Class Action in Online Copyright Infringement

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นันท์วลัย ภักดิ์ศรีวงศ์
krithpaka Boonfueng


Nowadays, with the advancement of information technology, a methodologist of distribute a copyrighted work become a distribute by authority upload copyrighted work to internet systems this process affected to online copyright infringement in internet systems of service provider. The numerous of authority in the same categories has online copyright infringement affect to be the group of the online copyright infringement authority has the common fact and law to be typical of claim, to litigate as Class Action. Accordingly, this study Focus on Class Action in online copyright infringement. By study in Class Action in online copyright infringement with numerous of ownership that has damages from infringement. In Thailand, the civil procedure section 222/4 and 222/8 is accept class action be used in Intellectual Property case law as specialist law of Thailand between considers in Copyright Act B.E. 2537 section 32/3 and Computer-related Crime Act B.E. 2550 section 20 is not reject other procedure to be litigation in copyright infringement case. The researcher proposed the authority must be use process of Notice and Takedown by Copyright Act B.E. 2537 section 32/3 and Computer-related Crime Act B.E. 2550 section 20 before files an online copyright infringement case law to using class action as the main procedure on this case.

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