Personal Factors of Registered Nurses associated with supporting Roles in Primary Health Care System

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Thawatchai Yeunyow


The aims of this descriptive study were to determine factor associated with supporting roles for nurses in primary health care. Samples were 131 nurses whom were simple sampling from nurses who worked at primary health care system. Data were collected by personal information sheet and supporting roles for nurses in primary health care form. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics. Pearson correlation were used to test factors associated with supporting roles for nurses in primary health care.

          Finding were as followed. Majority of samples were female (91.6%) with aged between 22-59 years old (M=31.93, SD = 8.47), has bachelor degree (88.5%). Moreover, around halves of them were married (53.4%) and around one-third has certificate in nurses practitioner (38.2%). Mean score of supporting roles in primary health care were at high level (M=4.28, SD=.43). Age, single, and education were statistically significant positive correlated with supporting roles for nurses in primary health care (r = .164; p=.011; r = .173; p = .033; r = .229; p = .002; consecutively).

          Finding shown that nurses perceive significant of their supporting roles in primary health care; thus, these supporting roles should be strengthen since they are in nurse educational system. Moreover, capacity in working with other health care professional in primary health care system should be taken into the consideration.


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