KKU Research Journal (Graduate Studies) Humanities and Social Sciences
<p> KKU Research Journal (Graduate Studies) is distributed by Graduate School, Khon Kaen University since 2001 to publish research article, academic article, short communication, review article, and book review covered the field of science and technology, multi-disciplinary program in humanities and social sciences, economics, business administration and management, education, and psychology. In 2013, the journal is divided into two main subject fields: KKU Research Journal in Science and Technology published quarterly (4 issues: January – March, April – June, July – September, and October – December), and KKU Research Journal in Humanities and Social Sciences published tri-annually (3 issues: January – April, May – August, and September – December). The articles submitted to both journals are to be evaluated by two peer reviews, internal and external reviewers, and that are never been published or being submitted to any other journal, nor will it be submitted to any journal.</p> <p> Both of KKU Research Journal (Graduate Studies) are standardized under the database of Thai Journal Citation Index Centre : TCI)</p>Graduate School, Khon Kaen University บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่นen-USKKU Research Journal (Graduate Studies) Humanities and Social Sciences2286-7910Development of Analytical Reading Skills Using SQ4R Technique with Skill Training Exercises for Grade 11 Students at Saparachinee 2 School
<p>This research aimed (1) to enhance analytical reading skills of grade 11 students through an implementation of the SQ4R technique combined with skill-training exercises and (2) to investigate the satisfaction level of grade 11 students towards learning management using the SQ4R technique combined with skill-training exercises. The research sample comprised 39 grade 11 students in Semester 1, of the academic year 2023, at Saparachinee School 2, selected through purposive sampling. Research instruments included (1) a lesson plan for analytical reading, (2) skill practice exercises for analytical</p> <p>reading, and (3) an assessment questionnaire for satisfaction towards learning management using the SQ4R technique combined with skill-training exercises, analyzed using frequency, mean (𝑥̅), standard deviation (S.D.), and interdependent group statistics. The research findings revealed that (1) post-learning analytical reading performance of the students was significantly higher than pre-learning, at a statistically significant level of .05, and (2) students showed high satisfaction towards learning management using the SQ4R technique combined with skill practice, with a mean score (𝑥̅) of 4.24. The SQ4R learning technique, combined with skill exercises, helped students develop their analytical reading skills more effectively and could a method that stimulates systematic thinking<strong>.</strong></p>Jiraporn SikkajarnJutamas HnootongSupaporn Kongton
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2024-12-302024-12-301232635Factor Affecting the Adoption of Digital Baht Usage among Resident in Bangkok
<p class="Objective" style="margin: 0in; text-align: justify; text-justify: inter-cluster; line-height: normal;"><span style="font-size: 14.0pt; font-family: 'TH Sarabun New',sans-serif;">The objectives of the study are to (1) investigate perspectives on factors related to perceptions of cybersecurity, innovation and technology, trust, and the volume of digital Thai Baht usage among people residing in Bangkok, and (2) examine factors influencing the volume of digital Thai Baht usage among people residing in Bangkok. The study found that (1) gender, age, education, average monthly income, and occupation did not affect the volume of digital Thai Baht usage among people in Bangkok, and (2) factors such as perception, ease of use, data security, consumer innovation, acceptance of innovation, and convenience significantly influenced the volume of digital Thai Baht usage among people in Bangkok. The results from the research can be applied to develop the use of digital currencies in a way that aligns with consumer needs.</span></p> <p class="Objective" style="margin: 0in; text-align: justify; text-justify: inter-cluster; text-indent: .5in; line-height: normal;"> </p>Anapat PattanawongwaranManvipa Indradat
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2024-12-302024-12-301233650Administrative Factors Affecting the Professional Learning Community of Schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Khon Kaen
<p>The objectives of this research were to study (1) the level of administrative factors in terms of leadership of school administrators factor, school structure factor, professional learning and development factor, and organizational climate factor related to the professional learning community of schools; (2) the level of the state of professional learning community of schools; (3) the relationship between administrative factors and professional learning community of the schools; and (4) the administrative factors affecting the professional learning community of schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Khon Kaen. This research was quantitative method. The research sample consisted of 356 teachers in schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Khon Kaen during the 2020 academic year were determined by comparing the table of Krejcie & Morgan [1] and multi-stage random sampling determination. The employed research tool was a questionnaire with the IOC value of 1.00 and the reliability coefficients of .97. Statistics employed for data analysis were mean, standard deviation, Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficient, and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The research findings revealed that (1) the overall administrative factors related to the professional learning community of schools were rated at the high level; (2) the overall state of professional learning community of schools were rated at the high level; (3) the administrative factors had a high level positive relationship with the professional learning community of schools at the significant level of .01; so the hypothesis was accepted, and (4) the administrative factors in terms of leadership of school administrators factor, school structure factor, professional learning and development factor, and organizational climate factor significantly affecting the professional learning community of schools at the significant level of .01; so the hypothesis was accepted.</p>Ponpun BootpoomKoolchalee ChongcharoenChuchart Puangsomjit
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2024-12-302024-12-301235163Enhancing English Speaking Skills through Film Integration: A Study among Vocational Students at Narathiwat Technical College
<p>English language teaching in Thailand has traditionally focused more on grammar and reading, which can make students feel disengaged from lessons. This study addresses this issue by focusing on developing English-speaking skills. Numerous studies indicate that many Thai learners struggle with English due to teaching approaches that lack engagement and appeal. Integrating English-language films into English-speaking instruction can enhance student interest and focus, as films are widely recognized as effective and engaging tools for teaching language skills. However, the use of films in English-speaking instruction is not yet widespread in Thailand, particularly in Narathiwat province. This study aimed to examine the effects of integrating English films into English-speaking lessons for vocational students at Narathiwat Technical College. A quasi-experimental design was employed, with a sample of 52 students drawn from two groups enrolled in the same subject course and English examination. Pre-tests and post-tests were administered, and the data were analyzed using the Independent Samples T-test. This study was grounded in Mayer’s Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning. Results indicated a significant difference between pre-test and post-test scores, suggesting improved speaking skills. These findings highlight the importance of integrating films in English instruction for Thai educators and administrators in this area, as it can positively impact students’ speaking abilities.</p>Nuramah Hajikaleng
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2024-12-302024-12-301236477Resilient Community Strategies in Rural Tourism: Insights from Pentingsari Village in Indonesia
<p>This paper explores the resilience of the Pentingsari Tourist Village in Indonesia in the face of various challenges. Qualitative methodology analyzed data from community initiatives, tourism development projects, and challenge experiences to formulate a model based on four critical issues in translating resilience in the social world by Davoudi. The village’s ability to recover from the 2010 eruption of Merapi volcano and the COVID-19 pandemic highlights the importance of early warning systems, effective leadership and community empowerment, sustainable infrastructure, and income diversification in building resilience. This case study of the Pentingsari Tourist Village provides valuable insights into the mechanisms of resilience and the importance of community-based approaches in rural tourism.</p>Naufal Kholid Masro SarifPornnarong Charnnuwong
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2024-12-302024-12-301237890Influencing Factors in the Decision to Decline Admission to Khon Kaen University under the TCAS System for the Academic Year 2023
<p>This research aims to study the influencing factors in the decision to decline Admission to Khon Kaen University under the TCAS System for the Academic Year 2023. The target population is students in Matthayom Saksa 6 and students in Vocational Diploma 3, who were eligible to attend the interview/qualified to study and waive the right to Khon Kaen University Bachelor's degree, TCAS system, the academic year 2023. The research tool was an online questionnaire that the respondents were willing to answer 233 people who were analyzed to find the mean and standard deviation. The study found that factors in personal reasons. There was a low overall level of opinions. The general level of views of the university was moderate. Factors related to the overall aspects of the university were rated at a high level. Elements in terms of personal factors had a moderate level of overall views. Parents and students There were general opinions at a high level for all factors. Elements in other reasons The overall level of ideas was moderate. Regarding suggestions, the respondents saw that the university is paying tuition fees too early and tuition fees are too high. The courses offered were outstanding, obvious, and standard, but not highly demanded by the labor market. they should have an opportunity to study and visit the overview of the university</p>Nuchanat PhunturadNatcha KhumsiriSuwaree KiawkhamPharadee Anusurain
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2024-12-302024-12-3012391101Leadership Soft Skills of the Administrators Affecting Effectiveness of Teachers’ Performance in Schools under the Office of Nakhon Ratchasima Primary Education Service Area Office 1
<p>The main objectives of this research were 1) to study the effectiveness of teachers' performance in schools, 2) to study of the leadership soft skills of school administrators, and 3) to study of the leadership soft skills of school administrators affecting the effectiveness of teacher’s performance in schools under the Nakhon Ratchasima Primary Education Service Area Office 1. The sample group consisted of 320 school administrators and teachers by a stratified random sampling. The instrument used for data collection was a questionnaire and the reliability of the questionnaire was 0.978. Using stepwise multiple regression analysis method for calculating. The findings of the research were as follows; 1) The effectiveness of teachers' performance in schools indicated a high level of performance. The highest performance was the class management. 2) Leadership soft skills of school administrators indicated a high level of performance. The highest performance were the teamwork and lifelong learning skill and the information management skill. 3) Leadership soft skills of school administrators included the teamwork skill (X<sub>3</sub>), the lifelong learning and the information management skills (X<sub>6</sub>), the communication and the presentation skills (X<sub>1</sub>), the professional and ethical skills (X<sub>5</sub>), the analytical thinking and the creative problem-solving skills (X<sub>2</sub>) affect and predict the effectiveness of teachers’ performance in schools with the percentage of 85.1 and it was statistically significant at 0.05 level. These could be formed as the regression equations of standardized score as follows;</p> <p>Zy = 0.370 (ZX<sub>3</sub>) + 0.353(ZX<sub>6</sub>) + 0.096 (ZX<sub>1</sub>) + 0.132 (ZX<sub>5</sub>) + 0.094 (ZX<sub>2</sub>)</p>Siripron JitkhotWallapha AriratanaParichart Toomnan
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2024-12-302024-12-30123102112Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Sustainable Leadership for Educational Administrators under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Bueng Kan
<p>This study aimed to 1) investigate the components and indicators of sustainable leadership for educational administrators under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office, Bueng Kan, and 2) examine the congruence of the sustainable leadership component model and its indicators with empirical data. The research sample consisted of 320 participants, including school administrators and teachers, selected using a multistage sampling method based on school size. The research instrument was a questionnaire validated for content validity (IOC) by three experts, with a reliability coefficient of 0.977 for the entire instrument. Data analysis was performed using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) with Mplus 7.0 software. The findings revealed that sustainable leadership for educational administrators comprises four main components with a total of 12 indicators: 1) distributed leadership (3 indicators), 2) deep learning (3 indicators), 3) diversity promotion (3 indicators), and 4) social justice (3 indicators). Additionally, the analysis showed that the sustainable leadership component model demonstrated a good fit with empirical data.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p>Jaturon SudtamaWallapha Ariratana
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2024-12-302024-12-30123113124Editorial Note
<p>สวัสดีผู้อ่านทุกท่านที่ได้ติดตามผลงานทางวิชาการวารสารวิจัย มข. (ฉบับบัณฑิตศึกษา) <a href="http://journal.gs.kku.ac.th/">สาขามนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์</a> มาอย่างต่อเนื่อง สำหรับวารสารฉบับส่งท้ายของปีเล่มนี้ ทางกองบรรณาธิการยังคงคัดสรรบทความที่น่าสนใจเพื่อเสนอแด่ท่านผู้อ่าน อาทิ การจัดการแปรรูปของเหลือจากอาหารในกระบวนการผลิตสู่ผลิตภัณฑ์ใหม่ภายใต้แนวคิดเศรษฐกิจหมุนเวียน Dark side กับสังคมและเทคโนโลยีอภิวัฒน์ การพัฒนาทักษะการอ่านเชิงวิเคราะห์ด้วยการจัดการเรียนรู้แบบเทคนิค SQ4R ร่วมกับการใช้แบบฝึกทักษะสำหรับนักเรียนชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปีที่ 5 โรงเรียนสภาราชินี 2 ปัจจัยที่ส่งผลต่อปริมาณการใช้สกุลเงินบาทดิจิทัลของประชาชนในกรุงเทพมหานคร ปัจจัยทางการบริหารที่มีอิทธิพลต่อการเป็นชุมชนแห่งการเรียนรู้ทางวิชาชีพของสถานศึกษา สังกัดสำนักงานเขตพื้นที่การศึกษามัธยมศึกษาขอนแก่น เป็นต้น</p> <p>ทางกองบรรณาธิการขอเชิญชวนทุกท่านได้เสนอบทความวิชาการ บทความวิจัย บทความปริทัศน์และบทวิจารณ์หนังสือ ทางมนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์ เพื่อเผยแพร่กับทางวารสาร โดยสามารถศึกษารายละเอียดได้จาก <a href="http://journal.gs.kku.ac.th">http://journal.gs.kku.ac.th</a> และ <a href="https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/gskkuhs/%20index">https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/gskkuhs/ index</a></p> <p> </p> <p><em>กองบรรณาธิการ</em></p>Assoc.Prof.Dr.Vispat Chaichuay
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2024-12-302024-12-30123Management of Food Waste from the Production Process into New Products under the Concept of Circular Economy
<p>This academic article aimed 1) to study the production of new eco-friendly products from food waste from the production process into under the concept of circular economy and 2) to study the obstacles and challenges faced by producers in the production of new eco-friendly products from food waste from the production process. The food production process caused a large amount of food waste each year. Processing food waste from the production was the appropriate solution to food waste based on the principles and concepts of the circular economy as it brought economic, social and environmental benefits. Moreover, many consumers were likely to support these processed products as they were eco-friendly. The cycle of production of new eco-friendly products from food waste in production process contained various steps including procurement of raw materials as the food waste from the production process, product design, production process, distribution and sales of products, consumption, disposal of food waste from consumption. and reuse or recycle of food waste through processing. Producers however had to deal with the challenges from cost and knowledge barriers. Therefore, the stakeholders should recognize to these limitations and develop measures to enhance knowledge sharing to further develop the new products from food waste from the production process.</p>Thirawut SaengmaneedechRonald PortanierWanna ChokbandansukDarunee Watnakornbancha
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2024-12-302024-12-30123115Dark Side and Evolving Society and Technology
<p>This academic article aims to 1) study the dark side of people that affect themselves and others and 2) study ways to protect from the risks and threats of the online world. The most frightening thing in the human heart is probably the dark side. or the dark corners of the human mind that when was stimulated to appear. and humans cannot restrain it. It will affect yourself and the people around you in various matters. If this dark side appears online. A place where dark behavior can be displayed without even having to show one's presence. Or have seen your face too It will have a wide impact. Therefore, protect yourself from the threats of the online world. It is a necessary matter that everyone must learn. Put into practice. Therefore, in recognizing the dark side of society in the matter of digital technology Therefore, awareness must be created and raised, including adults in the country who must take serious interest in this matter.</p>Witunya Saelo
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