MCU Haripunchai Review 2024-06-30T13:40:19+07:00 ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ ดร.เสน่ห์ ใจสิทธิ์ Open Journal Systems <p>&nbsp;</p> <div class="journal-description"> <p>&nbsp;</p> </div> <section class="cmp_announcements media"><header class="page-header"></header></section> Development of an internal quality assurance system model of Wat Chiang Yuen Municipal School 2024-04-10T05:02:31+07:00 Seri Pinchai Chalee Pakdee Phramaha Sakun Mahaviro, Asst. Prof. Dr. <p>This research aimed to develop the model for an internal quality assurance system of Wat Chiang Yuen Municipality School. This study was a research and development (R&amp;D), the target group totaled 45 people. Research tools included observations, interviews, quizzes and questionnaire by collecting both quantitative and qualitative data. Statistics used in data analysis, including content analysis, mean, and standard deviation and presentation the results by description.</p> <p> <strong>The research results indicated that</strong></p> <p> 1) All personnel had knowledge, understanding and realizing the importance and necessity of educational quality assurance by having appointment of working group, determination of the educational quality assurance, but there was still a lack of clear participation in every system.</p> <p> 2) The model development of an internal quality assurance of Wat Chiang Yuen Municipal School consisted of 6 steps as follows: 1) study and preparation 2) educational quality assurance planning 3) implementing the educational quality assurance plan 4) Check and review 5) Development and improvement of standards 6) Preparation for evaluation from external organizations.</p> <p> 3) As a result of using the internal quality assurance system model on all 6 aspects, all teachers had more confidence, received continuous supervision, confident and ready for the Office of Standards Certification and Educational Quality Assessment.</p> <p> 4) The satisfaction assessment results of the development model of the internal quality assurance system of Wat Chiang Yuen Municipal School found that the mean and standard deviation of satisfaction of those involved with the process of developing the internal quality insurance system model of Wat Chiang Yuen Municipal School classified by aspect, it was found that overall there was the highest level of satisfaction.</p> 2024-06-26T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 MCU Haripunchai Review Buddhism innovation E-learning English media for the Vipassana meditation retreat in new normal society 2023-05-20T07:55:53+07:00 Phrakhu Kovit Attawate (Udon Saengkaew) Phairin Na Wanna) Nareupan Somcharoen Sanae Jaisit Chantaras Tapuling <p>The objectives of this research article are 1) to study the principles of Vipassana meditation according to the principles The four foundations of mindfulness 2) Develop the principles for practicing Vipassana meditation according to the four foundations of mindfulness into an English format. 3) Develop an innovative Buddhist knowledge set using English e-learning media for practicing meditation according to the four foundations of mindfulness. The Four Foundations of Satipatthana and 4) Publish a set of innovative Buddhist knowledge on e-learning media in English for the practice of Vipassana meditation according to the Four Foundations of Satipatthana. It is qualitative research. and workshop Use in-depth interviews with 20 key informants or people to conduct inductive analysis. action research The experimental group was used. Undergraduate students of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University Lamphun Sangha College, 15 monks/person</p> <p> <strong>The research results found that</strong></p> <ol> <li>Principles of Vipassana meditation practice based on the four principles of mindfulness. It was found that the beginning stage of practice It specifies 4 postures, which are the main postures, namely standing, walking, sitting, and lying down mindfully. Before practicing Vipassana, the mind should be calmed by practicing Samatha meditation first.</li> <li>The development of the principles of Vipassana meditation and the four mindfulness principles into an English format was found to be at a high level overall.</li> <li>The development of innovative Buddhist knowledge sets using English e-learning media for the practice of Vipassana meditation according to the four principles of mindfulness was found to be at a high level overall. Satisfied with the teaching format on the website Overall it is at a high level.</li> <li>Dissemination of innovative Buddhist knowledge sets, e-learning media in English for the practice of Vipassana meditation, the four principles of mindfulness. It was found that it was disseminated through meditation teaching activities. and the practice of Vipassana meditation at Lamphun Sangha College and disseminate knowledge through online media</li> </ol> 2024-06-26T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 MCU Haripunchai Review An An analytical study of the environment of fully enlightened layman in Buddhism 2023-10-06T14:27:23+07:00 kumnoi Janjang Phrakhu Kovit Attawate (Udon Saengkaew) <p>The research study titled "An Analytical Study of the Environment of Fully Enlightened Layman in Buddhism" aims to address two main objectives: 1) to study the historical emergence of fully enlightened laymen as depicted in the Tipitaka, and 2) to analyze the environmental conditions conducive to the attainment of enlightenment among layman in Buddhism Content analysis.</p> <p><strong>The research findings reveal that </strong></p> <p>1)The process of attaining enlightenment is a cultivation of wisdom for understanding the Four Noble Truths and realizing the Dhamma. This attainment is classified into four categories: Sotapanna, Sakadagami, Anagami, and Arahat. In the time of Buddha, there were laymen who achieved these stages of enlightenment as described in the Tipitaka. Such individuals included King Suddhodana, King Bimbisara, Anathapindika, Visakha Upasika, Cittagahapati upasaka, and Ugga householder. Each individual's path to enlightenment varied based on their past and present karmic conditions and their commitment to the main principles, which include the Four Noble Truths and Samyojana principles.</p> <p>2)Regarding the analysis of the environmental factors conducive to the attainment of enlightenment, it was found that the internal environment required for a layman to attain enlightenment includes abstaining from heavy karma, desire, and retribution, while cultivating saddhā, chanda, and paññā. The external environmental factors include the political and legal aspects. In the Buddha's time, there were no laws restricting religious practices, making it easier for laymen to access Buddhism. Additionally, a favorable economic environment supported the pursuit of knowledge, along with societal and cultural aspects. Despite the influence of superstitious beliefs, the Buddha aimed to reform and emphasize knowledge and conduct as determinants of one's spiritual progress, irrespective of one's lineage, caste, or place of birth. It is the combination of knowledge and conduct, the individual's way of life that enables laymen to attain enlightenment.</p> 2024-06-28T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 MCU Haripunchai Review Role of Local Governon in Preventing and Solving the Smog Problem in Phichai Subdistrict, Mueang District, Lampang Province 2023-05-21T07:45:55+07:00 Panisara Theprak วิเศษ Wises Phrakhrusophon Phonprariyatsuthee <p>The purposes of this research were 1) to examine the situation of smog problem at Phichai Subdistrict, Mueang District, Lampang Province; 2) to explore the role of local governor in preventing and resolving the smog problem at Phichai Subdistrict, Mueang District, Lampang Province; and 3) to propose the guideline for promoting the role of local governor in preventing and resolving smog problem according to the Brahmavihāra. This study was a qualitative research method using in-depth interviews with 25 key informants and descriptive content analysis.</p> <p><strong>The result revealed that:</strong></p> <p>1) The causes of smog from forest fires can be divided into two causes, including (1) from the human actions that hunter-gatherer and burning the farm in preparation for planting; and (2) from nature of extreme heat and branches rub against each other to be the forest fires. The smog problem had affected to health, air quality, global warming, and ecosystem changes. </p> <p>2) The roles of local governor in preventing and resolving the smog problem found that (1) the ideal roles: the local governor had the role in performing duties, the community representation to receive government policies to implement; (2) the realistic role: the local governor had actually done for solving and protecting of forest fires and smog; and (3) the performed roles: the local governor did not perform duties that prevented them from achieving their goals.</p> <p>3) The application of the Brahmavihāra (sublime states of mind) to promote the role of local governor in preventing and resolving the smog problems found that: Loving-kindness (Mettā), the local governor should promote the value activities such as; Buddhist tree renewal and reforestation; Compassion (Karuņā) was the local governor who must pay attention and help for reducing the smog problems such as, preying on burning and make a fire barrio; Sympathetic joy (Muditā) was the local governor should be delighted when subordinates work well, such as rewarding and recognizing; and Equanimity (Upekkhā) was the local governor that must be neutral minds such as fines and punishments for offenders.</p> 2024-06-28T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 MCU Haripunchai Review Buddhist Integrative Knowledge Management of Nakhon Lampang Buddhist College Under Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University 2024-06-12T17:30:34+07:00 Siriporn Suthapa Kraisorn Sanvong <p>This research has the following objectives: 1) to study the opinions level on knowledge management at Nakhon Lampang Buddhist College, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, 2) to study the relationship between Vudḍḥidhamma (virtues conducive to growth) and knowledge management of Nakhon Lampang Buddhist College, and 3) to provide guidelines for Buddhist integrative knowledge management. This study is mixed-method research; (1) quantitative research of which data was collected using a questionnaire from the research sample, 162 college students from Nakhon Lampang Buddhist College, and was analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics by Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient analysis, and (2) qualitative research using in-depth interviews with 12 key informants. The obtained data was analyzed by synthesizing the content corresponding to the research objectives and will be presented further.</p> <p><strong>The research results were:</strong></p> <ol> <li>the level of opinions of students towards each knowledge management at Nakhon Lampang Buddhist College, overall, was at a high level; namely, knowledge identification, knowledge access, learning, knowledge creation and acquisition, knowledge sharing, knowledge organizing, and knowledge codification and refinement. </li> <li>the relationships between Vudḍḥidhamma and knowledge management are positive and at very high levels; namely, on Sappurisaṁseva (r = 0.820**), on SaddhammasavanaI (r = 0.821**), on Yonisomanasikāra and Dhammānudhammapatipatti (r = 0.854**), overall, the relationship is at a very high level (R = 0.858**).</li> <li>the guidelines for Buddhist integrative Knowledge management of Nakhon Lampang Buddhist College are (1) Sappurisaṁseva : searching for sources of knowledge and people with expertise, creating the learning surrounding, understanding the conditions and problems that occur in the organization for the knowledge management process (2) Saddhammasavana : creating right understanding about the information, having opened-mind to learn any knowledge from communicators for increasing knowledge in many dimensions and reducing ego while listening for reasoning, as well as asking when in doubt. This includes recording new knowledge and practicing to gain complete knowledge,3) Yonisomanasikāra: reflecting, considering and analyzing new knowledge deeply 4) Dhammānudhammapatipatti: practicing the knowledge correctly with the best intelligence to create expertise by investigating and evaluating the results as well as regular improving.</li> </ol> 2024-06-28T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 MCU Haripunchai Review COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACCORDING TO THE SUFFICIENCY ECONOMY PHILOSOPHY OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OFFICE, THE CHIANGKLANG DISTRICT IN NAN PROVINCE 2023-06-19T10:01:40+07:00 Khwansuda sutthisaen Worapat Khumpong Kiettisak Suklueang <p>The objectives of this research were: 1. To study the level of community development according to the sufficiency economy philosophy of Chiang Klang District Community Development Office, Nan Province. Personal factors 3. Study problems, obstacles, and present community development guidelines according to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy of Chiang Klang District Community Development Office, Nan Province. The research methodology is a combined method research. The quantitative research used a questionnaire from 395 people in Chiang Klang District. Data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation. Hypothesis was tested by t-test, f-test, one-way analysis of variance. The qualitative research was analyzing documents and interview forms to collect data from 9 key informants or people.</p> <p>The research findings were as follow; 1. The level of community development according to the sufficiency economy philosophy of Chiang Klang District Community Development Office, Nan Province overall was at a high level. community development Chiang Klang District, Nan Province, it was found that gender, age, income were different, were personal factors that caused no difference in opinion, while education and occupation were different, were personal factors that caused no difference in opinion. Statistically significant at the 0.05 level. 3. The problem and obstacle is that most people in the community lack knowledge and understanding of the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy. Most arable land does not have a document of ownership rights. and low income The suggestion is to promote and disseminate information about the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy and create a network of cooperation. for villagers to have knowledge and understanding Let the community know how to lead a self-sufficient life. to reduce expenses and increase income for the community</p> 2024-06-28T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 MCU Haripunchai Review The Leadership In Governance According To Dutitapapanikadhamma Of Sangha Administrators In Maeae On District, Chiang Mai Province 2024-06-12T14:47:54+07:00 Phra Issara Phuriwatthano Sahathaya Wises PhraMethee wachirakhun, Assoc. Prof.Dr. <p>The research aims to 1) study the governance of the Sangha Administrator, Mae On District, Chiang Mai Province 2) study the administrative leadership according to the principles of Dutiyapapanikdhamma of the Sangha Administrator, Mae On District, Chiang Mai Province 3) present guidelines for strengthening Administrative leadership according to the principles of Second Papanikdhamma of the Sangha, Mae On District, Chiang Mai Province This is a qualitative research by interviewing 27 key informants/people, consisting of monks. novice monks Community groups or Buddhists in the area and descriptive content analysis</p> <p><strong> The results revealed that:</strong></p> <p> 1) Governance of the Sangha. It was found that the principles of monastic administration in all 6 areas were used to govern, such as governing and monitoring the monks and lay people who are or reside in the temple to follow the Dhamma and Vinaya. It is engaged in the study, training, and teaching of the Dhamma and Discipline. Create a place to facilitate the performance of merit-making, etc.</p> <p> 2)Administrative leadership according to the principles of the Sangha's Dutiyapānikāra in all three aspects. It was found that: 1) In the Chakkuma aspect, leaders must have a broad vision, a careful thought process and strategic planning. Developing the Sangha 2) Vithuro has knowledge in managing Sangha affairs. Be a person with work experience 3) in the field of social welfare Have the ability to communicate and coordinate with each department. Dependable</p> <p> 3) Guidelines for strengthening the administrative leadership of the Sangha in all three areas. It was found that 1) the Chakkhuma side clearly defined visions and goals; 2) the Vithuro side organized training projects to increase expertise for themselves and subordinates 3) in the area of ​​​​nissayasampan Set guidelines for developing corporate communication systems and social communication.</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 MCU Haripunchai Review THE PARTICIPATION OF CIVIL SOCIETY IN COVID-19 PREVENTION IN LUANG NUEA SUBDISTRICT, NGAO DISTRICT, LAMPANG PROVINCE 2023-08-09T10:30:06+07:00 Phra Tanavarad kidkivaramati (Jinda) Sahathaya Wises Phrakhrusophon prariyatsuthee <p>The study consisted of the following objectives: 1) to investigate the participation level of civil society in Covid-19 prevention in Luang Nuea Subdistrict, Ngao District, Lampang Province; 2) to compare the participation level of civil society in Covid-19 prevention in Luang Nuea Subdistrict, Ngao District, Lampang Province classified by personal factors; and 3) To present guidelines for the participation of civil society in the prevention of COVID-19 in Luang Nuea Sub-district, Ngao District, Lampang Province, according to Ariyasacca 4. It is a combined method of research, i.e., quantitative research. by answering the in-depth interview questionnaire. For a group of key informants, a total of 10 person and qualitative research were required. By answering the population questionnaire used in the research. Including people in the municipal area of Luang Nuea Subdistrict 6 villages by random population using the formula of Taro Yamane, the total population was 354 people. Statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Paired-Sample T Test.</p> <p><strong>From the study, the following results are found:</strong></p> <p>1) The participation level of civil society in Covid-19 prevention in Luang Nuea Subdistrict, Ngao District, Lampang Province in all 4 aspects is overall at a high level (x̄ = 4.41).</p> <p>2) From comparing the participation level of civil society in Covid-19 prevention in Luang Nuea Subdistrict, Ngao District, Lampang Province classified by personal factors, it is found that there is no difference in the participation of civil society among people with different Covid-10 infection, ages, educational levels, and occupations; therefore, the null hypothesis of 4 factors was rejected.</p> <p> 3) Guidelines for promoting participation of civil society in COVID-19 prevention in Luang Nuea Sub-district, Ngao District, Lampang Province, namely Ariyasacca 4 , consisting of 1. Dukkha: Suffering that people from various agencies come to find out about the COVID-19 disease that is spreading in their own area. To solve the problem of COVID-19 by meeting to discuss the problem fully 2. Samudaya: the fact that various agencies come in to investigate the cause or origin of the COVID-19 disease that is spreading within their own area, mainly led by the district public health and municipal agencies 3. Nirodha: by organizing a meeting to fully investigate the problem of solving and preventing the spread of the epidemic, as well as visiting various areas. 4. Magga: The path is that the people of various agencies apply solutions to problems in different areas. according to that situation to be evaluated and corrected according to the errors In order to close the loophole, there will be no more mistakes, which can also be used as a lesson next time. for the benefit of self-space efficiency.</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 MCU Haripunchai Review Administration of safety promotion in educational institutions, Schools in Galyani Vadhana District Under Chiang Mai Primary Educational Service Area Office 6 2023-10-26T16:53:40+07:00 อนุสรณ์ เสาร์คำ <p>This research had the objective to study the administration of safety promotion in educational institutions, and to study guidelines for development administration to promote safety in educational institutions of schools in Galyani Vadhana District, Under Chiang Mai Primary Educational Service Area Office 6, the population groups are school administrators, teachers, and educational personnel in Galyani Vadhana District, Under the Chiang Mai Primary Educational Service Area Office 6, academic year 2023, total 182 people And 8 school administrators who provided in focus group discussion The tools are used to questionnaires and focus group discussions. Data were analyzed by frequency percentage mean, standard deviation, and content analysis.</p> <p><strong>The results revealed that:</strong></p> <p>1) Administration of safety promotion in education institution overall were at a high level.</p> <p>2) Guidelines for development administration to promote safety in educational institution found that, the prevention, educational institutions should provide easy and convenient communication channel regarding educational institutions security and should establish communication and public relationship formats in 4 channels, On Ground, On Line, On Air, and On Site. The cultivation, educational institutions should organize activities to enhance skills and experiences that. Focus on hand-on activities like to daily life, including avoid various dangerous for students, teachers, and educational personnel, and educational institutions, should use the quality cycle process (PDCA) to develop innovation in promotion safety in educational institutions towards excellence. The suppression side, educational institutions should establish agencies in case which legal action in required.</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 MCU Haripunchai Review Innovative Leadership in Educational Administion of School Administrators in Ton Pao Sub-District School Group in Sankampaeng District Chiang Mai Province under the Chiang Mai Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 2023-10-26T16:56:23+07:00 sasiprapa kumfun Sittichai Munkhian <p>The research on innovative leadership in educational management of school administrators in Ton Pao Sub-District, Sankampaeng District under the Chiang Mai Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 aimed to study innovative leadership in educational management of school administrators and to study innovative leadership development guidelines in innovative leadership in educational management of school administrators in Ton Pao Sub-District, Sankampaeng District under the Chiang Mai Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. The Survey research and qualitative research population was 62 school and 8 group discussion informants. The data collection tools were questionnaires and group discussions. The data were analyzed by the statistical methods of frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation, and content analysis.</p> <p> <strong>The results revealed that ;</strong></p> <p> 1) Innovative leadership in education management of school administrators, in overall, was at the highest level, and on a side-by-side basis, in descending order of average were as follows; transformational vision, teamwork, and innovative engagement, the use of information and communication technologies, innovative creation skills, and the creation of an innovation organization were at the highest level, respectively.</p> <p> 2) Guidelines for the innovative leadership in education management of school administrators were as follows: school administrators should encourage, support, and develop personnel to work together as a team, should raise awareness of the value of innovation, should be encouraged to undergo the development and implementation of the PLC process in knowledge management and innovation development, including budget allocation, is sufficient in the development of information and communication technology infrastructure and personnel development, and should be clearly defined strategies and directions for organizational development. </p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 MCU Haripunchai Review The Development of Academic Administrative Model of Phrapariyattidhamma School Pali Section for Approaching The Tipitaka According to The Four Noble Truths of Watbakhuntriambhuddhasad School, Hot District, Chiang Mai Province 2023-07-20T12:43:42+07:00 Phrmaha Chaiwat Paanyavachiro Phrakhruvitit sasanatorn, Asst. Prof. Dr. Phramaha Sakun Mahaviro, Asst. Prof. Dr. <p>This research aims to 1) Study the condition of academic administration in the Pali Division and study the principles of solving problems related to the development of academic administration. 2) Create an academic administration model 3) Experiment with an academic administration model and 4) to evaluate the use of the academic management model of the Pali Section of the Phrapariyattidhamma School in order to access the Tipitaka according to the Four Noble Truths of Wat Ban Khun Triam Buddhist School, Hod District, Chiang Mai Province. Research and Development (R&amp;D) The population consisted of 57 photographs or people. Research tools were interview forms, questionnaires, and evaluation forms. Statistics used were percentage, mean percentage, mean, standard deviation. and inferential statistics, Pair T-Test, and content analysis.</p> <p> <strong>Research results found that:</strong></p> <p> 1) The condition of academic administration and the study of principles for solving academic administration problems found that the curriculum and application measurement and evaluation moderate and evaluation, emphasizing analytical thinking and the application of knowledge was at a low level</p> <p> 2) The model of academic administration according to the Four Noble Truths found that 1) the goals of the model 2) components such as curriculum and application Teaching and learning process that emphasizes the Noble Truth Measurement and Evaluation Tutors and support resources Academic and supervision work plans and 3) driving the model towards the goal, i.e. roles and responsibilities of instructors and administrators</p> <p> 3) The experimental model of academic administration consisted of planning, implementing the instructional management process according to the Four Noble Truths, and assessing learner learning before and after the experiment.</p> <p> 4) Evaluation of the effectiveness of the academic administration model found that learners had higher learning outcomes than before using the model. The difference was statistically significant at .01. 2) The overall assessment result was at a high level.</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 MCU Haripunchai Review Title Study and analysis of death according to the viewpoint of buddhathatbhikku connected to the ultimate goal of buddhism 2023-05-03T12:40:30+07:00 Suwithannanthakhun Nanthakit <p> </p> <p class="a" style="margin-top: 0cm;">The objectives of this research were 1) to study the Buddhadasa Bhikkhu's perspective on death 2) to study the ultimate goal of Theravada Buddhism and 3) to analyze the Buddhadasa Bhikkhu's viewpoint on death that is related to the goal. supreme of Buddhism. This research is a documentary research by studying Tripitaka, Atthakatha, Deka, throughout the document. Textbooks and related research then compiled analyze data and presenting the research results in a descriptive form</p> <p class="a" style="margin-top: 0cm;"><strong>The results showed that</strong></p> <p class="a" style="margin-top: 0cm;">1<span lang="TH">) </span>Buddhad<span style="font-family: 'Calibri',sans-serif;">ā</span>sa Bhikkhu's view on death found that the Buddhad<span style="font-family: 'Calibri',sans-serif;">ā</span>sa Bhikkhu presented death as death before death. Die before the body dies, Death is complete but the head That is, the aim is to extinguish the ego that is 'Ku' and 'Ku' when the 'Ku' is dead so that the ultimate goal of Buddhism can be attained.</p> <p class="a" style="margin-top: 0cm;">2<span lang="TH">) </span>The ultimate goal of Buddhism, it is found that Nirvana is the ultimate goal of Buddhism, a state without lust, hatred, and delusion. Nirvana is divided into <span lang="TH">2 </span>types: Saupathisesa Nirvana which is Nirvana that still has some residual up<span style="font-family: 'Calibri',sans-serif;">ā</span>dis, and Anupadises Nirvana is Nirvana where there is no residual clinging.</p> <p class="a" style="margin-top: 0cm;">3<span lang="TH">) </span>From the analysis of the concept of death in the viewpoint of the Buddhadasa Bhikkhu that is linked to the ultimate goal of Buddhism, it is found that the Threefold Principle can suppress Ku. 1<span lang="TH">. </span>Let go of the ego with precepts <span lang="TH">(</span>Death by precepts<span lang="TH">) </span>Made by keeping careful in the precepts which allows him to enter a state of nirvana for a while because the mind is free from lust, hatred, and delusion<span lang="TH">. </span>2<span lang="TH">. </span>Let go of the ego with concentration<span lang="TH"> (</span>Death by concentration<span lang="TH">)</span> consisting of 4 ways of Anapanasatipatthana, Kayanupassana Satipatthana contemplating the inhaling breath so that consciousness does not escape from the breath Devananupassana Satipatthana Contemplating the happiness that arises according to the three characteristics, that is, to be seen as impermanent, impermanent, impermanent, non<span lang="TH">-</span>self, with nothing to hold on to<span lang="TH">. </span>3<span lang="TH">. </span>Let go of the ego with wisdom <span lang="TH">(</span>Death by wisdom<span lang="TH">)</span> When the condition that is in order of view able to see and distinguish name and form, giving rise to the truth that all things are non<span lang="TH">-</span>self Until being able to completely destroy the ego<span lang="TH">.</span></p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 MCU Haripunchai Review Guidelines for Developing Effectiveness of Doing Classroom Research of Teachers at Ban San Kamphaeng School, Chiang Mai Province 2024-06-30T13:40:19+07:00 Intukorn Sittiwong Phrakhruvitit sasanatorn, Asst. Prof. Dr Chatchai Sirikulpan <p>The purposes of this research were as follows: 1) to examine the problem of doing classroom research of teachers at Ban San Kamphaeng School, San Kamphaeng District, Chiang Mai Province, 2) to find the ways to develop the effectiveness of classroom research of teachers at Ban San Kamphaeng School, San Kamphaeng District, Chiang Mai Province. This study was a qualitative research with 13 informants. The research tools included focusing group, analyzing content data by summarizing and writing a descriptive form.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <strong>The research results indicated that:</strong></p> <p>&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 1) The current conditions for doing classroom research of teachers at Ban San Kamphaeng School, San Kamphaeng District, Chiang Mai Province found that 1. Most teachers did not do classroom research based on real data, 2. Teachers still lacked knowledge, understanding, and skills for doing classroom research, 3. Teachers needed a model for doing classroom research that was correct according to research methods.</p> <p>&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 2) Guidelines for developing the effectiveness of classroom research for teachers at Ban San Kamphaeng School, San Kamphaeng District, Chiang Mai Province It was found that the educational institution administrators must have a clear policy for doing classroom research, facilitate teachers in doing classroom research, make classroom research manual for providing the same format and be systematic monitoring and evaluation and bring classroom research into use to benefit.</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 A Study of the Maintenance of parents in the Six directions According to Theravada buddhism, Subdistrict Municipality Phu Kadueng, Phu Kradueng District, Loei Province 2023-12-20T13:33:41+07:00 Phrakru Pariyati vachirakhun <p>This research aims to 1) Study the level of care for parents. 2) Compare opinions on nurturing parents classified by personal factors and 3) Guidelines for nurturing parents in all 6 directions according to Theravada Buddhism principles of Phu Kradueng Subdistrict Municipality. Phu Kradueng District, Loei Province, mixed methods research The sample group was people in Phu Kradueng Subdistrict Municipality. Taro Yamane's formula can be used by 360 people. Tools include questionnaires, data analysis statistics such as frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation, t-test and F-value, and qualitative. Interviews with 12 key informants or people were conducted for content analysis.</p> <p> <strong>The research results found that</strong></p> <p> 1) Level of nurturing of parents in the 6 directions according to Theravada Buddhism principles of Phu Kradueng Subdistrict Municipality. Phu Kradueng District, Loei Province, overall is at a high level.</p> <p> 2) Results of comparing opinions on nurturing parents in the 6 directions according to Theravada Buddhism principles of Phu Kradueng Subdistrict Municipality. Phu Kradueng District, Loei Province, classified according to personal factors, found that people with occupations and different periods of residence have different opinions. Statistically significant at the 0.05 level and people with different genders, ages, education levels, incomes, and family statuses There are different opinions.</p> <p> 3) Guidelines for studying the care of parents in the 6 directions according to the principles of Theravada Buddhism of Phu Kradueng Subdistrict Municipality. Phu Kradueng District, Loei Province, found that on the side of the people who raised them, they raised them in response. Children should be made to understand that they care for their parents. side of your business Provide advice on various business activities regarding maintaining the family name. This can be done by promoting beneficial activities. Conducting oneself as a person worthy of receiving inheritance By organizing religious activities When he passed away Make merit and dedicate it to him, such as organizing merit-making activities on various occasions, etc.</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 MCU Haripunchai Review Innovative Leadership of School Administrators in the Phaya Nuea Group Under the Nan Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 2024-03-04T22:10:03+07:00 Chaiyasit Tungplae <p>The objective is to study the innovative leadership of educational institution administrators in the Phaya Nuea group. Under the jurisdiction of the Nan Primary Educational Service Area Office, Area 2, and to study guidelines for developing innovative leadership among school administrators in the Phaya Nuea group. Under the jurisdiction of the Nan Primary Educational Service Area Office, Area 2, the sample group includes educational institution administrators and teachers of schools in the Phaya Nuea group in the academic year 2023, totaling 73 people, and a group of 5 key informants. The tools used in the research are: Questionnaires and interviews Data were analyzed by finding frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. and content analysis.</p> <p> <strong>The research results found that</strong></p> <p> 1) Innovative leadership of school administrators in the Phaya Nuea group Under the Nan Primary Educational Service Area Office, Area 2, it was found that the overall level was at a high level.</p> <p> 2)Guidelines for developing innovative leadership for school administrators in the Phaya Nuea group Under the Nan Primary Educational Service Area Office, Area 2, it was found that educational institution administrators should give importance to creating a culture to be an organization of innovation. Teachers and personnel should be given opportunities to participate in creating innovations that are mutually beneficial. Teachers and personnel should be encouraged to use professional communities (PLCs) to exchange knowledge in developing innovations. Should have initiative and creativity, bring new things or create new innovations. Teachers and personnel should be encouraged to create work development agreements based on professional standards (PA) that focus on using innovation in their work. and educational institution administrators should set clear policies and focuses of the educational institution. and create an atmosphere where everyone in the organization sees the importance of innovation.</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 MCU Haripunchai Review The Development of A Model In Promoting Teacher Competency In Learning Management Based On The Four Noble Truths Of Banchangmorh School 2023-12-10T09:41:18+07:00 Maytiwa Kaewya Phrakhruvitit sasanatorn, Asst. Prof. Dr. Phasina Tangchuang <p>This research aims to 1) Study the current situation in promoting teacher competency. 2) Create a model for promoting teacher competency 3) Experiment with the model for promoting teacher competency. and 4) Evaluate and develop a model for promoting teacher competency in learning management using the Four Noble Truths of Ban Chang Mo School. Research and Development (R&amp;D) There were 21 key informants involved. The tools were a 3-round Delphi Technique questionnaire, an evaluation form, and a satisfaction questionnaire. Data were analyzed by frequency distribution, finding percentage, mean, standard deviation, and index values.</p> <p>&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <strong>The research results found that</strong></p> <ol> <li>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The current situation in the development of teacher competency in learning management consists of 5 areas: 1) creating and developing curriculum 2) knowledge and ability to design learning. 3) Learning management that focuses on students as important 4)Using and developing media technological innovation and 5) Measuring and evaluating learning outcomes.</li> <li>Create a model for promoting teacher competency, consisting of 1) Suffering, studying the general condition, step 2) Samutai, creating a database to design student-focused learning, 3) Nirod, experimenting with the use of developing a promotion model. Teacher competency 4) Path, evaluation of the use of developing a model for promoting teacher competency</li> <li>Experimenting with the model, it was found that after using the model to promote teachers' competency in learning management using the 4 Noble Truths of Ban Chang Mo School. has an average score higher than before using the format</li> <li>The results of the evaluation and development of the model found that after using the model for promoting teacher competency, the values were higher than before using the model and teachers' satisfaction with the model for learning management with the 4 Noble Truths of Ban Chang School. pot at a high level</li> </ol> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 MCU Haripunchai Review The Study about the Components of Spiritual Leadership of School Administrators 2023-12-20T13:18:58+07:00 Jatuporn Phetpool เอกลักษณ์ เพียสา Pornthep Sathainnoppakao <p>This article is part of the research on instructional leadership of school administrators affecting the teaching performance of teacher in schools under Sakon Nakhon Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 The purpose of this research was to study the component of instructional leadership of school administrators. The research process was divided into two steps: Step 1 Study documents related to concepts, theories, and research from 10 sources in order to synthesize elements; Step 2 assessing the suitability of component of instructional leadership of school administrators by 5 experts. The tools used in the research are: a document synthesis tool and questionnaire. It is an estimation scale type with 5 statistical levels. Statistics used in data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation and content synthesis was used to analyze the gathered data.</p> <p><strong>The results showed that </strong></p> <p> 1) The component of instructional leadership of school administrators there</p> <p> are 5 components. 1) Setting Academic Vision, Goals, Missions. 2) Curriculum and Teaching Management. 3) Promoting Teaching and Learning Atmosphere Missions. 4) Supervision and Monitoring of Teaching and Learning Management 5) Teacher Professional Development.</p> <p> 2) All of these components were deemed highly appropriate by the participants involved in the assessment.</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 MCU Haripunchai Review Managing the Problem of Unemployment in the Buddhist Way to Strengthen the Grassroots Economy of Thung Tom Subdistrict Municipality in San Pa Tong District in Chiang Mai Province 2024-06-12T17:13:46+07:00 Monnarin Sirichottawee (Wichai) <p>This research aims to 1) study the level of opinions regarding the management of the unemployment problem. 2) Compare opinions on managing the unemployment problem classified by personal factors. and 3) Guidelines for managing the problem of unemployment in the Buddhist way to strengthen the grassroots economy of Thung Tom Subdistrict Municipality. San Pa Tong District Chiang Mai Province Integrated research methods Quantitative research The sample group included 173 unemployed people in Thung Tom Subdistrict Municipality using Taro Yamane's formula. The tool was a questionnaire. The confidence value for the entire document was 0.94. Data analysis included frequency. percentage. mean and standard deviation. t-value. A-value. and in-depth interviews with 10 figures or people. Data were analyzed descriptively.</p> <p> <strong>The research results found that</strong></p> <p> 1) The overall level of opinion regarding the management of the unemployment problem is at a moderate level.</p> <p> 2) Opinions of unemployed people of different genders and ages There is an idea to solve the problem of unemployment. It is found that there is no difference. Unemployed people with status. occupation. income. and education were found to be significantly different at the 0.05 level. Therefore. the research hypothesis of status. occupation. income. and education was accepted. As for gender. age. there were opinions. no different Therefore. the research hypothesis was rejected.</p> <p> 3) Guidelines for dealing with the problem of unemployed people in the Buddhist way to strengthen the grassroots economy of Thung Tom Subdistrict Municipality by following the principles of Tiṭṭṭhaṭhammikatthaṃ. Unemployed people and coordinating with business establishments 2) Arakkha Sampatha Develop the potential of the unemployed By relying on local resources as a base 3) Kalyanamitta Create cooperation between various agencies involved and 4) Samchivita Provide knowledge on accounting for income and expenses</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 MCU Haripunchai Review A Study of Creative Leadership 2023-12-20T13:20:07+07:00 Apiwat lertsongkram Wannika Chalakbang Boonmee Koboon <p>การวิจัยครั้งนี้มีวัตถุประสงค์เพื่อศึกษาองค์ประกอบภาวะผู้นำเชิงสร้างสรรค์ของผู้บริหาร สังกัดองค์การบริหารส่วนจังหวัดสกลนคร โดยใช้กระบวนการวิจัยจากเอกสาร (Documentary Research) แบ่งเป็น 2 ขั้นตอน คือ ขั้นตอนที่ 1 ศึกษาเอกสารแนวคิดทฤษฎีและงานวิจัยที่เกี่ยวข้อง จำนวน 10 แหล่ง และขั้นตอนที่ 2 ประเมินความเหมาะสมขององค์ประกอบภาวะผู้นำของผู้บริหาร โดยผู้ทรงคุณวุฒิ จำนวน 5 คน เครื่องมือที่ใช้ในการวิจัย ได้แก่ แบบสังเคราะห์เอกสารและแบบสอบถามชนิดมาตราส่วนประมาณค่า 5 ระดับ สถิติที่ใช้ในการวิเคราะห์ข้อมูล ได้แก่ ความถี่ ร้อยละ ค่าเฉลี่ย และส่วนเบี่ยงเบนมาตรฐาน</p> <p><strong>ผลการวิจัยพบว่า </strong></p> <p>1) องค์ประกอบภาวะผู้นำเชิงสร้างสรรค์ของผู้บริหาร มี 6 องค์ประกอบ ได้แก่ 1) การมีวิสัยทัศน์ 2) การมีความยืดหยุ่นและปรับตัว 3) การมีความคิดสร้างสรรค์ 4) การคำนึงถึงความเป็นปัจเจกบุคคล 5) การทำงานเป็นทีม และ 6) การมีจินตนาการ</p> <p>2) การประเมินความเหมาะสมองค์ประกอบภาวะผู้นำเชิงสร้างสรรค์ของผู้บริหารโดยผู้ทรงคุณวุฒิจำนวน 5 คน พบว่าทั้ง 6 องค์ประกอบ ได้แก่ 1) การมีวิสัยทัศน์ 2) การมีความยืดหยุ่นและปรับตัว 3) การมีความคิดสร้างสรรค์ 4) การคำนึงถึงความเป็นปัจเจกบุคคล 5) การทำงานเป็นทีม และ 6) การมีจินตนาการ โดยทุกด้านมีความเหมาะสมในระดับมากที่สุด</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 MCU Haripunchai Review The School Curriculum Administration at the Early Childhood Education of Private Schools in Bueng Kum District Under the Office of the Private Education Commission 2024-03-22T20:20:29+07:00 Kanokporn Hongsong Sangwan Wangcham Tasnee Boonmaphi Surasak Suttasiri <p>The purpose of this research is to study the administration of the early childhood education curriculum of private schools in Bueng Kum District. Under the Office of the Private Education Commission and to study guidelines for developing the administration of the early childhood education curriculum of private schools in Bueng Kum District. Under the Office of the Private Education Commission Mixed research design The study population includes educational institution administrators and teachers from 7 private schools in Bueng Kum District, a total of 75 people in the academic year 2023, and experts in focus groups. Purposefully selected 7 people.</p> <p>The research tools were questionnaires and semi-structured interviews in group discussions. Statistics used in data analysis include percentage, mean, standard deviation. and content analysis.</p> <p> <strong>The research findings revealed</strong></p> <p> 1) In terms of improving and developing the curriculum management process, in the aspect of supervision, monitoring, and in summarizing the results of curriculum administration operations. Preparation of school curriculum Planning and implementation of the curriculum Preparation of educational institutions Operational aspect of curriculum administration Overall, all 7 aspects are at a high level.</p> <p> 2)Guidelines for developing school curriculum management are that administrators should increase training for personnel to gain knowledge and understanding about early childhood education curricula in 2017, allowing relevant persons to organize curricula. Roles are defined for those involved to be responsible for supervision. Evaluate regularly Prepare reports on supervision, monitoring, and evaluation in accordance with educational management goals of the educational institution.</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 MCU Haripunchai Review Development on The Quality of Life of The Elderly According to The Bhāvanādhamma 4 of The Nakhonchedi Subdistrict Administrative Organization at Pasang District of Lamphun Province 2024-06-12T17:30:05+07:00 kanokporn pongda <p>The objectives of this research study are 1) to study the level of opinions on improving the quality of life of the elderly according to the principles of the Bhāvanādhamma 4 of the Nakhon Chedi Subdistrict Administrative Organization 2) to compare opinions on the development of the quality of life of the elderly according to the Bhāvanādhamma 4 of Nakhon Chedi Subdistrict Administrative Organization Classified according to personal factors 3) To propose guidelines for improving the quality of life of the elderly according to the Bhāvanādhamma 4 of the Nakhon Chedi Subdistrict Administrative Organization. Use integrated research methods. including quantitative research methods. A sample group of 335 people analyzed the data by finding frequencies. percentages. means. and standard deviations. and analyzed by t-test and F-value. and qualitative research methods Interviews with 10 important informants. figures or people. analyzed in terms of descriptive content and references to people's words.</p> <p><strong>The research results found that</strong></p> <p>1) Level of opinions on the quality of life according to the Bhāvanādhamma 4 of the elderly of the Nakhon Chedi Subdistrict Administrative Organization. Overall. it was at a moderate level</p> <p>2)Comparison of opinions on improving the quality of life of the elderly according to the Bhāvanādhamma 4 of the Nakhon Chedi Subdistrict Administrative Organization. Overall. classified by gender were found to be not different. therefore the research hypothesis was rejected. Age. education. occupation. and income were found to be different. Therefore. the research hypothesis was accepted.</p> <p>3)Guidelines for developing the quality of life of the elderly of the Nakhon Chedi Subdistrict Administrative Organization found that: Kāya-bhāvanā, promotion of continuous exercise. Sīlabhāvanā, promoting Buddhist activities and strengthening Buddhist ethics in one's conduct. Paññā-bhāvanā, Mental training should be supported by Vipassanā meditation and good motivation. Citta-bhāvanā : Supporting modern learning and careful consideration.</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 MCU Haripunchai Review The Technology Leadership of School Administrators in Khomuelek School Group Under the Tak Primary Educational Service Area Office 2024-03-09T23:44:00+07:00 benjawan jaree Teerapat Prasomsuk Sekchai Chompoonuch Janchai Yomsungnern <p> </p> <p> The objectives of this research are 1) to study the technological leadership of educational institution administrators; and 2) Guidelines for developing technological leadership of educational institution administrators. In the Iron Wrist School group Under the jurisdiction of Tak Primary Educational Service Area Office, Area 2, quantitative research format. The sample group used in the research included school administrators in the wrist group. and teachers in the group of Khomuelek schools, academic year 2023, 10 schools, a total of 223 people. The tool includes a questionnaire. and structured interviews Analyze data by finding percentage values. Mean and standard deviation</p> <p><strong>Results of the study </strong></p> <p>1) The technological leadership of educational institution administrators was found to be at a high level in all aspects, namely the use of technology in teaching and learning. Ethics in using technology Use of technology in management Having a technological vision and in terms of productive ability and professional expertise, respectively.</p> <p>2) Guidelines for developing technological leadership of school administrators. It was found that in each area there are development guidelines as follows. The aspect of having technological vision is that school administrators are able to analyze trends in technological progress that will change. quickly In terms of productivity and professional expertise, educational institution administrators should develop themselves. Teachers and students must have knowledge, abilities and skills in using computers. Use of technology in management.</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 MCU Haripunchai Review Guidelines for developing problem-solving processes in the learning of teacher students, Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University 2023-12-10T09:39:44+07:00 Amporn Dutthuyawat <p>The purpose of this research is to: 1) study the problem-solving elements in the learning of students of the teaching profession; 2) Study the actual and supposed conditions regarding the problem-solving process in the learning of students of the teaching profession. 3) Assess the need to develop a problem-solving process in the learning of students of the teaching profession, and 4) Seek ways to develop a problem-solving process in the learning of students of the teaching profession. The sample group is students of the teaching profession. Sakon Nakhon Rajabhat University Academic Year 2023 Determine the sample size using Krejci and Morgan's table. A total of 342 participants were obtained by multi-stage randomization. The instrument is a 5-level estimation scale questionnaire with a consistency index between .80 - 1.00, the actual condition has a classification power between .52 - .79 with a confidence of .96, the supposed condition has a classification power between .50 - .90 and a confidence of .97. The statistics used include percentage, mean, standard deviation, and the Modified Priority Needs Index.</p> <p><strong>The results of the research showed that </strong></p> <p>1) the problem-solving process component of learning among students of the teaching profession; There are 7 components, all of which are appropriate at the highest level.</p> <p>2) The actual condition regarding the problem-solving process in the learning of students of the teaching profession, both overall and individually, is moderate. As for the condition that should be both overall and individual at the highest level.</p> <p>3) The results of the assessment of the need to develop problem-solving processes in the learning of students of the teaching profession; Overall, the Needs Priority Index was .216.</p> <p>4) The elements used to find development approaches include problem identification, problem analysis. Problem solving and reflection</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 MCU Haripunchai Review Operational Effectiveness of the Sufficiency Economy Center Based on Iddhipāddham of Umong Subdistrict Municipality, Muang Lamphun District, Lamphun Province 2024-06-12T17:14:24+07:00 Wimolwan Saofu <p>The research objectives are: 1) to study the level of public opinion on the operational effectiveness of the Sufficiency Economy Center of Umong Subdistrict Municipality, Mueang District, Lamphun Province, 2) to compare public opinions on the operational effectiveness of the center, classified by personal factors, and 3) to propose guidelines for increasing the operations effectiveness for the center based on Buddhadhamama “ Iddhipāda 4”. The research methodology is a mixed method:1) quantitative research (a) using a questionnaire for data collecting, for sample group was 388 people, aged 18 years and over, in the Umong Municipality area, and analyzing data to find frequencies, percentages, means, and standard deviations, and analyzing T-test and F-test values by one-way analysis of variance (One-way ANOVA). In the case of differences variance found, the pairwise comparison was tested by Least – Significant Different (LSD) method, and: 2) qualitative research: using In-depth interviews with 10 key informants and analyzing the data by descriptive content analysis and presenting by references to interviewee’s words.</p> <p><strong>The results found that</strong>:</p> <p>1)The level of public opinions on the operational effectiveness based on Iddhipāda dhamma 4 of the Sufficiency Umong Sub-district Municipality Economy Center, Mueang District, Lamphun Province, in overall, was at a moderate level</p> <ol start="2"> <li>The comparison of public opinions on the its effectiveness, overall, classified by gender, education level and income were not different; therefore, the research hypothesis was rejected, and the comparison of age and occupation were different, so that, research hypothesis was accepted,</li> <li>The guidelines for enhancing the operational effectiveness of the Sufficiency Economy Center based on Iddhipādadhamma are 1) Chanda: creating love or will to support the operations of the Sufficiency Economy Center, 2) Viriya : providing constant support to create stability, 3)Citta: determining to support shared responsibility, 4) Vimaṁsā :considering and reviewing the results of the operations of the center.</li> </ol> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 MCU Haripunchai Review The intellectual property violation: athinnāthāna in the digital age 2023-08-09T10:26:54+07:00 Patya Satanpayap Phrakrupravit varanuyut Phoonchai Punthiya <p>This research article has three objectives: 1. To study intellectual property infringement in the digital era. 2. To study Athinnāthāna in Theravada Buddhism. 3. To analyze intellectual property infringement: Athinnāthāna in the digital era. It is research of documents from the Tripitaka, Commentary, and various research works, used to write analytical and descriptive narratives.</p> <p><strong>The results of the study found that:</strong></p> <p>1)Criminal and civil liability for infringers of intellectual property rights (copyright) is a concept in Western law. Intellectual property protection under two international laws that are party to it is the Berne Convention and the TRIPS Agreement. There are both criminal and civil punishments for violators. Criminal protection is a form of punishment by the state which includes three types of penalties: imprisonment, fines, and confiscation of assets.</p> <p>2) Athinnāthāna in Theravada Buddhism is the prohibition of stealing. It is the second precept of a layperson and the second precept of a monk. If you violate the precept of Athinnāthāna, If you are a layperson, besides being immoral, you may be punished according to the laws of the country. If you are a monk, you may be liable according to the settlement rules. As for the benefits of refraining from Athinnāthāna, both laypeople and monks will receive two parts: 1) received while living will have good fortune, and 2) receive it after death He will be born in the heavenly world.</p> <p>3) Infringement of intellectual property (copyright), which is a criminal and civil offense, amounting to 9 offenses. From the analysis, it was found that In the case of a layperson, the violation is Athinnāthāna. In the case of a monk, if the damage is more than 5 masaka, if the violation is done, he is considered parajik. But if the damage is less than 5 masks, it is not a crime but may be an offense, etc.</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 MCU Haripunchai Review Undertaker : Ritual with Life after Death 2024-03-04T22:08:04+07:00 anusorn ruangpunyarat Phra Wutthichai Khantipalo Aphicha Sukjeen <p>This article aimed to analyze rituals and life after death, which human beings cannot escape. Buddhism teaches us how to understand the truth of life: life begins at birth and ends when a person dies. Death contemplation is also included since it helps human understand life and overcome the fear of death. When discussing death, one aspect that is rarely mentioned is the person who deals with death, often known as the undertaker whose responsibilities include bathing, doing makeup, changing clothes, pouring coconut water on the face, and shrouding a dead body. Many people are unwilling to take on this duty. However, completing the tasks of “undertaker”requires belief and familiarity with death. </p> <p>The beliefs and fears about death in the past have been carried over into modern society. This is reflected in the trend of the current film "The Undertaker", that provides new insight for Thai society and shapes the perspective on the existence of life, lifestyle, and death. The roles of the undertakers are usually intepreted in the context of contemporary society. For example, the undertakers are regarded as soft power, events soft power, and spirit sender. Do their responsibilities just belong to social customs and cultural beliefs?</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 MCU Haripunchai Review The Dominant Features in Phrasirimangalacariya’s Pali Literary Works 2023-11-01T03:41:24+07:00 Jumpol Suyata <p>The objectives of this research were to study the dominant features of structures and substances, including evaluation of quality of Pali literary works of Phra Sirimaṅgalācāriya based on four works: 1) Vessantaradīpanī, 2) Cakkavāḷadīpanī, 3) Saṅkhayāpakāsakaṭīka, and 4) Maṅgalatthadīpanī. It was conducted by analytical studying the dominant features of structures, content presentation, and substances, and then summarizing data, evaluating the quality, and writing in descriptive approach. It consisted of seven content presentation styles which were as follows: 1) word analysis, 2) word explanation referenced to related scriptures, 3) subject to clarification, 4) classification, 5) reference, 6) data collection from other scriptures, and 7) evaluation of referenced data accuracy. The dominant features of substances indicated that Vessantaradīpanī was a guidebook for learning language and Pali literature, Cakkavāḷadīpanī was a profound research work expressed comments and correct evaluations with keen intelligent reasons, Saṅkhayāpakāsakaṭīka was a manual for calculations of Cakkavāḷadīpanī, and Maṅgalatthadīpanī was literary works invented for basic Dharma propagation to public. All these works were revealed the three values of literatures in the followings: language value that had a correct and smooth grammatical usage, Dharma content value that focused on preaching of the Buddha teachings for supreme beneficial lifestyle, and social value that reflected from literary works themselves which had an effective implementations for learning and teaching manual, Buddhist propagation, including other knowledge associated with daily life of people from the past until now.</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 MCU Haripunchai Review Building relationships between police officers and the public with the principles of Sangha Vatthu in the Thailand 4.0 era 2024-06-09T12:46:48+07:00 Chalida Narksut <p>The performance of police officers in Thailand can be considered to be highly interrelated. The police are those close to the people who maintain peace and order in society through the process of public cooperation. Until trust in working But the feelings of the majority of the public tend to view police officers in a very unfavorable way, causing proactive work in each situation to be unable to reach the essence of the heart of those various problems, leading to difficulty in managing the problems that arise. Therefore, proactively changing work styles through building good relationships may be the main path for police officers to work towards solving problems and collaborating more with the public. Therefore, Sangha principles must be applied. Dhamma objects are applied appropriately. Because the principles of Sangha Vatthu Dhamma are principles that can build trust between each other in the following ways: 1) Giving the heart for sacrifice (donation), devoting one's body and mind to creating a society of peace in that society. 2 ) Communication management (Piyavaja), public relations to create an understanding of various data and information appropriately, seriously, sincerely and correctly. 3) Assistance (Atthacariya), sustaining and solving problems for the people regularly, continuously and without hope. compensation and 4) working with neutrality (samanatta), not choosing sides, not choosing groups, viewing the people as friends who can work well with police officers. Under the era of change Thailand 4.0</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 MCU Haripunchai Review Characteristics of the Minister of Public Health that depends on the wishes of Thai society 2024-03-26T22:03:09+07:00 Virakan Chaisirisuwan <p>Every minister in Thailand can be considered an executive who has transformed himself from a politician into an organization manager in order to solve existing problems. and develop various innovations to create good management. However, being a minister of any ministry must be in accordance with the Constitution of the Kingdom of 2017. Section 160 specifies the qualifications of the Cabinet, such as having Thai nationality, being honest. Honesty is evident No behavior that violates or seriously fails to comply with ethical standards, etc., making it possible for anyone selected to take the position if they have the said qualifications. This is not an indicator of success in terms of any creative work. Moreover, if there is a cabinet reshuffle, people will have to be changed to take on new duties. Assign new policy Civil servants must constantly adapt to new things like this. As a result, work is rarely continuous and there are often many problems that are a reflection of the characteristics of the ministers of every era. The Ministry of Public Health is the ministry that takes care of welfare. Congratulations to all medical groups and medical personnel in both urban and rural areas equally. and create good health for people throughout the country will consider more qualifications to become the desired organizational culture, including: 1. The acquisition of ministers must come from a majority vote of doctors and medical personnel. 2. Have a medical education or a good understanding of the medical work system. 3. Have leadership in traditional Thai and modern medicine. 4. Maintain laws that are fair and equitable. 5. Look at the interests of the people as the primary focus. 6. Have a broad medical vision.</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 MCU Haripunchai Review The Eightfold Path: Administrative Ethics 2024-03-12T17:50:24+07:00 Phrakhru Kowit bunkhet Phrakhru Prapat panyatorn Phrabaidika Thawatchai Charanathammo Amnaj Thapin <p>An observation of the problems currently affecting the country is that corruption complaints in the country cost a lot of money, to the point that the country has been stuck with developing countries for a long time. This cause is the result of common problems. General characteristics of efficiency can control administrative efficiency, until legal form control measures based on different considerations and laws or independent organizations that inspect and evaluate can also reduce the rate of recognition of illegal acts. This is clearly evident in the news and online news every day. The severity of the false belief That will become an important issue for obvious reasons with the country in particular of the state in this article. The reason for wanting to present the idea of synthesizing the Eightfold Path is to start considering management and control in the control system to control work efficiently.</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 MCU Haripunchai Review Changes in the propagation of Buddhism by monks in the New Normal era 2023-10-02T05:43:14+07:00 Phramaha Akkapon Chutintharo (Moonlok ) Phairin Na Wanna <p>This article aims to analyze aspects of the new lifestyle change or New Normal of Buddhist monks that occurred after the COVID-19 crisis (COVID-2019) had spread widely and caused More deaths and the leaders of each country to take measures to prevent it. Including formatting in life with a different form, such as a change in the form of social coexistence educational change occupational change cultural changes, etc., but when the world changes Buddhist monks who are religious leaders must change their roles to support the activities of the Sangha, especially the main tasks of more proactive work activities, namely: 1. Change and adaptation in education to have science Leapfrog research and innovation that affects the acceptance of the global society. and 2. Changes and adaptations in the propagation of Dharma, especially the use of technology in the form of online work and various media innovations to reach the target group easily, conveniently and quickly. Although there are many variations in the Buddhist propagation patterns of Buddhist monks in the New Normal era, the author will present only 2 issues because both of them are very important to the world today that is related. between each other and supporting the work roles of monks in the new era.</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 MCU Haripunchai Review