Development of a Distance Training Package on Learning Management for Teachers to Enhance Thai Language Reading and Writing Skills of Primary Level Students

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Suwannee Yahakorn


The objectives of this quantitative research were (1) to study the conditions and problems of, and the needs for, the use of a distance training package on learning management for teachers to enhance Thai language reading and writing skills of primary level students; (2) to develop a distance training package based on the 75/75 efficiency criterion; and (3) to evaluate the distance training package. The research sample consisted of 50 purposively selected primary school teachers. The employed research
instruments comprised (a) a distance training package on learning management for teachers to enhance Thai language reading and writing skills of primary level students; (b) an achievement test for testing before and after using the Research findings were as follows:

  1. Regarding the conditions and problems of, and the needs for, the use of a distance training package on learning management for teachers to enhance Thai language reading and writing skills of primary level students, it was found that for conditions of using training packages, the teachers’ past experiences on being trained on knowledge of Thai language and Thai language instruction or related matters by a distance training package, and being trained on the production of a distance training package were at the lowest level; the teachers had previous knowledge on/were familiar with/had aptitude for/were trained with a distance training package or related training packages at the lowest level; the teachers previously utilized knowledge obtained from the distance training package, or applied it in their Thai language instruction, or took a distance training package with contents on Thai language for use in teaching Thai language at the lowest level; the teachers liked to learn the contents of the distance training package at the moderate level; and the teachers were interested in using the distance training package at the high level. For problems of using the distance training package, all problem items listed in the questionnaire were rated at the moderate level.  For the needs for using a distance training package, it was found that the teachers had the needs for all items asked in the questionnaire at the highest level.

  2. The developed distance training package on learning management by teachers to enhance Thai language reading and writing skills of primary level students was efficient at 73.27/76.47, thus meeting the set 75/75 efficiency criterion. As for the details of the distance training package, it consisted of three types of training activities: (1) the self-learning by teachers who were trainees from printed documents focusing on providing knowledge to teachers on organizing reading and writing Thai language instructional activities including examples of the activities for teachers to use in the experiment; (2) the audio-visual VCD to demonstrate the details of reading and writing Thai language activities as a supplementary training material for the teachers to study together with the printed documents; and (3) the activities by the researchers to monitor and follow up the teachers’ learning progress and provide suggestions for the use of the distance training package via the use of telephone and face to face interaction.

  3. Regarding the evaluation results of experimentation with the developed distance training package, it was found that in the knowledge aspect, the trainees’ post-training mean score of knowledge on the training package was 17.69 out of the full score of 20, which was higher than their pre-training mean score of 11.07; in the satisfaction aspect, the trainees were satisfied at the high level with the contents of the training package and the accompanying VCD on training; furthermore, they were satisfied at the highest level with the post-training follow-up and supervision. distance training package; (c) a scale to assess satisfaction with the distance
    training package; and (d) a form for reporting the results of using the distance
    training package. Statistics for data analysis were the E1/E2 index, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Research findings were as follows:
    1. Regarding the conditions it was found that for conditions of using training packages were at the lowest leve (X =20..4 S.D. =12.3)l; for the
    problem of using training packages were at the moderate level (X =16.8 S.D. = 9.5); for the need of using training packages were at the highest level
    (X = 43.8 S.D. = 12.77) 2. The distance training was efficient at 73.27/76.47 3. Regarding the evaluation results was 17.69 which was higher than their pre-training mean in the satisfaction aspect, the trainees were satisfied at the high level with the contents of the training package and the accompanying VCD on training; furthermore, they were satisfied at the highest level with the post-training follow-up and supervision.

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