Personal Pronouns in KhunchangKhunpaen Literature : A Study of Word Patterns and Usage in Social Relationships


  • suchada jiaphong -
  • Thanutcha Pronwanpen
  • Chutikan Danmuang
  • Pongsupha Thanamun
  • Waraporn Yodpan


Word Patterns, Personal Pronouns, KhunchangKhunpaen Literature


The objective of this research is to study the form of personal pronouns in "Khun Chang Khun Phaen" Literature and Study the use of pronouns according to the relationship between speakers those Who spoke with and those who has been mentioned in "Khun Chang Khun Phaen" The version of the Vajirayana Library. The results of the study revealed the use of personal pronouns in "Khun Chang Khun Phaen" literature.  Total 4588 times Able to analyze total 53 forms, can split to be first person pronoun 22 forms second person pronoun 20 forms and third person pronoun 11 forms For the use of relationship. The 38 words used in the relationships that speaker is lower were found. Followed by 35 forms of relationships that speakers is above And the least pattern of equal relationships total 29 forms.


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How to Cite

jiaphong, suchada, Pronwanpen, T. ., Danmuang, C. ., Thanamun, P. ., & Yodpan, W. . (2024). Personal Pronouns in KhunchangKhunpaen Literature : A Study of Word Patterns and Usage in Social Relationships. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Uttaradit Rajabhat University, 11(1), 14–25. Retrieved from