Biogas as a Sustainable Alternative for Current Energy Need of India

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Gauri P. Minde
Sandip S. Magdum
V. Kalyanraman


Per capita energy consumption of India is declining with increasing its population, which has direct impact on national economy. Biogas technology seems promising to attain sustainable energy yields without damaging the environment. Waste management, manure creation, health care and employment foundation are the benefits of biogas system. Use of biogas assures renewable energy supply and balance of green house gases. India is traditionally using biogas since long time but there is need to improve the technology, applications and deployment strategies. Bioenergy centralization in urban and decentralization in rural can help government to minimize both the import of fuel derivatives and solid waste processing cost. The aim is to highlight potential of the technology to bring social and economical sustainability to India. In this review, demand of energy sources, drivers for bioenergy use, economical, social and environmental benefits of biogas regularization in India are described with emphasizing biogas as an ideal sustainable energy source with its potential applications.

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