Annam Nikaya Buddhism on Vietnamese Style in Thailand: History and Development

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Phra Raphin Buddhisaro
Phichet Thangto
Lampong Klomkul


The purpose of this academic article was to study Annam Nikaya Buddhism on Vietnamese Style in Thailand focusing on the history and the development. The article was written by using documentary study, area study with the historical method, and participatory observation. Results of the study indicated that Annam Nikaya is one of the Buddhist sects in Thailand. It has been modeled from Vietnam for more than 200 years and still preserving the identity of Buddhism following the Vietnamese way of self. At the same time, the blends became part of Thai society such as dress, prayer, and practice in some respects that correlated the retention in Thailand under the encouragement of the monarchy and the government. There is an administrative structure base on the Thai Sangha Acts and the number of temples and monks is increasing continually and are currently developing as a part of Thai society.

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How to Cite
Buddhisaro, P. R. ., Thangto , P. ., & Klomkul , L. . (2021). Annam Nikaya Buddhism on Vietnamese Style in Thailand: History and Development. International Journal of Multidisciplinary in Cultures & Religions Studies, 1(2), 1–12. Retrieved from


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