Development of Drum Fills for Isaan Folk Music (Mor Lam) by Using Linear Drumming Technique

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Pajone Peebung


The purpose of this article is to develop drum fills for Isaan folk music (Mor Lam) by using linear drumming techniques based on the structure of traditional Mor Lam drum fill. The traditional drum fill of Mor Lam was a unique drum fill that was commonly known as “Mor Lam Drum Fill”. The structure of this drum fill consisted of a 4-beat fill or a 1-bar fill. A full bar fill was divided into 2 phrases and each phrase contained 2 beats like the sentence of the question-and-answer song which was widely used in all types of Mor Lam such as Mor Lam Rueng Tor Klon, Mor Lam Ploen, Mor
Lam Sing, and Luk Thung Mor Lam. However, it found that there were fewer changes of technical evolution in Mor Lam drum fills than in the drum patterns or “Mor Lam Beat”. Therefore, the aim of this academic article was to describe the development and creation of Mor Lam drum fills by using linear drumming which was a well-known drumming technique and applicable to various types of music. This article also included knowledge and guideline for the further creation and development of folk music.

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