Internationalization Policy factors in Muhammadiyah Higher Education (PTM): A case study of Government science study program at University Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM)

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Novita Wulandari


In 2000 Internationalization at Higher Education in Asia became a trend because of a shift in benchmarks. The basis of internationalization is the policy and data of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) which must be applied by higher education institutions either by Public Universities or Private Universities. However, there is a gap between the Public University and the Private University. Therefore to compensate for the backwardness of the Private University, they should make more innovation of changes in accordance with the needs of times. Likewise with the Government Science Study Program at Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang which is undergoing internationalization. Various programs to support the internationalization’s strategic policies are carried out, starting from the cooperation between universities and institutions throughout the world. Meanwhile, considering factors both internally and externally internationalization is designed in such a way as to achieve targets in accordance with the vision and mission that has been designed. The fact is the crucial role that actually gives more control is the university itself. The role of higher education institutions is crucial in leading to internationalization because the issue of internationalization is one of the impacts of globalization, not only in the information technology sector but also in the education sector (Gaddafi, Haryono, & Wanto, 2018). The Study Program actually acts more as a counterweight to the credibility of a university. However, the role of both is needed to contribute to the application of internationalization as one of the challenges of globalization in shaping more advanced civilizations and producing superior generations who contribute to the country.

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Research articles


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