Ethnic music, Phanom Sarakham District Chachoengsao Province


  • Teerawut klinduang -
  • Vichian Onlamoon
  • Jirasak Jittabutr


ดนตรี / ชาติพันธุ์ / พนมสารคาม


The objectives of this research titled Ancestral  Ethnic music, Phanom Sarakham District Chachoengsao Province were 1) to collect the body of knowledge concerning ethnic musical culture in Phanom Sarakham, Chachoengsao, 2) to perform “Phanom Sarakham” ethnic music, and Data collection was implemented by reviewing documents and related research as well as in depth interviews with experts in culture, traditions, and music of different cultural groups including Phuan, Wiang, Khmer, Chinese and Thai Cultural Groups. The results of this research were:

  1. In terms of the major aspect of ethnic music, it has been accompanied with the supernatural.For example, the music together with necromancy of the cultural groups of Puan, Khmer, and Wiang.  The music, used as curative treatment in rituals of believing in ghosts, was still found in Khmer cultural group.  Auspicious and inauspicious ceremonies were found in Thai and Chinese cultural groups.  In addition, the music together with the nature, the mouth organs which are made of wood were played by the cultural groups of Puan, and Wiang.  Furthermore, the music has been used in the way of life such as in wedding ceremonies, ordination ceremonies, and Tham Khwan Nak ceremonies which are performed before ordaining as a monk.
  2. Total 12 musical ensembles were studied, and 11 musical ensembles were inherited from ancestors.  Only one musical ensemble was inherited from a musical group in Phanom Sarakham.  Also, the musicians can play in different ensembles.
  3. In terms of the pattern of musical composition, traditional pattern and contemporary pattern combining melody and rhythm were used in order that the instrument sounds of those five cultural groups would be clearly identified. For instance, Klong Ton (a kind of drums) and Sor Khmer (Khmer fiddle) were used to mix with Khmer melody, and Khaen (bamboo mouth organ) was used to mix with Puan melody.
  4. In terms of publicizing the body of knowledge, the training program to publicize the knowledge of Phanom Sarakham ethnic, was held at Rajabhat Rajanagarindra University, and total 60 participants including teachers and students from different institutes attended.In this program, educating Phanom Sarakham ethnic musical composition as well as the main melody contest of Phanom Sarakham ethnic music were arranged.  Keywords: Ancestral music / ethnic music / knowledge management







How to Cite

klinduang, T., Onlamoon, V. ., & Jittabutr, J. . (2023). Ethnic music, Phanom Sarakham District Chachoengsao Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Uttaradit Rajabhat University, 9(2), 33–52. retrieved from


