The Guidelines of Street Food Service Development for Tourism at Night Markets in the Old City Area, Chiang Mai Province


  • Monwipha Yacharoen Chiang Mai Rajabhat University


Street food



Street food is considered a good option for the fast-paced lifestyle that requires something more convenient and fast with reasonable price. At present, street food becomes more popular among tourists, especially Thai street food which is now known worldwide. The aims of this research were to examine tourists’ attitudes and behaviors towards street food consumption at night markets in the old city area, Chiang Mai Province, and to establish street food development guidelines to promote Chiang Mai’s tourism. A questionnaire was used as a tool to study tourists’ attitudes, behaviors and their satisfaction towards street food consumption at area of Chang Phuak night market, Som Phet night market, and Chiang Mai Gate night market. The data collected from the sample group of 400 Thai and foreign tourists showed that words of mouth and the reviews on social media are most influenced on their food consumption behaviors. Noodles were the favorite option of most tourists. In the product or food aspect (variety of food, taste and the appearance) was the factor that tourists considered the most when choosing street food stalls. Street food in the old Chiang Mai city should maintain its authenticity of the taste and should highlight the local ingredients. Moreover, what street food stalls and vendors should improve included the signs that showed clearly the menu and the price, as well as enough seating for the customers. Due to the Corona Virus (Covid-19) pandemic, street food stalls and vendors needed the advertising strategy by going more on social media, going online and doing food delivery, therefore a support from the public sector on marketing and service providing would be a great help. The local government agencies along with street food vendors could work together on improving the service standard of street food to promote the tourism in Chiang Mai.


Key words: Street food, Night market, Attitudes, Satisfaction


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How to Cite

Yacharoen, M. (2023). The Guidelines of Street Food Service Development for Tourism at Night Markets in the Old City Area, Chiang Mai Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Uttaradit Rajabhat University, 10(2), 51–67. Retrieved from


