Development of Online Learning Course using Gamification for Consciousness of Single-use Plastic in daily life for student pilots at Flying Training School Royal Thai Air Force

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วิรตี วงษ์อนุสาสน์


The purposes of this research were 1) to develop an online course by using gamification strategies in order to raise awareness of single-use plastic 2) to study the behavior of learners after taking gamification with an online course and 3) to investigate learner satisfaction toward gamification with an online course

Sampling method the sample were selected by purposive sampling from 31 student pilots at Flying Training School Royal Thai Air Force.

The learning outcomes by using gamification with an online course can be assessed according to many factors. In this study, the results showed that 1) The most highly rated factors were the content and its media of the course 2) In the before and after study, the result showed that t-test is 25.71 at the .01 level of significance so behaviors of students after the lessons in and 3) the overall participants satisfaction toward an online course was revealed at the highest level.

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