number; but if the co-authors are from different institutes, the superscript numbers of 1,2,3 should be inserted in front of each author’s name, respectively.

            7) Each version of the Thai and English abstract must not exceed 300 words.

            8) The keywords (3-5 keys) must be specified from the manuscript title both Thai and English.

            9) The main heading (14 pt. and in bold letters) must be typed on the left margin while the sub-headings (12 pt. and in bold letters) must be 7 spaced from the main heading and start at the 8th space in the same alignment.

            10) The use of numbers throughout the manuscript must be Arabic numerals.

            11) As for the in-text citations, only the last names are translated into English as well as identifying the A.D. (Anno Domini). As for the reference list, all last names, first initial, and A.D. must be translated into English (See the reference example).

            12) The manuscript can be submitted online at https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ijmmt




Research Article

            The research article should contain the following components:

            1) The title of the research article must be in both English (24 pt.)

            2) Author’s and co-authors’ names (16 pt.)

            *The author and co-authors must not be more four persons

            3) Name of faculty, institute and country (12 pt.) (letters are not in bold)

            4) Corresponding author’s email (12 pt.)

            5) Abstract : the title must be 14 pt., while the body text must be 12 pt. and does not exceed 300 words. Identify the research objective(s), type of research, research population, research area, data analysis (statistics, descriptive), and results of the research according to each objective.

            8) Keywords (12pt.) (3 – 5 keys according to the title of the research article and punctuated by a semicolon ( ; )

           9) Introduction (14 pt., Body text 12 pt.)

                        9.1) Background, context, research problems, issues (put in-text citation)

                        9.2) A case study/ A case area (put in-text citation)

                        9.3) Academic concepts, principles, theories, guidelines for practice, problem-solving standards or the promotion and development standards (put in-text citation)

                        9.4) The motivation and reasons for the study (must reflect and relate to the above-mentioned issues and the research objectives). Expectations, values, and benefits to be expected from the study.

            10) Objectives of the research (18 pt., Body text 16 pt.)

  1. To…………………………………………………………………
  2. To…………………………………………………………………
  3. To…………………………………………………………………

            11) Research Methodology (18 pt., Body text 16 pt.)

                        1st Step: Documentary Study

                        2nd Step: Field Study

                        3rd Step: Key Informants

                        4th Step: Research instruments and methods used in the study

                                    1) In-depth interview

                                    2) Focus group discussion

                                    3) Study and follow up on the results/ experiment/ training

                        5th Step: Data collection

                        6th Step: Data analysis

                        7th Step: Summary and presentation of the research results

            12) Research results (18 pt., Body text 16 pt.)

                        From the 1st objective, the research result was found that ………………...

                        From the 2nd objective, the research result was found that ………………..

                        From the 3rd objective, the research result was found that ………………..

            13) The new body of knowledge (18 pt., Body text 16 pt.)

            The new body of knowledge is the synthesis of the body of knowledge in the form of a chart, diagram, concept map, or model. Along with the explanation of processes, methods, procedures, values, benefits, a model and guideline for utilizing and practicing of the new knowledge in order to promote, develop, and change individuals, societies, and organizations (the explanation should be concise, comprehensive, and understandable).

            14) Discussion of research results (18 pt., Body text 16 pt.)

            The discussion should be in narrative form and point out the connections, consistency, similarities, differences with the theoretical framework and other past research works.

            From the research result of the 1st objective, it was found that …………….... This is because ………………………..…. is consistent with the concept, theory, and research work of ……………………………

          From the research result of the 2nd objective, it was found that …………….... This is because ………………………..…. is consistent with the concept, theory, and research work of ……………………......…

            From the research result of the 3rd objective, it was found that …………….... This is because ………………………..…. is consistent with the concept, theory, and research work of ...........………………....

           15) Conclusion (18 pt., Body text 16 pt.)

            The conclusion should cover the overview and results of the research. It must be in narrative form without using the numbered list. The letters must not be set in italics or bold, and no figures or models inserted.

          16) Suggestions (18 pt., Body text 16 pt.)

            From the results of the research, the researcher has the suggestions as follows:

            1) The suggestions from the research (for applying with whom? what institute? how?)

                  From the research result of the 1st objective, it was found that ………………………….. Therefore, the related institute should apply as follows ……………………………………………………………….......... 

                  From the research result of the 2nd objective, it was found that …………………….......Therefore, the related institute should apply as follows …………....................................…………...................…

                  From the research result of the 3rd objective, it was found that …………………………. Therefore, the related institute should apply as follows ………………………………………………………………………

           2) The suggestions for future research (must relate and further develop from this research article)

                The future research should involve the following issues:




            18) References 

            The reference sources appearing in the entire content must be written as a complete reference list according to the reference guidelines of the Journal. The reference list must be sorted in alphabetical order A-Z. Do not cite any reference that does not appear in the article content.


Academic Article

The academic article should contain the following components:

            1) The title of the academic article must be in English (24 pt.)

            2) Author’s and co-authors’ names (16 pt.)

            *The author and co-authors must not be more three persons

            3) Name of faculty, institute, country  (14 pt.) (letters are not in bold)

            4) Corresponding author’s email (14 pt.)

            5) Abstract (in Thai): the title must be 18 pt., while the body text must be 16 pt. and does not exceed 300 words. The abstract should present the research findings, points of view and perspectives that reflect solutions, alternatives, the new body of knowledge, principles, approaches, and academic practices. All of which should be written concisely, orderly, and classifying into each item and issue in a clear manner.  

           6) Keywords (12 pt.)

           7) Introduction (14 pt., Body text 12 pt.)

                        7.1) Background, context, research problems, issues/ a case study/ a case area (put in-text citation)

                        7.2) Academic concepts, principles and theories, guidelines for practice, problem-solving standards or the promotion and development standards (put in-text citation)

                        7.3) The motivation and reasons for the study. Expectations, values, and benefits to be expected from the study.

           8) Content (14 pt., Body text 12 pt.)

                  8.1) The author should present context, background, research questions, issues, and essences under the academic framework. All of which should be written orderly and classified into a category as well as sorting from high to low priority and from main to minor issues by inserting numbered lists, paragraphs, and spaces in a clear and easy to understand manner (put in-text citation).

                 8.2) The author should present principles, concepts, theories, and guidelines for practice that reflect perspectives and a new body of knowledge in a categorical, systematic, and procedural manner in order to be an alternative solution for problem-solving or the promotion and development that is consistent with academic principles (put in-text citation).

          9) Conclusion (18 pt., Body text 16 pt.)

                 The conclusion should cover the overview and results of the research. It must be in narrative form without using the numbered list. The letters must not be set in italics or bold, and no figures or models inserted. The conclusion should reflect the academic values.

          10) Suggestions (18 pt., Body text 16 pt.)

            From the results of the research, the researcher has suggestions for applying in the institute and organization as well as for personal efficiency development, including suggestions for future research for those who are interested.

           1) The suggestions from the research (for applying with whom? what institute? how?)




          2) The suggestions for future research (must relate and further develop from this research article)

             The future research should involve the following issues:




            11) References (18 pt., Body text 16 pt.) (See the reference example)

            The reference sources appearing in the entire content must be written as a complete reference list according to the reference guidelines of the Journal. The reference list must be sorted in alphabetical order A-Z. Do not cite any reference that does not appear in the article content.


Review Article and Book Review

            1) Title (in English 24pt.)

            2) Author’s name (in English) (16 pt.)

            4) Name of faculty, institute and country(14 pt. and letters are not in bold)

            5) Corresponding author’s email (14 pt.)

                 The Book Review should contain the following components:

  1. Picture of the book cover
  2. Translation of: ……………………………………….……...
  3. Author: …………………………………………………….....
  4. Translated by: …………………………………………..….
  5. Publisher: …………………………………………………....
  6. Year of Publication: ………………………………………
  7. Number of Pages: …………………………………………

            6) Introduction (14 pt., Body text 12 pt.)

                        6.1 Context and background of the book or the issues being studied

                        6.2 Components of the book or the issues being studied, chapters, categories, characteristics, types, objectives, values, benefits, essences, etc.

            7) Content (14 pt., Body text 12 pt.)

                Components of the book or the issues being studied, chapters, categories, characteristics, types, objectives, essences, points of view, perspectives, etc.

            8) Review (14 pt., Body text 12 pt.)

                The author should present principles and concepts through analysis, synthesis, and review that reflect perspectives, reasons, expectations, impacts, and essences according to the academic theories. As well as suggesting the guidelines for improvement, promotion, and further development (put in-text citation if applicable)

                Strong Points / Weak Points

            19) Conclusion (14 pt., Body text 12 pt.)

                  The conclusion should cover the overview and results of the research. It must reflect the academic values and its utilization. The conclusion should be in narrative form without using the numbered list. The letters must not be set in italics or bold, and no figures or models inserted.

            11) References (14 pt., Body text 12 pt.) (See the reference example)

                  The reference sources appearing in the entire content must be written as a complete reference list according to the reference guidelines of the Journal. The reference list must be sorted in alphabetical order A-Z. Do not cite any reference that does not appear in the article content.


Editor’s Right

           In the case that the Editorial Board or experts invited for peer review are of opinion that the manuscript should be edited, the Editorial Board will send it back for the author to edit. The editing should be made based on the suggestions of experts who are the peer reviewer. The Editorial Board reserves the right not to publish the manuscript in the case that the peer review results by the experts do not pass and in the case that the manuscript is not according to the suggestions of the Editorial Board and experts.

           If the Editorial Board finds out or there is a complaint that the manuscript has duplicate content of more than 20%, the main points are duplicated, or the manuscript has been published before, the journal reserves the right, at its discretion, to reject and suspend the publication of the manuscript.