Yala Municipality's Operating Model for Reconciliation: Transcription for Learning from the King Prajadhipok's Award Criteria

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Chaiwat Yotee
Runglawan Chantarattana
Araya Chinworakomol
Varunada Vongrot


The purpose of this research was to study the implementation of Yala municipality to bring about to be reconciliation society of the city The researchers applied qualitative research methodology to collect the data. The number of key informants were 149 persons that consisted of stakeholders, project officers, and executive of Yala municipality. The results presented that there were four approaches that were able to bring about municipality to be reconciliation society. They were comprised of 1) preparation of projects/activities that promote reconciliation 2) the principle practice of officers 3) organizational management models, and 4) the role of local leader. These approaches were relevant with the criteria of the Award of King Prajadhipok in the issue of strengthening of peace and reconciliation in 5 categories. Five categories were composed of 1) basic Infrastructure in terms of education, quality of life, socioeconomic and society of the local area 2) organizing to strengthen peace and reconciliation 3) there were developmental directions that related with the 7 overall pictures of challenges and opportunities of Thailand 4) organizing several
projects and activities to strengthen people and youth in cases of developing ideas, skills, values, and citizenship and 5) there were outstanding projects/activities to raising peace and reconciliation.

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