A Study of Confucian Aspects in Zhongyong


  • Chatuwit Keawsuwan Asst. Prof. Dr., Department of Eastern Languages, Faculty of Humanities, Kasetsart University


Confucian aspects, Ways of living, Zhongyong, Leniency


Confucianism is a school of thought of Chinese social and ethical philosophy followed by the Chinese people. Zhongyong”, the doctrine of mean, is a Confucian text that disseminates the important principle of leniency as the root of human behaviour. The aim of this paper is to explore “Dhamma Withi” or sustainable ways of living with certainty of the balance through the lens of “Zhongyong” by studying the meaning of knowledge and ideology, selecting and grouping information,  then building a conceptual framework. Critical analysis and explanations are also provided to show the close connection of the whole idea for further applications. Four broad themes emerged from the analysis: 1. living ways of leniency and nature; 2. living ways of gratitude; 3. living ways of governing; and 4.  living ways in accordance with social status.


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How to Cite

Keawsuwan, C. (2021). A Study of Confucian Aspects in Zhongyong. Journal of the Faculty of Arts, Silpakorn University, 43(2), 123–139. retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jasu/article/view/256248



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