Industry Analysis by PESTEL-AHP A Case Study of Thailand Public Airports



Analytical Hierarchy Process, Industry Analysis, PESTEL Analysis, Public Airports, Thailand


This article aims at applying the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) with PESTEL Analysis to quantitatively conduct an industry analysis in order to provide policy implications. The public airports, under operations of the Department of Airports, located in the local and regional parts of Thailand is employed as a case study. By weighting the importance factors from airport expert panels under the PESTEL-AHP framework, the results reveal that Air Navigation Act BE (No.14) 2562, which is a legislation element of PESTEL, plays the most crucial component and has the biggest impacts on Thailand public airports with an estimated weighted at 28% when comparing to other PESTEL elements. While the National Strategy and trend toward airport digitalization approximately impact the overall industry with 22% and 21%, respectively. The policy implications for public airport development deriving from the airport industry analysis are presented at the end of the article.


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How to Cite

Chutiphongdech, T. (2023). Industry Analysis by PESTEL-AHP A Case Study of Thailand Public Airports. NIDA Case Research Journal, 13(2), 76–100. retrieved from