Participation on Local community development in the civil society of the elderly in Samakkhi Community, Yala Province

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Chaiwat Yotee


Research on the participation in local community development in the civil society of the elderly in the unity community. The objective of this research is to study the dynamic of civil-society integration of the elderly in the unity of a community in Yala province and to study the role of participation in the local development of the elderly in the unity of the community in Yala. This research is qualitative research by taking the lessons learned from the community and collaborating with the community. The study indicated that civil society grouping of the elderly in the unity community uses 4 main mechanisms which are 1) community context 2) leaders 3) creation of action activities 4) coordination of groups. These mechanisms are important factors that lead to assimilating the elderly unity community to success. The elderly of the united community group has the role of participation in local development in 2 main points which are 1) responding to local policies and 2) expanding the network base by dividing into 2 sub-dimensions, namely the base expansion dimension of internal community groups and the base expansion dimension of external community groups. The mechanism of integration and the driving dimension of civil society has a significant effect on the public in many areas, such as human resource development, community economy, quality of life and mental health of the elderly, etc.

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