Mahachula Academic Journal <p><img src="" width="721" height="375" /></p> <p><strong> Mahachula Academic Journal</strong> of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, a journal which aims are to promote the production of academic and research papers on Buddhism; to provide academic services in Buddhism to society; to be a platform for Buddhist perspective exchanges; to be a central academic journal of the University in publishing academic and research articles of the administrators, faculty members, academics, researchers and graduate students, in the religious and philosophical dimensions as well as Buddhism and modern sciences under the scope of sociology, liberal arts and interdisciplinary in humanities and social sciences. It is now <strong>calling for papers</strong> in both Thai and English for publications.</p> en-US (suchaya sirithanyaporn) (supatharn sudachan) Mon, 26 Aug 2024 22:03:40 +0700 OJS 60 Book review “Buddhist mind and knowledge management towards wisdom” <p>-</p> สุภาวดี คูหาทอง Copyright (c) 2024 สุภาวดี คูหาทอง Mon, 26 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Book Review <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>โครงสร้างบทวิจารณ์หนังสือ</strong></p> <p><strong>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</strong><strong>(๑) ส่วนนำ (</strong><strong>Introduction)</strong></p> <p>-แนะให้ผู้อ่านรู้ข้อมูลเบื้องต้นเกี่ยวกับหนังสือ/บทความวิชาการที่จะวิจารณ์</p> <p>-บอกเหตุผล/ความสำคัญแก่ผู้อ่านว่าทำไมเลือกหนังสือ/บทความวิชาการณ์เรื่องนั้นมาวิจารณ์</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <strong>(๒) ส่วนเนื้อ (</strong><strong>Body) </strong></p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; ก. สรุปย่อความ (summary) สาระสำคัญของหนังสือ/บทความที่เลือกวิจารณ์</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; ข. วิจารณ์/แสดงทัศนะเชิงประเมิน (critical evaluation) ต่อหนังสือ/บทความที่</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; เลือกวิจารณ์</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; <strong>-จุดแข็ง (</strong><strong>strengths):</strong> ชี้ให้เห็นว่า อะไรคือจุดแข็งทางวิชาการของหนังสือ/บทความเรื่องนั้น ที่ผู้วิจารณ์เห็นด้วย (agreement) พร้อมเหตุผลประกอบว่าทำไมถึงมองว่าเป็นจุดแข็งหรือเห็นด้วยในประเด็นนั้นๆ</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; <strong>-จุดอ่อน</strong> <strong>(</strong><strong>weaknesses):</strong> ชี้ให้เห็นว่า อะไรคือจุดอ่อนทางวิชาการของหนังสือ/บทความเรื่องนั้น ที่ผู้วิจารณ์ไม่เห็นด้วย (disagreement) พร้อมเหตุผลประกอบว่าทำไมถึงมองว่าเป็นจุดอ่อนหรือไม่เห็นด้วยกับผู้เขียนในประเด็นนั้นๆ</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (๓) ส่วนสรุป (</strong><strong>Conclusion) </strong></p> <p><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </strong>-นำเสนอข้อค้นพบหรือองค์ความรู้ใหม่ทางวิชาการที่ได้จากการวิจารณ์หนังสือหรือบทความวิชาการเรื่องนั้น</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; -กระตุ้นเร้าให้ผู้อ่านเกิดความสนใจในการอ่านหรือศึกษาเพิ่มเติมในเนื้อหาของหนังสือ/บทความวิชาการเรื่องนั้น โดยเฉพาะอาจกระตุ้นว่า ในหนังสือ/บทความเรื่องนั้น มีแง่มุมวิชาการอะไรบ้างที่น่าสนใจและควรไปศึกษาเพิ่มเติม</p> Suchaya Sirithanyaporn Copyright (c) 2024 สุชญา ศิริธัญภร Mon, 26 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 ภาคผนวก <p>ภาคผนวก-ส่วนท้าย</p> Suchaya Sirithanyaporn Copyright (c) 2024 Suchaya Sirithanyaporn Mon, 26 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 front part Songchai Siri Copyright (c) 2024 Songchai Siri Mon, 26 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 ส่วนหน้า วารสารมหาจุฬาวิชาการ ปีที่ ๑๑ ฉบับที่ ๒ (พฤษภาคม สิงหาคม ๒๕๖๗) <p>ส่วนหน้า วารสารมหาจุฬาวิชาการ ปีที่ ๑๑ ฉบับที่ ๒ (พฤษภาคม สิงหาคม ๒๕๖๗)&nbsp;</p> Suchaya Sirithanyaporn Copyright (c) 2024 Suchaya Sirithanyaporn Mon, 26 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Organizational management and Buddhist human resource development <p>This academic article the objective is for organizational management and human resource development with Buddhist principles. Organizational management is important. such as determining job positions Laying out work systems, etc. because good organization will make the various activities of the organization able to reach its goals without difficulty. The Lord Buddha had a vision for determining the chain of command in the organization. What positions are there? What are the duties and responsibilities of each position? Who gives orders to whom according to the line of work? And each position must be able to perform duties that are appropriate to the nature of the job. such as determining the position of ethakkha or morality for each individual. and suitability for the job Buddhist management is an attempt to apply the principles of Buddhism to modern work. This is because Buddhism is a higher abstraction than any modern knowledge. Once the organization is established, we can't stop there. It needs to be updated and changed all the time. It's called organizational development. It can be done in both worldly and religious ways.</p> ปรัชญา บุตรสะอาด Copyright (c) 2024 ปรัชญา บุตรสะอาด Mon, 26 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Buddhism and environmental management <p>This academic article the objective is to study Buddhism and environmental management. It can be said that humans and the environment are related through interdependence to be used as a place for Buddhist practice. and must develop their minds beyond those of ordinary animals Because humans are animals that can develop. and has a duty to treat animals and plants as if they were all involved in birth, aging, sickness, and death together Therefore, humans depend on the environment. and is closely related to the environment until unable to be separated from each other This is because humans are born under the environment. And every type of environment has direct and indirect effects in determining human beings' ability to survive. And humans use the environment as a habitat. To allow themselves to eat well and live well in the environment in which they live.</p> ปรัชญา บุตรสะอาด Copyright (c) 2024 ปรัชญา บุตรสะอาด Mon, 26 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Jataka Studies <p>Jataka talks originated from Buddhist proverb in the Vinaya and the Suttanta scriptures. This text reflects history in the form of legends and fables, called Jataka age. Most of the content story takes place in northern India, which is currently in the area of Pakistan and Afghanistan. Jataka tales tell about the asceticism of the Bodhisattva and the important role of&nbsp; the naga tribe.&nbsp; They explain the Buddhist teaching method by applying the method of transmission like Brahmana way. There is a variety as diverse as Mahayana. The story telling method is suitable to be developed for beginners who are not familiar in the Buddhist teaching in order to move on to the doctrine. &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; In terms of knowledge, the study of Jataka tales gives information about the humanities, social sciences and language aesthetics which the use of words is outstanding in Jataka tales. Many words in the traditional language such as asura, yaksa, naga and deva play a role in the writing of narrative in the Buddhist scriptures such as the Tipitaka and Commentaries.</p> Suchaya Sirithanyaporn Copyright (c) 2024 สุชญา ศิริธัญภร Mon, 26 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Bhikku's Vinaya and Enlightenment in Theravāda Buddhism <p>This academic article aims to analyze the significance of monks' discipline as a crucial element in achieving enlightenment, studying information from the Tripitaka, commentary and ṭīkā.The study's findings reveal that the Monks' Vinaya serves as the code of conduct for monks, consisting of two types: (1) Discipline within the Patimokkha and (2) Discipline outside the Patimokkha. According to Buddhism, the discipline of monks is essential in establishing precepts, which serve as the foundation for virtuous behavior. To attain enlightenment, monks must strictly adhere to this discipline. By doing so, they will cultivate virtuous qualities and be able to develop meditation and wisdom, ultimately leading to enlightenment. Conversely, a lack of discipline among monks results in transgressions that hinder their ability to be reborn in heaven and achieve Nirvana.</p> Phramaha Warantorn Yanakitti Copyright (c) 2024 พระมหาวรัญธรณ์ ญาณกิตฺติ Mon, 26 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Guidelines for Sangha Affairs Administration in Government Area According to 7 Aaparihāniyadhammas: A Case Study of Bang Bo District Samut Prakan Province <p> A Study on the Sangha Affairs Administrative Guidelines in the Government of Bang Bo District Sangha Samut Prakan Province has objectives as follow: (1 ) to study the situation of Sangha affairs administration in the administration of the Sangha in Bang Bo District, Samut Prakan Province (2 ) to study the seven principles of 7 Aparihāniyadhammas appearing in Theravada Buddhist scriptures (3) to study the approaches for the administration of Sangha affairs in relation to the administration of the Sangha According to the principle of 7 Aparihāniyadhammas. This research is qualitative research through studying documents and interviewing key informants, including 15 people.</p> <p> The research results showed that Sangha affairs administration in Bang Bo District Sangha Administration Samut Prakan Province had several weaknesses. For example, each temple had too few meetings. The meeting lacked coherence and the meeting was concluded before the scheduled time. Monks also lacked knowledge and understanding of the Sangha Act, such as a lack of caution in accepting luxury things. Moreover, there were a few new monks in the present. Also, the remaining monks did not pay attention to their studies and were interested in finding knowledge to increase their abilities. However, the research has found that there were principles that can be used to solve the above problems, namely the 7 Aparihāniyadhammas. The 7 Aparihāniyadhammas is an important set of principles in the administration of the Sangha to bring the unity and the prosperity. The guidelines for applying the 7 Aparihāniyadhammas principles in the administration of Sangha affairs in administrative matters are: (1) holding regular meetings, (2) holding meetings in unison, (3 ) giving importance to the study of the Dharma and Vinaya and the Sangha Act, (4) considering the respects of the elder monks as important (5) being cautious when accepting fortune (6) being contents in the four requisites (7) organizing various activities or projects to increase the number of monks and develop existing monks to earn more knowledge. If the Sangha can follow all these recommendations, they will have only prosperity without decline at all.</p> Phravachirathamvithan Sommuk Samahito, Phra Debvajracarya Thiab Siriyāno, Kritsana Raksachom Copyright (c) 2024 พระวชิรธรรมวิธาน สมนึก สมาหิโต, พระเทพวัชราจารย์ เทียบ สิริญาโณ, แม่ชีกฤษณา รักษาโฉม Mon, 26 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 The Networking of Cultural Tourism based on the Buddha’s Footprints in ASEAN Countries : A Case Study of Thailand and Lao <p> This research project had three objectives; 1) to study and analyze the important Buddha’s footprints in Thailand and Lao, 2) to analyze the process of the networking of cultural tourism in Thailand and Lao, and 3) to synthetize the guideline of conservation and development of the Buddha’s footprints to constructive and sustainable connect the networking of cultural tourism in Thailand and Lao. The research methodology was qualitative research with the documentary study and the field study by using observation, in-depth interview the 5 key informants of each places, and focus group discussion. The fields of the research consist of 5 areas: Thailand 4 places and Lao 1 place.</p> <p> The research result was founded that; (1) The 5 important Buddha’s footprints of the field areas had been different background, importance and the development principles corresponding to the concept of networking in 3 dimensions: Management, tourist service, and supporting. And then they correspond to the concept of cultural tourism into these factors: Attraction, accessibility, amenities, accommodation, activities and ancillary service. These factors impacted to the 5 Buddha’s footprints become to be the popular cultural tourism place of local, countries and world based on the Buddha’s footprint. (2) For the process of development of networking cultural tourism in Thai and Lao, it was found that there were the internal potentiality and cooperation with the external organization. These factors impacted to continued development of the Buddha’s footprints both of buildings and contextual places to respond the needs of peoples and organization in local community and tourists both of internal and oversee countries who came to visit in each year. (3) For the guideline of conservation and development of the Buddha’s footprints to constructive and sustainable connect the networking of cultural tourism in Thailand and Lao, it was found that there were the ways of conservation and development into 5 connections: International connection, participative connection, faith connection according to the Buddha travelled around the world, archeological connection, and connection with the world heritage. </p> Pm.Yutthana Narajettho Copyright (c) 2024 Pm.Yutthana Narajettho Mon, 26 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 The Effects of Organizing Mathematics Learning Activities Using Thinking Actively in a Social Context Wheel Model with Journal Writing on Mathematical Problem Solving and Connection Abilities of Mathayomsuksa 3 Students <p> The purposes of this research were to compare mathematical problem solving and connection abilities of Mathayomsuksa 3 students after obtaining organizing mathematics learning activities using thinking actively in a social context wheel model with journal writing with 70 percent criterion. The sample of this study was tested by 29 students in Mathayomsuksa 3/3 students in the second semester of the 2022 academic year at Thachana School. The instruments were 6 lesson plans, a mathematical problem solving ability test (with the reliability of .78) and a mathematical connection ability test (with the reliability of .88). The data were analyzed by arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and t-test for one sample.</p> <p> The results showed that (1) The mathematical problem solving ability of Mathayomsuksa 3 students after obtaining organizing mathematics learning activities by using thinking actively in a social context wheel model with journal writing was higher than 70 percent criterion at .05 level of statistical significance and (2) The mathematical connection ability of Mathayomsuksa 3 students after obtaining organizing mathematics learning activities by using thinking actively in a social context wheel model with journal writing was higher than 70 percent criterion at .05 level of statistical significance.</p> Atthasit Suwanmanee Copyright (c) 2024 อรรถสิทธิ์ สุวรรณมณี Mon, 26 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Guidelines for development the operation e-government procurement by school website under the Phranakhon Si Ayutthaya Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 <p> The purpose of this research were (1) to study the current situation and problems of operation e-government procurement by website (2) to study guidelines for developing the operation e-government procurement by website. There are two steps in the research methodology:1) to study the current situation problems and differences of operation e-government procurement by website. The sample consisted of 112 heads of school supplies officers under the Phranakhon Si Ayutthaya Primary Educational Service Area Office 2, which were obtained from Craigie and Morgan's spreadsheet. The simple random sampling method was applied. by drawing lots A questionnaire was used as the research instruments The reliability of the current condition is 0.98, and the problem condition is 0.99. The percentage, mean, and standard deviation were empkoyed in data analysis. and 2) presenting guidelines for development the operation e-government procurement by website. Purposive sampling method was used to obtain 5 main informants. The research tool was a semi-structured interview applying content analysis. The results of the research were as follows: (1) The overall of the current state of operation e-government procurement by website, was at a high level. While the problematic state of operation e-government procurement by website, was at a moderate level. (2) The guidelines for development the operation e-government procurement by website consisted of 6 aspects and 19 approaches as follows: (1) creating awareness; there are 4 approaches, for example, educational institutions must publicize their personnel to know good results (2) Policy formulation; There are 3 approaches, for example, educational institutions must set up a procurement plan for the yearly budget; (3) creating an atmosphere; there are 4 approaches, for example, educational institutions must create awareness for personnel to realize the importance of their work (4) skill development; there are 3 approaches, for example, educational institutions must provide (5) There are 3 approaches to follow-up on the development skills, for example, educational institutions must set up procurement plans. and follow up on the results according to that plan. (6) There are 2 approaches to report skills development results, for example, educational institutions must prepare an annual summary of procurement results.</p> Sujittra Sanyasan, Chaiyot Dejsura, Teerawat Montaisong Copyright (c) 2024 สุจิตรา สัญญะสาร, ชัยยศ เดชสุระ, ธีระวัฒน์ มอนไธสง Mon, 26 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Guidelines for the Development of Learning Ecosystems of Educational Institutions under the Office of Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Secondary Educational Service Area <p>The purposes of this research were (1) to study the current and desirable conditions of the learning ecosystem of schools under the Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Secondary Educational Service Area Office, (2) to present guidelines for developing the learning ecosystem of schools under the Office of Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Secondary Educational Service Area. Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Secondary Educational Service Area. The research methodology consisted of 2 steps: (1) to study the current and desirable conditions of the learning ecosystem of schools under the Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Secondary Educational Service Area Office. The sample group was school administrators and heads of all 8 groups of learning subjects from 29 educational institutions with a total of ๒๖๑ people. All data were collected everywhere. The research tool was a questionnaire. The reliability was 0.98. The statistics used in data analysis were the mean standard deviation and the need index. (PNI<sub>modified</sub>) (2) Propose guidelines for developing the learning ecosystem of schools under the Office of Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Secondary Educational Service Area. by interviewing 7 experts by specific selection method. The research tool was a semi-structured interview and analyzed the data by using content analysis method.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;The results of the research revealed that (1) the current state of the learning ecosystem of educational institutions as a whole was at a high average level. The desirable condition was at the highest mean level. and demand index Overall, the value was ๐.๑๑. (2) Guidelines for developing the learning ecosystem of educational institutions under the Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Secondary Educational Service Area Office consist of 5 aspects, 18 approaches. They are sorted according to the value of the necessary needs that need to be developed from the first order that needs to be developed as follows: (1) Contextuality There are 3 approaches, for example, educational institutions should provide elective courses or short-term courses that focus on teaching students to Gain professional skills by sourcing local raw materials to make products for sale. sales funnel financial planning for students and parents. (2) In terms of resources, there are 3 approaches, for example, educational institutions should study local communities for local wisdom or interesting knowledge and use them as a source of learning for students. (3) Organizational culture: There are 4 approaches, for example, educational institutions should encourage personnel in the organization to respect each other and give them the opportunity to express their opinions and accept different opinions. Respecting decisions and finding consensus. (4) There are 4 approaches to the learning process, for example, educational institutions must analyze school contexts to keep up with the rapid changes of the world trend. Collecting data for analysis, such as surveying success from student achievement, continuing education in order to plan goals and improve the curriculum to meet the needs of students. (5) Technology: There are 4 approaches, for example, educational institutions should use technology in teaching and learning by supporting technological devices that can appropriately facilitate learning management of teachers and students.</p> Panisa Satthasri, Weeraphat Phattharakul , Achara Niyamabha Copyright (c) 2024 ปาณิศา สัทธศรี, วีรภัทร ภัทรกุล, อัจฉรา นิยมาภา Mon, 26 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Characteristics of School Administrators in the 21th Century affecting the academic administrations of schools under Saraburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 <p> The objectives of this research were to examine (1) the level of Characteristics of School Administrators in the 21th Century, (2) the level of school academic administration, (3) Characteristics of School Administrators in the 21th Century affecting school academic administration. The sample, obtained through simple random sampling, consisted of 285 teachers in the School. The sample size was calculated using the table of Krejcie and Morgan. The research instrument was a set of questionnaires, assessed by Cronbach’s alpha coefficient, with the reliability of 0.99. The statistics for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Pearson's product-moment correlation coefficient, and enter multiple regression analysis. The research findings revealed that: (1) the level of Characteristics of School Administrators in the 21th Century overall and each aspect was at a high level, ranking by mean scores from high to low: morality, networking, Creativity, inspiration, vision, analytical thinking and communication (2) The level of school academic administration overall and each aspect was at a high level, ranking by mean scores from high to low: development of internal quality assurance operations, media development and implementation, teaching and learning management, measurement and assessment, classroom internal supervision and curriculum development (3) Characteristics of School Administrators in the 21th Century of morality, analytical thinking, Creativity and inspiration affected school academic administration with the .01 level of significance, and could predict school academic administration at 86 percent.</p> Asada Tarin, Teerawat Montaisong Copyright (c) 2024 อัษฎา ตารินทร์, ธีระวัฒน์ มอนไธสง Mon, 26 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Supervision Model within Schools in the Digital Age Under the Office of the Basic Education Commission <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </strong>The purposes of this research were 1) to study the supervision components within school in the digital age under the office of basic education commission 2) Create a supervision model within school in the digital age under the office of the basic education commission 3) Evaluate the supervision model within schools in the digital age under the office of basic education commission. There are research step as follows. Step 1 : Studying supervision components within school is the digital age under the office of basic education commission, by studying the document, interview 18 experts. The tool used to collect information documents and semi – structured inteview. Statistics are content analytics. Step 2 : Create a supervision model within schools in the digital age under the office of the basic education commission by a seminar based on 9 experts. The tool used in outline supervision model within schools in the digital age under the office of the basic education commission and supporting document for the seminar by experts. Statistics are content analy tics. Step 3 : Evaluate the supervision model within schools is the digital age under the office of basic education commission , Statistics used were Frequency , percentage and standard deviation.</p> <p>The results showed that : (1) Components of supervision within schools in the digital age it consists of 4 components : 1) Coach and mentoring 2) The use of digital technology in supervision 3) Mutual learning exchange 4) Facilitating factors for supervision within the school (2) The creation a supervision model within schools in the digital age can be summarized as followes : 2.1) The results of building a supervision model within schools in the digital age consisted of 3 pasts : Part 1 Introduction , consists of concepts and theories abouth the (3) 6 supervision model within the digital school and objectives of the supervision model within the digital school. Part 2 Content , consists of eoaching and mentoring , the use of technology in supervision, mutual learning exctange and facilitating factor for supervision within the school and operational guidelines. Part 3 Success condition , consists a part that discribes consideration and what should be done to promote the use of the model for efficiency 2.2) The result of examination the supervision model within schools in the digital age. In conclusion , model confirmation bosed on experts opinions overall ,it’s appropriate. 2.3) The results of evaluation of the appropriateness of the manual for the use of supervision madel within school in the digital age. It was found that all 5 experts agreed that manual was apporpriat at highest level. (3) The sesults of the evaluation of the supervision model within the school in the digital age. It was found that overall the model was accurate at a high level. There is a high level of possibility , is appropriate at a high level and is useful at a high level.</p> <p><strong>Keyword:</strong> Supervision Model ,school, digital age</p> anond metheevarachatra Copyright (c) 2024 อานนท์ เมธีวรฉัตร Mon, 26 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 The study of desirable learning space in kindergarten based on the concept of makerspace. <p>The objective of this research was to study desirable learning space in kindergarten based on the concept of makerspace. This is qualitative research, and the research tool was an interview form by purposive sampling 10 qualified experts in education. The data were analyzed by content analysis. The research results were found that the desired conditions of learning resources in kindergartens according to the concept of inventor's space affect learning outcomes in 3 areas: learner person, innovative co-creator, and active citizen, consisting of (1) space that have characteristics that promote complete development; The four areas are intellectual, physical, emotional, and social. Give children a chance to express their imagination by acting freely. Know how to share, help, and be generous. Follow the rules and agreements laid down. Able to take responsibility for the roles and responsibilities assigned until the goal was achieved. (2) tools are common tools which are harmless for children. There is variety and enough which organized by category use according to the intended purpose and (3) the material supplies are safe for children, toxic-free. Easily found naturally or as leftover materials. There is a wide variety of shapes, textures, and colors.</p> Veeravee Suksantinunt, Sukanya Chaemchoy Copyright (c) 2024 วีรวีร สุขสันตินันท์, สุกัญญา แช่มช้อย Mon, 26 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Moral Quotient, Self-Esteem, and Sexual Risky Behavior of High School Students at a School in Bangkok <p> The purposes of this research were: (1) to study the level of moral quotient, self-esteem, and sexual risky behavior of students; (2) to compare the sexual risky behavior of students by personal factors; (3) to investigate the relationship between moral quotient and sexual risky behavior of students; and (4) to investigate the relationship between self-esteem and sexual risky behavior of students. The sample were 275 high school students at a school in Bangkok; Random by stratified random sampling. Data were collected by questionnaires and were analyzed by statistics package program. The statistics were percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, F-test (One-way ANOVA), Least Significant Difference (LSD) and Pearson's product moment Correlation Coefficient. The statistical significance were set at .05 and .01 level.</p> <p> Results indicated that: (1) Moral quotient, self-esteem of student were at a high level; and sexual risky behavior were at a low level; (2) students with difference in GPA had different sexual risky behavior with statistical significant at .01; (3) Moral quotient was negatively correlated with sexual risky behavior with statistical significance at .01; (4) Self-Esteem was negatively correlated with sexual risky behavior with statistical significance at .01.</p> Jesda Phakhathanasombat; tippavan Surinya Copyright (c) 2024 เจษฎา ภคะธนสมบัติ; ทิพย์วัลย์ สุรินยา Mon, 26 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Guidelines for the Development of Community’s Participation in Educational Information Resource Mobilization of Schools Under Phranakhon Si Ayutthaya Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p> <p><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </strong>The objectives of this research were (1) to study the conditions and problems of community participation in resource mobilization. educational information of educational institutions under the Office of Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Primary Educational Service Area 1(2) to present guidelines for community participation in mobilizing educational information resources of educational institutions under the Office of Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Primary Educational Service Area 1. There are 2 stages of this research, namely: (1) to study the current situation, the problem condition, and the difference of community participation in resource mobilization. educational information of educational institutions. The sample group consisted of 123 schools educational institute administrators and educational institute committees under the Office of Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, obtained from Craigie and Morgan's spreadsheet. The research tool was a questionnaire. Current condition was valuable. Confidence was 0.94 The problem condition had a confidence value of 0.99 Statistics used in data analysis were mean and standard deviation, and (2) presented guidelines for developing community participation in mobilization. educational information resources of educational institutions 5 main informants, obtained by selection method specific example The research tool was a semi-structured interview. and analyzing the data in terms of content.</p> <p>The research results showed that (1) the state of community participation in mobilizing educational information resources of educational institutions under the Office of Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Primary Educational Service Area 1 as a whole was at a high level. of community participation in educational information resource mobilization of educational institutions under Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 as a whole were at low level. Educational information for educational institutions consists of 4 aspects and 11 approaches as follows: (1) Data: there are 4 approaches such as having a meeting by Invite communities to join in to acknowledge the problems and set goals for mobilizing information resources. (2) Peopleware: there are 3 approaches, for example, educational institutions must create good interactions with the community in order to reach the community more. (3) Software: There are 2 approaches, for example, inviting community representatives who have knowledge or have a network of materials to join. Discussion meeting to propose opinions on mobilizing information resources on materials. (4) Hardware: There are 2 approaches, for example, educational institutions must report problems and necessities of mobilizing equipment resources. To involve the community in shaping or defining the nature of an activity or project.</p> Chatchasa Jompathip, Chaiyot Dejsura, Pornthep Ruphan Copyright (c) 2024 ชัชชษา จำปาทิพย์, ชัยยศ เดชสุระ, พรเทพ รู้แผน Mon, 26 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Guidelines for the development of learning management in the learning loss of students in schools under the Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 <p> The purpose of this research were to study current state and learning management problems in the learning loss of school students and to present a guideline for developing learning management in learning loss among school students. The research methodology consisted of 2 steps: 1. To study current conditions and problems of learning management in learning loss among school students. under the Office of Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Primary Educational Service Area 2. The sample group was school administrators. or acting in an executive position 175 educational institutes and head teachers, obtained from Craigie and Morgan's table. The tool used was a questionnaire. The current condition had a confidence value of 0.804. The problem condition had a confidence value of 0.99 The statistics used to analyze the data were mean and standard deviation, and (2) presented guidelines for developing learning management in learning loss among students in school. The main informants were 6 persons who were obtained by purposive sampling method. The research tool was a semi-structured interview. and content analysis.</p> <p> The research findings were as follows: (1) the current state of learning management in learning loss among students in Overall, it was at a high level. The problem of organizing learning in the learning loss of school students The overall level was at low level. (2) Guidelines for learning management development in the learning loss of students in schools consisted of 5 aspects, 29 approaches as follows: activity Forms and evaluation methods (2) Creating participation in learning management, there are 6 approaches. For example, a parent meeting to jointly solve problems and proceed to prepare or providing training learning development media (3) learning environment arrangement (4) Upgrading learning management by using technology There are 5 approaches, such as providing modern educational technology media equipment such as cabinets. genius for searching Uninet rooms, tablets, televisions, etc. (5) Learning management for individual students, there are 5 approaches such as visiting students' houses to study problem conditions, analyzing students. Prepare learning development plans for individual students and develop a variety of learning channels.</p> Pimanee Ritthisorn, Chaiyot Dejsura, Pornthep Rupan Copyright (c) 2024 ปิ่นมณี ฤทธิศร, ชัยย เดชสุระ, พรเทพ รู้แผน Mon, 26 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Dependency, Self-Esteem, and Depression of The Elderly at Thakanon Sub-D District, Kiriratnikom District in Suratthani Province <p> The purposes of this research were<strong>: (</strong>1<strong>) </strong>to study the level of dependency, self<strong>- </strong>esteem and depression of the elderly, <strong>(</strong>2<strong>) </strong>to compare depression of the older persons by personal factors, <strong>(</strong>3<strong>) </strong>to study the relationship between dependency and depression of the elderly, and <strong>(</strong>4<strong>) </strong>to study the relationship between self<strong>- </strong>esteem and dependency of the elderly<strong>. </strong>Sample of this study were 308 of older person at Thakanon Sub <strong>– </strong>district, Kirirathnikom in Suratthani Provinece, were selected by stratified random sampling<strong>. </strong>The research tools were questionnaires and analyzed by package statistical program<strong>. </strong>The statistical methods were percentage, mean, standard deviation, t <strong>– </strong>test, F <strong>– </strong>test <strong>(</strong>one way ANOVA<strong>)</strong>, multiple comparisons <strong>(</strong>LSD<strong>) </strong>(Least Significant Difference) and Pearson<strong>’</strong>s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient<strong>. </strong>The statistical significance level was at <strong>.</strong>05<strong>. </strong>and <strong>.</strong>01 level.</p> <p> The results of the study were as follows<strong>: (</strong>1<strong>) </strong>depression was at a low level, dependency was at a moderate level and self<strong>-</strong>esteem was at a high level, <strong>(</strong>2<strong>) </strong>the elderly with different age, marital status, congenital disease, residence, and income had differences in depression with statistical significance at <strong>.</strong>05, <strong>(</strong>3<strong>) </strong>dependency was positively correlated with depression with statistical significance at <strong>.</strong>01, and<strong> (</strong>4<strong>) </strong>Self<strong>-</strong>Esteem was negatively correlated with depression with statistical significance at <strong>.</strong>01<strong>. </strong>level.</p> Kariya Wichain Copyright (c) 2024 การิยะ วิเชียร Mon, 26 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Four Brahmavihara, Family Relationship and Psychological Well-being of People at Ladphrao District, Bangkok <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; The objectives of this research were to: 1) study the levels of Four Brahmavihara, family relationship and psychological well-being of people at of Ladphrao District, Bangkok; 2) compare psychological well-being of people at of Ladphrao District, Bangkok by personal factors; 3) study the relationship between four Brahmavihara and psychological well-being of people at &nbsp;Ladphrao District, Bangkok; and4) study the relationship between family relationships and psychological well-being of people at of Ladphrao District, Bangkok. The samples were consisted of 400 working age people at of Ladphrao District, Bangkok. Data were collected by questionnaires. Data analysis used by a statistical package program. The statistical methods used by percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, F-test and Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient. Results showed that: 1) four Brahmavihara, family relationships and psychological well-being of people at of Ladphrao District, Bangkok were the relatively high level; 2) the people at of Ladphrao District, Bangkok had difference in sex, occupation, income-expense balance and traveling to work had difference psychological well-being with statistically significant at .05 level; 3) four Brahmavihara positively related to psychological well-being of working age people at of Ladphrao District, Bangkok with statistically significance at .01 level; and 4) family relationships positively related to psychological well-being of working age people at of Ladphrao District, Bangkok with statistically significance at .01 level.</p> Mai Penboon Copyright (c) 2024 ใหม่ เพ็ญบุญ Mon, 26 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 The Approach of Academic Affairs Management after Spreading Coronavirus disease 2019 Of School Under Saraburi primary Educational Service Area 1 <p>The objectives of this research were to: (1) study existing and desirable academic administration in the post COVID-19 situations at schools under the Saraburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, and (2) propose guidelines for academic administration in the post COVID-19 situations at these schools. A sample of 374 was randomly selected from administrators and teachers of the schools.&nbsp; The research tools were a questionnaire with the reliability of 0.97 and a semi-structured interview schedule.&nbsp; The statistics used were mean, standard deviation, and priority need indexes.</p> <p><strong>The results were</strong> (1) existing academic administration at the schools in the post COVID-19 situations, both overall and individual aspects, were at the high level, while those of desirable academic administration were at the very high levels; and&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; (2) guidelines for academic administration on the post COVID-19 situation at these schools, based on the found priority needs, were: for the aspect of curriculum development, conciseness and relevance to the post COVID19 situations should be considered, for the aspect of learning management, administrators and teachers should cooperatively adjust learning management and achievement evaluation criteria to be in lines with the curriculum objectives, and for the aspect of development and usage of educational technology, the administrators should provide workshops on applications, emphasizing equal accessibility of all students, to the teachers and the educational personnel.</p> Supee Lothaisong, Achara Niyamabha, Weeraphat Phattharakul Copyright (c) 2024 สุภีร์ โลไธสง, อัจฉรา นิยมาภา, วีรภัทร ภัทรกุล Mon, 26 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Influencing Factors on Intention to Use AI Hotel of Thai Tourists <p> This research aimed to study the influencing factors on the intention of using AI hotels of Thai tourists. A questionnaire was used as a tool to collect data from 421 samples who traveled and used hotel service with convenience sampling. The statistics used to analyze the data were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and analysis of structural equations.</p> <p> The findings found that the attitude and subjective norm influenced the intention of using AI hotel with statistically significant at the .01 level, respectively. The perceived ease of use and technology perceived benefit affect the attitudes statistically significant at the .01 level, respectively. Technology anxiety had a negative effect on the attitude with a statistically significant at the .01 level, and the perceived ease-of-use had a statistically significant effect on the perceived benefit of technology with a statistically significant at the .01 level. While the adherence factor was statistically significant at the .01 level. The stickiness to traditional service does not affect attitude factors and does not affect the intention of using AI hotel.</p> Chattayaporn Samerjai Copyright (c) 2024 ฉัตยาพร เสมอใจ Mon, 26 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Guideline of New Normal Academic Administrative of Schools under Phranakron Si Ayutthaya Primary Education Service Area Office 2 <p> The objectives of this study “Guideline of New Normal Academic Administrative of Schools under Phranakron Si Ayutthaya Primary Education Service Area Office 2 were (1) to study the problems and desirable conditions of the new normal academic administration of Schools under Phranakron Si Ayutthaya Primary Education Service Area Office 2 (2) to present a new approach to academic administration of Schools under Phranakron Si Ayutthaya Primary Education Service Area Office 2. The group of informants are School administrators or Acting Director and Head of Academic Department from Schools under Phranakron Si Ayutthaya Primary Education Service Area Office 2 total 175 people by using questionnaire data collection estimation scale. Analyze data by using frequency determination, percentage value, average, standard deviation and Director of Educational Service Area Office Director of Personnel Development Group or Deputy Director of Personnel Development Group Director of the Supervisory Education Group or deputy director of the supervisory education group school director duty teacher with experience in the academic department under Phranakron Si Ayutthaya Primary Education Service Area Office 2, total 5 people by using interview method, group chat with representative sample. Collect information by using content analysis to present in tabular and colloquial form.</p> <p> The results of the study found that.(1) The layout of The Guideline of educational management in a new way of learning (New Normal) under Phranakron Si Ayutthaya Primary Education Service Area Office 2, found that the overview is in high level, maximum average is in high level, the reflections from the teachers, parents, students and community in learning.(2) The Guideline of educational management in a new way of learning (New Normal)under Phranakron Si Ayutthaya Primary Education Service Area Office 2. The results of the study were 6 approaches. 1) Curriculum management in new way of learning. 2) Teacher development in new way of learning. 3) Teaching management in new way of learning. 4) Evaluation in new way of learning. 5) The reflections from the teachers, parents, students, and community in learning. 6) The resource management in new way of learning.</p> Tawanporn Supalert, Teerawat Montaisong Copyright (c) 2024 ธวัลพร ศุภเลิศ, ธีระวัฒน์ มอนไธสง Mon, 26 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 An Analytical Study of the Enlightenment of the Foremost Bhikkhunis in Theravãda Buddhism : A Case Study of Kĩsa Gotami, Patฺãcãrã and Kunฺdฺalakesĩ <p>In this paper, three objectives were purposely made: (1) to study the enlightenment &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;in the scriptures of Theravada Buddhism; (2) to study the history of Kĩsa Gotamĩ, Patฺãcãrã, &nbsp;and Kunฺdฺalakesĩ who were given the foremost in Theravada Buddhism; and (3) to analyze the enlightenment of Bhikkhunĩs who were given the foremost in Theravada Buddhism by which a case study of Kĩsa Gotamĩ, Patฺãcãrã, and Kunฺdฺalakesĩ &nbsp;was purposively chosen. This research employed the documentary research methodology done by studying the exceptional examples of the mentioned three Bhikkhunĩs who were given the foremost out of thirteen ones and then the contents analysis was also done through the descriptive method respectively.</p> <p>The research findings showed that: 1) the enlightenment in Theravada Buddhism is defined as enlightenment in the level of Lokuttara<em>-dhamma</em> (nine supermundane states), comprising of four kinds of <em>Magga</em> (the four paths), four kinds of <em>Phala</em> (the four fruitions), and <em>Nibbãna </em>accordingly. In these states, through insight and tranquil meditation, the noble ones are able to get rid of<em> tanฺhã</em> (craving), <em>kilesa</em> (defilements), and<em> samฺyojana</em> (fetters), and thereby realizing <em>Ariyasacca</em> (the four noble truths), 2) the history of Therĩs, Kĩsa Gotamĩ, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Patฺãcãrã, and Kunฺdฺalakesĩ who were given the foremost in Theravada Buddhism shows that in the time of the Buddha named ‘Patumitta’ they had the intention to ordain and thereby wishing to be given the foremost and their wish was complete in the time of Gotama Buddha, 3) in analyzing the enlightenment of Bhikkhunĩs who were given the foremost in Theravada Buddhism, it also shows that Kĩsã Gotami became enlightened through contemplation of the flickering lights and received the title <em>Lũkhacĩvaradharãnamฺ</em> (foremost wearers of coarse robes); Patฺãcãrã became enlightened through contemplation of the water that she used to wash her feet three times and received the title <em>Vinayadhãrikã</em> (foremost keeper of the monastic disciplinary rules among the nuns), and Kunฺdฺalakesĩ became enlightened through contemplation of flowing water and received the title <em>Khippãbhiññã </em>(foremost nun in quick deep knowledge). The extraordinary qualities of the three Therĩs were of four kinds of <em>Patฺisambhidã</em> (the four ways of discriminating knowledge), eight kinds of <em>Vimokkha</em> (the eight states of liberation), and six kinds of <em>Abhiññã </em>(the sixfold super knowledge).</p> sathitaporn kasiphan, Kritsana Raksachom, Orachorn Kraichakr Copyright (c) 2024 sathitaporn kasiphan, Kritsana Raksachom, Orachorn Kraichakr Mon, 26 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Digital Leadership of School Administrators under Chonburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; This research aimed to 1) study the attitudes toward the digital leadership of school administrators&nbsp; according to the teachers’ perceptions under Chonburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 and 2) to compare the level of the digital leadership of school administrators according to the teachers’ perceptions under Chonburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 which classified according to the education background, work experiences, and school sizes. The samples of this research were 306 teachers in Chonburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. The research tool is a 5-point rating scale with content validity of 0.80 – 1.00 and reliability rate of 0.983. The statistical tools were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, T-test, One Way Anova, and compare pairs by Scheffe's post hoc comparison method.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The results are as follows ; 1.The teachers’ attitude toward the digital leadership of the school administrators according to the teachers’ perceptions under Chonburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 was at a high level. 2.The comparison of the teachers’ perceptions of the digital leadership of school administrators under Chonburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 2.1) Teachers with different levels of education perceive the digital leadership of school administrators under Chonburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, overall and in each aspect are not different. 2.2) Teachers with different work experiences perceive the digital leadership of school administrators under Chonburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, overall and in each aspect are not different. 2.3) And teachers who work in different school sizes perceive the digital leadership of school administrators under Chonburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, overall and in each aspect are different. There was statistically significant at the .05 level.</p> Kiettisak Chomphurat Copyright (c) 2024 Kiettisak Chomphurat Mon, 26 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 The Relationship Between Transformational Leadership Of School Administrators And The Working Motivation Of Teachers Under The Office Of The Private Education Commission Kanchanaburi <p> The purposes of the research were to study transfor­mational leadership of schools administrators, the working motivation of teachers, and the relationship between transformational leadership of schools administrators and the working motivation of teachers in basic education schools under the office of The Private Education Commission Kanchanaburi. The sample consisted of 252 teachers in schools under the office of The Private Education Commission Kanchanaburi, selected by using stratified random sampling according to educational area. The research instrument was a 5-level rating scale questionnaire with content validity at 1.00 and reliability at 0.98. The statistics employed for data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient. The statistical significance level at 0.05.</p> <p> The results of the research found that : (1) Transformational leadership of schools administrator under the office of The Private Education Commission Kanchanaburi was overall and each aspect at highest level, ranking in the order of mean from high to low as inspiration, idealized influence, intellectual stimulation and individualism. (2) The working motivation of teachers under the office of The Private Education Commission Kanchanaburi was overall and each aspect at highest level, ranking in the order of mean from high to low as achievement, work itself, interpersonal relation, responsibility, advancement, working conditions, recognition, policy and administration, supervision and salary. (3) The relationship between transformational leadership of schools administrators and the working motivation of the teachers under the office of The Private Education Commission Kanchanaburi, overall and in each aspect, showed a statistically significant and positive result, at a high level.</p> Supawadee Junsawang, Mitparnee Pumklom, Pongsak Ruamchomrat Copyright (c) 2024 สุภาวดี จันทร์สว่าง, มิตภาณี พุ่มกล่อม, พงษ์ศักดิ์ รวมชมรัตน์ Mon, 26 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Guidelines for distance education via satellite According to the Buddhist principles of School network group 4, Mueang Nakhon Sawan District Nakhon Sawan Province (Pak Nam Pho Network) Nakhon Sawan Primary Educational Service Area Office District 1 <p>Abstract</p> <p>The objectives of this study were: 1) to study the status of the management of the distance education VIA Satellite (DLTV) of School Network Group 4, Mueang Nakhon Sawan District, Nakhon Sawan Province (Pak Nam Pho Network), Nakhon Sawan Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, and 2) to make the guidelines for the management of the distance education VIA Satellite (DLTV) of School Network Group 4, Mueang Nakhon Sawan District, Nakhon Sawan Province (Pak Nam Pho Network), Nakhon Sawan Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. This research applied Mixed Methods Research consisting of Qualitative Research and Quantitative Research. The sample was 115 administrators and teachers from 11 schools in School Network Group 4, Mueang Nakhon Sawan District, Nakhon Sawan Province (Pak Nam Pho Network), and 9 key informants. The research instruments were the questionnaire and the Semi-structured Interviews.&nbsp; The data analysis used content analysis. The statistics used frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation.</p> <p><strong>The research results were as follows:</strong></p> <p>(1) The status of the management of the distance education VIA Satellite (DLTV) of School Network Group 4, Mueang Nakhon Sawan District, Nakhon Sawan Province (Pak Nam Pho Network), Nakhon Sawan Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 found that overall, it was at a high level. When considering each aspect, it was found that planning, operation, evaluation, and improvement were at a high level. (2) The guidelines for the management of the distance education VIA Satellite (DLTV) of School Network Group 4, Mueang Nakhon Sawan District, Nakhon Sawan Province (Pak Nam Pho Network), Nakhon Sawan Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 consisted of the 1<sup>st</sup> aspect was the planning: the administrators motivated the personnel and related people in planning, made the understanding, realized the importance and advantage of teaching and learning, and set policies, vision, and mission in promoting the teaching and learning management together by the distance education VIA Satellite to the implementation together, the 2<sup>nd</sup> aspect was the operation: the administrators shared the work for the personnel suitably to the knowledge, capability, and skill useful to develop the teachers and personnel, made the realization and understanding in the teaching and learning management, set vision or strategies, provide the committee for helping, solving the problems, or supporting the teaching and learning management by the distance education VIA Satellite of the schools, the 3nd aspect was the evaluation: the teachers and students specified the pattern and method of evaluation together, the administrators should provide the community activities or learning society, evaluate the projects and activities in the teaching and learning management at least once a year, and evaluate the application of the knowledge for developing the teachers and personnel in the teaching and learning management by the distance education VIA Satellite at least once a year, and the 4<sup>th</sup> aspect was the improvement: the administrators and teachers developed the system of DLTV teaching and learning continuously and systematically together, improve the distance education VIA Satellite with the information from evaluating the distance education VIA Satellite by analyzing the strength and the development, and exchanged and learnt the results of internal supervision for the planning and development.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: distance education via satellite ; the Buddhist principles; Pak Nam Pho Network</p> anond metheevarachatra Copyright (c) 2024 อานนท์ เมธีวรฉัตร Mon, 26 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 การบริหารงานวิชาการที่ส่งผลต่อคุณภาพผู้เรียนโรงเรียนขนาดเล็กสังกัด สำนักงานเขตพื้นที่การศึกษาประถมศึกษาราชบุรี เขต ๑ <p>This research article aims to (1) study academic administration in small schools. Under the Office of Ratchaburi Primary Educational Service Area 1 (2) studied the quality of education of learners in small schools. under the Office of Ratchaburi Primary Educational Service Area 1 (3) studied academic administration that affects the quality of learners in small schools. Under the Office of Ratchaburi Primary Education Service Area 1&nbsp; This research is a quantitative research. The population used was the director of the school. Head of Academic Department, 98 teachers. Collected data by using a questionnaire. Data were analyzed by mean, percentage, frequency distribution. standard deviation and the Pearson correlation coefficient</p> <p>The results of the research revealed that (1) academic administration in small schools. Under the Office of Ratchaburi Primary Educational Service Area 1, the overall level was at a high level. in terms of development and use of educational technology media had the highest average (2) the quality of the students of small schools Under the Office of Ratchaburi Primary Educational Service Area 1 in the overall picture was at a high level. in which the learners have virtues Ethics and desirable values had the highest averages (3) academic administration contributed to the quality of learners. small school under the Office of Ratchaburi Primary Educational Service Area 1 found that academic administration in terms of curriculum development in educational institutions development of the learning process development and promotion of learning resources education supervision Affecting the quality of students in small schools and (4) the results of the normal multiple regression analysis (Enter Multiple Regression Analysis) of academic administration affecting the quality of learners in small schools. Under the Office of Ratchaburi Primary Educational Service Area 1, the test results showed that Quality of learners in small schools describe the variance of The overall subject administration was 60.66 percent with a statistical significance level of .05.</p> ผุสดี คำเพราะ Copyright (c) 2024 ผุสดี คำเพราะ Mon, 26 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Speech Act for Breaking Up a Romantic Relationship in Thai <p>This research has two objectives: (1) to study language strategies to break up a romantic relationship of Thai native speakers and (2) to analyze factors affecting their use of the language strategies concerning gender differences. The Discourse Completion Test (DCT) was applied and distributed to 40 Thai native speakers: 20 male and 20 female. The data were collected through written responses and interviews. The research results found that the speech act for breaking up the romantic relationship would be found in three situations that were (1) the situation in which the speaker believed that the listener was the offender; (2) the situation in which the speaker admitted that he or she was the wrongdoer; and (3) the situation in which the speaker thought that both the speaker and the listener were wrong. Among these three situations, male speakers were most likely to use the speech act to break up their romantic relationship in the situation 3 while the female speakers were in the situation 1. Besides, there were two patterns of speech act the speakers applied to end their romantic relationship with another person including (1) breakup speech pattern that clearly stated the word “break up” using nine language strategies such as clearly stating an intention to break up, apologizing, self-condemnation and blaming others, and (2) breakup speech pattern that avoided mentioning the word “break up” which was based on eight language strategies that were blessings, apologizing and self-condemnation as examples.</p> Kuntika Chapimon Copyright (c) 2024 กุณฑิกา ชาพิมล Mon, 26 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Influence of Personal Factors, Self-Efficacy, and Social Support toward Self-Determination of Undergraduate Music Performance Students in Bangkok Metropolitan Region <p> These objectives of the research were (1) the differences in self-determination among undergraduate music performance students based on personal factors, such as age, academic year, and instrument type (2) the relationships between self-efficacy and social support with self-determination among undergraduate music performance students and (3) the influence of personal factors, self-efficacy, and social support on students' self-determination. The research employed a quantitative research design with a sample of 562 undergraduate music performance students from various music institutions in Bangkok Metropolitan Region. Data were collected using questionnaires, and statistical analysis included percentage, mean, standard deviation, one-way ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and stepwise multiple regression analysis.</p> <p> The findings of the research revealed the following: (1) There were significant differences in self-determination among music students with varying ages, academic years, and instrument types. (2) Self-efficacy and social support had significant positive relationships with self-determination among music students at a statistically significant level of .01. (3) Self-efficacy, social support, and academic years collectively predicted 69.10% of the variance in students' self-determination.</p> Chanassanan Garaipoom, Theerapat Wongkumsin Copyright (c) 2024 ชนัสนันท์ การัยภูมิ, ธีรพัฒน์ วงศ์คุ้มสิน Mon, 26 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 BUDDHIST PERSPECTIVE ON PREVENTION OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE BY THE COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION <p>This research has 3 objectives i.e., (1) to study dharma principle relating to participation pursuant to the dharma principles in Buddhism; (2) to study nature of problems and obstacles in operation of the pilot community in prevention of domestic violence and (3) to study the community’s participation in prevention of domestic violence pursuant to the dharma principles in Buddhism.&nbsp; This research utilizes qualitative research by documentary research and in-depth interview to various key informants comprising with the state agencies’ officials and officials being subordinate to Maung Nang Rong Municipality, Buriram province, the community mainstay, dwellers in the community, abbot and volunteer in the community involving in prevention of the problem of domestic violence for total 10 people.</p> <p>The research’s findings include several significant dharma principles in Buddhism relating to participation are Iddhipãda 4, Brahmavihãra 4, dharma principle in Aggaññasuttamฺ, &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sanํgahavatthu 4 and Sãranĩyadhamma 6.The operation of this regard in the community has encountered a number of important problems and obstacles i.e., problem of the community members’ attitudes, problem of delay in notification of the domestic violence incident and problem of the recidivism of violence. The researcher applies two significant dharma principles in Buddhism, Sanํgahavatthu 4 and Sãranĩyadhamma 6 in the analysis to find relevant ways of the community’s participation in prevention of domestic violence pursuant to dharma principles in Buddhism i.e., there should be watchdog of violence incident in the family and the community, provision of mutual assistance in form of multi-disciplinary network, verbal warning and advice, training to the community members, use of speaking skill by the community leader in mediation of disputes, benevolence and mutual help in the community e.g., various volunteers in the community, sharing among community members, deportment as good role model, aware of role and duties of oneself, regularly joining in activities with the community members and collectively abiding by law and following existing guideline of the community.</p> Nirumon Rattanarat, Phramaha Somboon Vudฺdhikaro, Orachorn Kraichakr Copyright (c) 2024 นิฤมน รัตนะรัต, พระมหาสมบูรณ์ วุฑฺฒิกโร, อรชร ไกรจักร์ Mon, 26 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 A Study Of Anger Suspension Stratagem As In The Visuddhimagga Scripture <p>This qualitative research consists of three objectives namely:- 1) To study concept of anger in Buddhist Scriptures; 2) To study anger suspension stratagem as in the <em>Visuddhi Magga</em> Scripture; and 3) To study of anger suspension stratagem as in the <em>Visuddhi Magga </em>Scripture.</p> <p>The findings revealed that, the anger that appears in the scriptures about is the anger to commit an offense, dissatisfaction, resentment, when experiencing non-pleasantness emotion such as mind and matter, sound, smell, taste, touch, etc. They will burn that person’s heart to the point of causing him to commit various unwholesome deeds, whether physical, verbal or mental. When that is the case, it affects oneself, others and society to suffer like a wildfire that burns. Therefore, there are nine causes of anger: vengeance by thinking that this person has done something that is not beneficial to us, etc. When it does, it will make the mind sinful and unwholesome. If there is more strength, it becomes a reservation, revengefulness, illwill, eventually.</p> <p>Therefore, A Study of Anger according to the <em>Visuddhi Magga</em> Scripture consists of these things: first, the meaning of anger, second, the nature of anger, third, the cause of anger, and finally, how to suppress anger. The Suppression Stratagem of Anger consists of 10 factors, namely:- first, the way to get rid of anger by entering into compassionate contemplation, contemplating the teachings of the Buddha, optimism, teaching oneself, considering one’ s own and others’ karma, and considering the Buddha’ s conduct in the past, considering relationships in round of rebirth, consideration of benefits of the merits, consideration of separation of elements, and finally the distribution of things. They are choosing to consider how to suspension stratagem of anger in order until the anger subsides.</p> <p>‎Accordingly, the 10 methods of anger suspension stratagem as in the <em>Visuddhi Magga</em> Scripture can be analyzed with the 3 methods of abandoning defilements as follows:&nbsp; The way to get rid of anger by entering into mercy on the<em> Jh</em><em>ā</em><em>na</em> is classified as&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <em>Vikkhambhana Pah</em><em>āna</em>&nbsp; is&nbsp; extinction by suppression. The rest of the methods are the consideration of the Buddha’s teachings, the optimism, the teaching of oneself, the consideration of one’s own and others’ karma, the consideration of the Buddha’s conduct in the past, the consideration of the relationship in Samsara, the consideration of the benefits of <em>Mettā</em>, consideration of separation of elements, distribution of things, these are considered as <em>Tadaṅga Pah</em><em>āna,</em> by choosing to consider the method of suspension respectively. Absolutely, <em>Samuccheda</em> <em>Pah</em><em>āna,</em> the practitioner must practice<em> Samatha. Kammaṭṭhāna</em> finally gained <em>Jhāna</em> and prospered <em>Vipassanā. Kammaṭṭhāna</em> until the attainment of <em>Anāgāmī</em> can be renounced <em>Paṭigha</em> (repulsion, irritation, and grudge).</p> พระมหากฤษดา โอภาโส Copyright (c) 2024 พระมหากฤษดา โอภาโส Mon, 26 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700