Motif and Meaning from Khmer Folktales - “Sdac trey” and “Neang Kdam” With Image of Community’s Way of the Por Ethnic Group in Cambodia
Main Article Content
The research article analyzes the Image of the way in the community and the meaning of character which related to the community way, using two Por ethnic group folktales in Cambodia – “Sdac trey” and “Neang Kdam” – that were translated from the original Khmer language by the researchers. This research utilized qualitative research methods, including motif index and literature analysis, to examine the characters of the Por ethnic group’s Khmer Loeu folktales and their natural landscape. The study found that crabs and fish play a role as aquatic animal characters in folktales associated with the environment and life surrounding the community. Moreover, there are four issues regarding the communication of the community’s way of life and the meaning of the “Sdac trey” and
“Neang Kdam” folktales as follows: 1) The agricultural community’s way of Por ethnic group, 2) The cultural scene of the community’s material culture 3) The water resources as a significant area of the community, and 4) The
reflection and meaning of “Sdac trey” and “Neang Kdam” characters as a power of nature in rewarding and punishing. All the connotations in these two folktales show a significant relationship between the Por people and
agricultural activities for their lives and also their respect for nature.
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