Work Patterns of Commuter in a Core City

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Montri Phusrisom
Dusadee Ayuwat


This study examined the work patterns of commuter in one of Thailand’s core cities, namely Khon Kaen, and identified the factors correlating with these work patterns. Quantitative research methods were used with individual units of analysis. The sample included 1,013 workers who were commuted to Khon Kaen Province. The sample was determined using random sampling from micro data reported in the Population Migration Survey Program by the National Statistical Office of Thailand and was collected from October to December, 2019. Descriptive and Chi-Square Statistics were used for analysis. The findings showed that of the commuter who commuted to work in Khon Kaen Province, 56.0% worked in the agricultural sector (agriculture, forestry, and fishing); 29.8% in the service sector (wholesale, retail, and motorcycle and automotive repair); and 14.2% in the industrial sector. Factors correlating with the work plans of this population (with a statistical significance of 0.05) included the worker’s sex, age, education level, and employment status, as well as their work hours per week, commuting plans, distance travelled per day, and monthly travel expenses.

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