The Anthropocentric Truth of Soren Kierkegaard: A Critique

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osebor ikechukwu
Kano Benson


Truth as “subjectivity” is an important theme in Soren Kierkegaard’s philosophy. Subjectivity rejects the absolute spirit, or the eternal truth of Hegel, and of   idealism. Subjectivity is a paradigm shift from the traditional conception of truth to the individualistic perception of reality. Although, Kierkegaard did not deny the existence of the absolute truth but affirmed that absolutism is not certainty. The implication of objective truth is the negation of concrete individual and an abstract entity, which remains outside the realm of sensory perception. Using the method of philosophical analysis, the paper contends that Kierkegaard rejection of objectivism went too far in the opposite direction because, ‘Subjectivity as truth’ could end up in a form of epistemological relativism. Conclusively, Kierkegaard's subjectivism is not sufficient; rather, a philosophical synthesis of objectivity and subjective; Su-objective philosophy will be required.

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