Potential Development Guidelines of Reed Mat Handicraft Community Enterprise of Ban Huay Tard, Na Dok Kham Sub-district, Na Duang District, Loei Province

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Thairoj Phoungmanee
Kotchasi Charoensuk
Pacharamon Jaingamdee



            This  qualitative reseach aimed to 1) study the context of the Community Enterprise Group of Arts and Crafts from reeds of Huay Tat village, Na Duang District, Loei Province and 2) develop the potential of Community Enterprise Group of Arts and crafts from reeds in Huay Tat Village, Na Duang District, Loei Province.  There were informants selected by using purposive sampling technique.  The tools for collecting the data comprised  interview, group discussion, recording forms, and meeting, and content analysis was used for analyzing qualitative data.  The results of the study revealed that Community Enterprise Group of arts and crafts was founded in 1998 with supports from the government sector. At the beginning, there were 35 members crafting the products of the community for selling at government offices. Due to the situation of Covid-19 pandemics, only 12  members remained in the group, and four of the members continued weaving and crafting reeds.  The strength of the group included the design and product processes from weaving and crating mats such as tissue paper boxs, crafted bottles, and crafted handbags branded "Pha Ya".  On the other hands, the weakness of the group was lacking confidence and motivation. Meanwhile, there was an opportunity that the government and private sectors, as well as, educational institutions participating in supporting and developing the group continuously.  2) There were 6 guidelines for developing  the community Enterprise group of arts and crafts from reeds as follows: 2.1) Management: everyone needs to participate in planning to develop the group;  2.2)   Personnel: There should be ideas and designs that meet the needs of the customers' goals; 2.3) Budget: the group needs to seek for financial budget reserved product management and promotion; 2.4) Product: The members need to participate in the development of  crafting  patterns, dyeing techniques, weaving and crafting techniques,  and creating new products with differences; and 2.5) marketing: it is suggested to create the marketing forms  which are various and easy to reach the customers' goals.

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