The Beginning of Palestine and the Sealing of her Fate


  • ชาคริต ชุ่มวัฒนะ คณะสังคมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยศรีนครินทรวิโรฒ


Palestine, Israel, Mandate of Palestine, Middle East conflicts


Owing to a strong desire to settle down in Palestine as an independent state, the Arabs decided to help the British fight against the Ottoman Empire or Turkey in W.W. L. However, when the war ended, they found that they could not immediately obtain what they had hoped for, and they were also assigned to be under a mandate of the League of Nations. Afterwards, they gradually learned bitterly that both Britain and the United Nations had agreed that the land under the mandate of Palestine should be divided into Jewish and Arab states. The Arabs considered this unfair as they were the majority of inhabitants in that region and they had lived there for a long period. Nevertheless, the Jewish people did not hesitate, and they declared the establishment of the State of Israel as soon as the last British troops withdrew in 1948. Since then, and almost 65 years later, the Palestinian Arabs are still fighting to take part of the land back from Israel, still working for the UN member states' approval of Palestine's status as a 'non-member state', and finally still looking for solutions to alleviate the misery of millions of their Arab fellows who are living as refugees in Israeli-occupied territories and other Arab countries


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Gerner, Deborah J. One Land, Two Peoples : the Conflict over Palestine. Boulder : Westview Press, 1991.

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Smith, Charles D. Palestine and the Arab-Israeli Conflict. 3rd edition. New York : St. Martin's Press, 1996.

United Nations. Prospects for Peace in the Middle East : An Israeli-Palestinian Dialogue. New York : United Nations, 1991.

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How to Cite

ชุ่มวัฒนะ ช. (2020). The Beginning of Palestine and the Sealing of her Fate. Journal of the Faculty of Arts, Silpakorn University, 34(2), 67–87. Retrieved from