Impacts and How People Adjust to the COVID-19 Pandemic and New Community Norms in Nakhon Ratchasima Province

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Kanokporn Chimplee
Tawee Watcharakietisak
Rattikorn Shichaichana
Chomchanok Thanaweeraporn
Jarukit Chairod


 The objective of the research study on Impacts and How People Adjust to the COVID-19 Pandemic and New Community Norms in Nakhon Ratchasima Province is to investigate the impacts, and how people adapt to the COVID-19 pandemic and new community norms in terms of economy, health, society, the environment, information technology and education in Nakhon Ratchasima Province. Quantitative and qualitative research methods (mixed methods) were used in this research, and there were 410 participants. Data were obtained from questionnaires completed by the participants and from 18 key informants. Research tools included an in-depth interview and  a quantitative data analysis. Data were analyzed by frequency, percentage and qualitative data analysis, based on the principles of inductive analysis. The findings are as follows: 1) In terms of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in Nakhon Ratchasima, it was found that the farmers were affected, as they could not sell their agricultural products, resulting in a slowdown in public spending. People were too anxious to go out, thus a weaker relationship in the community. In addition, there were fears among communities and delays in sharing local news on social media. Children were also required to take online classes, so parents had to take care of them at home, resulting in more responsibilities. 2) In terms of the adjustment to the new community norms, it was found that people made plans for household spending and became more careful about spending. They cooked at home, and new jobs were generated. They protected themselves when going outside, as well as refrained from organizing parties and attending crowded events. They also worked from home.

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