Model Law on Buffer Area Management for Forest Preservation


  • Chaiyaphum Chanaphai


Buffer areas, Forest areas, Model law on the management of buffer areas



             The objective of this research is to establish a model law on buffer area management to protect forest areas  to resolve the problem of reduced forest areas from encroachment And forest resources have been stolen to be exploited Caused by the people living around the forest. Forests, although there are several forest area protection laws such as National Parks Act, B.E. 2562, National Reserved Forests Act, B.E. 1964 Wildlife Preservation and Protection Act, B.E. 2562, etc. But it can not be used to force it effectively. Adopting the concept of providing buffer areas around the forest through the process of determining the buffer area. Area acquisition Management Public participation Management through cooperation between government agencies and people Benefits that people will receive This is an issue that will be answered in the form of a law on the management of buffer areas to protect forest areas.

             The output from this research is a draft law on the management of buffer areas for forest conservation. Which has appropriate legal measures. The model law on the allocation of buffer areas to protect forest areas has many benefits, namely forest protection Making forest areas protected from invasion With the buffer area being the last zone before reaching the conservation area Environment is when the forest area. Intrusion has been prevented. Naturally makes the forest area fertile As a result, various environments have improved conditions as well. Public interest Resulting in the public participation in conservation Protect forest areas And have the opportunity to take advantage of the forest area as appropriate. The security aspect of the country is when the natural resources are intact. People will have a good living. Resulting in the security of the country more stable.


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2021-12-30 — Updated on 2022-01-25


How to Cite

Chanaphai, C. (2022). Model Law on Buffer Area Management for Forest Preservation. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Uttaradit Rajabhat University, 8(2), 1–11. Retrieved from (Original work published December 30, 2021)


