The Identity of Chiang Rai–Tai Ya Musical Poetry
Keywords: Chiang Rai Tai Ya language; Musical poetry; IdentityAbstract
This research article aims to study the value of musical poetry from Chiang Rai-Tai Ya in terms of content composition and literary art. The results of the study showed that 1) the content composition found that Lela Triekanukul, Chiang Rai-Tai Ya, was the author. The composition was similar to a Thai octameter poem, consisting of 6 songs. The objective of the composition was to commemorate the ancestors and to express the Chiang Rai-Tai Ya people's love and unity, with the Chiang Rai-Tai Ya language serving as the primary language. There was also a blend of Chiang Rai dialect, Bangkok Thai, and Chinese language. In the theme of the songs, it presented remembrance of the ancestors in Ya City, China, as well as a sense of love for Tai Ya ethnicity, lifestyle, food culture, occupation, and a love of being connected to nature. and 2) the value of the literary art language, it was discovered that the author employed two forms of literary arts; rhyme words, i.e. reduplication and compound words, and tone reduplication words. As for the literary arts, there was a use of the figure of speech, and literary aestheti
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