KKU International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 2024-12-27T16:03:54+07:00 Associate Professor Thanapauge Chamaratana Open Journal Systems <h3>* <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>About The Journal</strong></span> *</h3> <p> <strong>KKU International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (KKUIJ)</strong> We welcome Thai and English manuscripts of research articles, review articles and book reviews covering the following areas: <em><strong>Law, Religions and Philosophy, Political Sciences, Public Administration, Education, Geography, History, Language and Literature, Social Sciences and Sociology. </strong></em></p> <div id="peerReviewProcess"> <h3>* <strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Peer Review Process</span></strong> *</h3> <p> All submitted manuscripts must be reviewed by at least 3 expert reviewers with "<strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Double Blinded</span>"</strong> peer-reviews. </p> </div> <div id="openAccessPolicy"> <h3>* <strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Publication Frequency</span></strong> * </h3> <p> KKU International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences has <strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Online published</span></strong> 3 issues annually every 4 months :</p> <ul> <li class="show"><strong>Issues 1</strong> <strong>:</strong> January - April</li> <li class="show"><strong>Issues 2</strong> <strong>:</strong> May - August</li> <li class="show"><strong>Issues 3</strong> <strong>:</strong> September - December</li> </ul> <h3><strong>* <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Processing Fee</span> / <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Article Page Charges</span> *</strong></h3> <p> Free / None</p> </div> Development of Vietnam’s Tourism Policy and Its Direction to Sustainable Development 2024-01-15T16:52:34+07:00 Worrawoot Jumlongnark Hoai Nguyen Thu <p>This review article has five main objectives: to examine the evolution of tourism policy in Vietnam from past to present, to present current strategies for sustainable tourism development in Vietnam, to analyze the impact of Vietnam’s tourism policy on the country’s economic growth, to identify challenges and lessons learned in implementing tourism policy in Vietnam, and to suggest directions for the future development of Vietnam’s tourism industry. This study employs a qualitative study method, focusing on the debate surrounding sustainable tourism development. Through document analysis, the study found that the development of tourism in Vietnam has varied across different periods, Vietnam has established a systematic strategy for sustainable tourism, and Vietnam’s tourism policy significantly impacts the country’s economic growth. Additionally, while Vietnam has improved several measures to promote tourism, many issues remain unresolved. The study suggests that Vietnam should consider long-term development and build resilience to address future challenges in its tourism industry.</p> 2024-12-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Social Studies Teachers and Learners in the Era of Disruption 2024-06-11T00:14:28+07:00 Ponpeera Wongpornpratheep <p>The primary objective of Social Studies, an interdisciplinary integration subject, is to cultivate learners into becoming competent citizens, especially during this period of rapid changes where information technology plays an important role. It is the time we refer to as the 21<sup>st</sup> century or the Digital Era. Social Studies educators currently hold a crucial role as they are expected to help learners become adaptable and capable of living harmoniously in society, in alignment with the National Core Curriculum for Basic Education. This article serves as a guideline for Social Studies teachers, focusing on 3 main aspects: 1) Social Studies concepts and knowledge, 2) Social Studies learning management, and 3) Social Studies expert teachers. The research findings are seen as fundamental information for Social Studies educators to understand their roles and prepare for handling the changes. Consequently, they will be able to develop the traits and characteristics in students that are suitable for this era of change. They will also help students value Social Studies as a subject from which they gain knowledge, enabling them to effectively apply this knowledge in daily life and grow into the quality citizens envisioned by the subject's goals.</p> 2024-12-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Leadership of School Administrators in Promoting STEM Learning Management (STEM EDUCATION) to Enhance Learners in Life Skills under The Rayong Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 2022-04-28T12:05:25+07:00 Phornsirima Buranaphan Phatamon Ruangvitayavut Thamarongsak Rakngam <p>The objectives of this research were 1) to study the leadership of school administrators in promoting STEM EDUCATION, which aimed to enhance learners in life skills, and 2) to propose a leadership approach of school administrators. Educational institutions to promote STEM EDUCATION, which aimed to enhance learners in life skills. This research was a quantitative and qualitative research. Using descriptive statistics. The distribution of frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation.</p> <p> The results showed that 1) the leadership of educational institution administrators in promoting STEM EDUCATION, which aimed to enhance learners in life skills. Overall, it was at a high level ( =3.95,S.D.= 0.47). The aspect with the highest mean ( = 4.05,S.D.=0.77), followed by curriculum development and learning management ( = 3.97, S.D.=0.54), while the aspect with the lowest mean was the aspect of building a network of alliances ( = 3.82, S.D.=0.55. and 2) to propose a leadership guideline for school administrators to promote STEM EDUCATION, which aimed to enhance learners in life skills. The results of interviews with school administrators, teachers and students summarized the leadership of school administrators in promoting STEM EDUCATION, which aimed to enhance learners in life skills should study networking The Coalition for Development in STEM Learning Management aimed to provide students with life skills clarity on school policies. It was measured and evaluated. Establishment of a supervisory committee to supervise and monitor learning management for educational potential STEM EDUCATION model that focuses on learners to have quality life skills</p> <p> The leadership of the school administrators in promoting STEM EDUCATION that aimed to enhance learners in life skills. It will be a guide and useful in the operation. Promotion of learning management and curriculum development in management planning of educational institution administrators</p> 2024-12-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 The direction of Confucian Philosophy studies in Thailand 2023-08-17T15:28:20+07:00 Puttharak Prabnok Watcharapol Sirisuwilai Wuttichai Sawangsang Prema Tantipanichteerakul Geng Jun <p>This documentary research aims to analyze the direction of Confucian Philosophy studies in Thailand. The results showed that there were 54 research papers and academic articles related to Confucian philosophy, divided into 34 studies on analytic philosophical contents and 20 studies on<br />the influence of Confucian philosophy on society and culture. The analytic philosophical contents were further categorized into pure philosophy and applied philosophy. There were two types of studies: systematic Confucian<br />studies focusing on philosophical contents supported by philosophical systemic concepts, and non-systematic Confucian studies focusing on the importance of Confucian philosophy in influencing society and culture. Analytical and comparative studies were the primary research methodologies employed. The direction of the Confucian philosophy studies in Thailand exhibits 2 characteristics: preserving the essence of Confucian philosophy by<br />emphasizing its basic concepts and incorporating Western philosophical reasoning principles in Confucian philosophy studies.</p> 2024-12-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 The perceptions of local people in Southern Thailand regarding their regional culture 2024-06-04T23:36:15+07:00 Van Hien Huynh Asst. Prof. Dr. Noppakao Naphathalung Dr. Kevin John Laws <p> Culture is a commonly used term, yet what it really means is found complicated because it can convey different meanings in different contexts. Another problem that people consider important but not easy to find the answer is identifying which elements belong to culture and what does not. In addition, while it is rather easy to search for information about the culture of a nation, it is not the same for regional culture. It is the case of Southern Thailand.<br /> This study aims at studying an acceptable definition of culture and identifying elements of culture, and studying the culture of Southern Thailand. The data of this qualitative study are obtained via semi-structured<br />interviews using indicative questions administered in friendly, informal settings. This study involves three local people, one male and two females, aged between 30 and 50. After the interviews were conducted consecutively, the transcriptions were coded and organized by themes then categorized for analysis. The findings showed that the regional culture of Southern Thailand is characterized by its diversity, with the coexistence of various ethnic and<br />religious groups, influencing the cultural values, the beliefs, ideologies, behavior, language use, the way of thinking about family, respect, friendship and co-operation.<br /> The study contributes to the understanding of Southern Thailand’s culture, providing valuable insights that could enhance effective cross-cultural communication and cultural preservation in this region. The research<br />suggests that further studies should involve more diverse participant pool to obtain more comprehensiveness of the findings.</p> 2024-12-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Motif and Meaning from Khmer Folktales - “Sdac trey” and “Neang Kdam” With Image of Community’s Way of the Por Ethnic Group in Cambodia 2024-06-09T23:05:53+07:00 Siraphat Hannok Kittipong Baeseiw Chuti Chatewutthiprapha <p>The research article analyzes the Image of the way in the community and the meaning of character which related to the community way, using two Por ethnic group folktales in Cambodia – “Sdac trey” and “Neang Kdam” – that were translated from the original Khmer language by the researchers. This research utilized qualitative research methods, including motif index and literature analysis, to examine the characters of the Por ethnic group’s Khmer Loeu folktales and their natural landscape. The study found that crabs and fish play a role as aquatic animal characters in folktales associated with the environment and life surrounding the community. Moreover, there are four issues regarding the communication of the community’s way of life and the meaning of the “Sdac trey” and<br />“Neang Kdam” folktales as follows: 1) The agricultural community’s way of Por ethnic group, 2) The cultural scene of the community’s material culture 3) The water resources as a significant area of the community, and 4) The<br />reflection and meaning of “Sdac trey” and “Neang Kdam” characters as a power of nature in rewarding and punishing. All the connotations in these two folktales show a significant relationship between the Por people and<br />agricultural activities for their lives and also their respect for nature.</p> 2024-12-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 An Investigation of Myth and Paradigm Shift in Miki Kiyoshi’s Logic of Imagination 2023-11-08T21:27:47+07:00 Sarayuddha Lhaspajchimanandh Ratjit Thongprem Pajaree Wangrungkij <p>This research aims to systematically study Miki Kiyoshi's primary source document to analyze his conceptions, especially the logic of imagination and myth, as presented in his philosophical arguments. The findings reveal that Miki challenges the traditional separation of the subjective and the objective by proposing an ontology that unifies them in the logic of imagination which is structure of the mind. Miki also presents the reality of myths related to the logic of imagination that myths are intrinsically connected to a mystical reality with the subjective emotions of individuals in a pre-logical state. Concurrently, every individual's imagination actively engages with the mystical reality of society. Therefore, Miki's proposal regarding myth reveals the essence of reality that emerges between the subjective/objective, the mystical/logical, and the individual/society, all interconnected within the framework of logic of imaginary.</p> 2024-12-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024