Strengthening the Consciousness of Good Citizenship along the Line of Buddhist Youth

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Phramaha Phanuwat Sankham
Phrakrusangkarak Suphanut Puriwattano
Silawat Chaiwong


This article demonstrates the attitude of the strengthening consciousness of good citizenship along the line of Buddhist youth. There are educational policies, youth development direction and the strategic proposals of the strengthening consciousness of good citizenship along the line of Buddhist youth. Country development or the development according to the world, cause the youth get the culture unknowable, absorbed into their lifestyle in the form of various media, then lack of discrimination that is good or negative impact motive to behave inappropriately. The strengthening awareness or conscious mind build human resources to be good citizenship about behavior and mental problems through the process of learning from experience and refinement socialization process along with virtue, ethics, self-sacrifice, honesty and public advantage. For Thailand, there are up to 12 copies of national economic and social development plans, the content develop Thai people to be good, artful and happy. Be society citizen staying valuable accepted in the society by law, through various institutions, such as social, education, religion, and family institute. Consequently the strengthening consciousness of good citizenship the author offers the primarily in attitude show that the religious and the education institutions, Buddhism is part of the pathway from generation to generation of Thai society people and Buddhism is also part of lifestyle based on generosity that make our society peaceful and prosperous.

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How to Cite
Sankham, P. P. ., Puriwattano, P. S. ., & Chaiwong, S. . (2021). Strengthening the Consciousness of Good Citizenship along the Line of Buddhist Youth. International Journal of Multidisciplinary in Cultures & Religions Studies, 1(2), 43–49. retrieved from


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