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Model Law for the Prevention and Suppression on Corruption in the Private Sectors


  • Thammasak Senamitr
  • Professor Dr.Sunee Mallikamarl


corruption in the private sectors, prevention, suppression


The research; Model Law for the Prevention and Suppression on Corruption
in the Private Sectors has purposes to study the current situation of problems on
the corruption in the private sectors in Thailand, definition, methods and
procedures of corruption in the private sectors, organizations and measures for
prevention and suppression on the corruption in the private sectors, includes the
remedy to recover the damages from the corruption in the private sectors in
comparison with the international law, and foreign law for preparing the Model
Law for the Prevention and Suppression on Corruption in the Private Sectors
This research is the Qualitative research comprises of the Documentary
research, In-depth interview, and Participatory design- Co design to be the
guidelines for preparing the model of Law for prevention and suppression on
corruption in the private sectors then, Public hearing the opinions with the related
population for preparing the Model Law for the Prevention and Suppression on
Corruption in the Private Sectors.
The research result is the current situation of corruption in the private
sectors in Thailand is consisted with the methods, procedures, and effects on the
people which be affected to the peace and order of social, economic, and state
security. The current Thai laws was legislated for solving problems on corruption
in the private sectors for any one method only, the organizations and measures
for prevention and suppression on corruption are too complicated and overlap in
terms of power and duty which be unable to seize and freeze the properties
obtained by crime for returning back to the injured party in time. The action on
the case (case proceeding) takes time, the corrupter could syphon the properties
away from tracking and retrieving beyond the efficiently recovery for the injured


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How to Cite

Senamitr, T., & Mallikamarl, S. (2021). Model Law for the Prevention and Suppression on Corruption in the Private Sectors. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Uttaradit Rajabhat University, 8(2), 12–23. Retrieved from


