Factors that Influence E-Government Utilizing Towards E-Report Application (Case Study: Comparation between Lapor Sleman and Jogja Smart Service (JSS) In 2018)

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Muhammad Iqbal


E-Government was created as an attribute to serve and communicate with the citizen. In 2005 the Digital Government Services (DGS) program was initiated which was followed up with the issuance of DIY Governor Regulation number 42, year 2006 regarding Jogja Cyber Province Blue print. The development of E-Government is an effort to develop the implementation of electronic-based DIY Government in order to effectively and efficiently improve the quality of public service. That is why the local government created a report portal as a media for the citizen to report anything related to the public services. Yogyakarta city have Jogja Smart Service as a public service application. Meanwhile, Sleman Regency have Lapor Sleman as a public service application. This study will discuss about how much is the e-government influencing the utilization of e-report (case study: Lapor Sleman and Jogja Smart Service (JSS) in 2018) and what are the factors that influence the utilization of Lapor Sleman and Jogja Smart Service These questions were answered in this research by using the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). This study uses a mixed research method (mix-method), In which questionnaire data were analyzed using Partial Least Squares (PLS) Analysis with a tool in the form of a SmartPLS 3.0 program. The results of this research showed that there is a positive and significant influence from performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, towards behavior intention and facilitating condition, and behavior intention towards the E-Government utilizing towards Lapor Sleman and Jogja Smart Service. Furthermore, performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and behavioral intention should be enhanced to make the citizen use both applications Lapor Sleman and Jogja Smart Service even more. Managing the effectivity of facilitating condition will influence the use of both applications. Lastly, social influence should be more affecting the number of users of both applications.

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