Reconciliation and Conflict Analysis of Kosambiya Sutta

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Phra Narongchai Thanajayo


This paper provides an investigation of the Buddhist vision of peace and reconciliation in the light of peace studies. Conflicts seem to be a natural part of human life and its effect to distorting the unity and harmony in the individual, community, society and overall the state. The conflicts exist not only in the world of ordinary people, but also within the spiritual community of Buddhist. Even as men ordain to become monks in pursuit of unity, harmony, peace, and purity, as ordinary human beings, they are still vulnerable to making mistakes because no one perfect and getting involved in conflicts. This paper aims also to observe the quarrels were the monks engaged in disputes, arguments and contention that occurred amongst the Sangha at Kosambi from Kosambi Suttaand will analyze reconciliationmethodology that the Buddha used for handling these problems with six factors of communal harmony i.e. polite, create affection and respect, lead to inclusiveness, non-contention, harmony and unity.  Some issue seems quite minor and it is a lesson how big problems can arise from small things. It will also deconstruct conflict analysis based on contemporary theories.


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How to Cite
Thanajayo, P. N. . (2021). Reconciliation and Conflict Analysis of Kosambiya Sutta. International Journal of Multidisciplinary in Cultures & Religions Studies, 2(2), 89–98. Retrieved from


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