Developing Laws Supporting the Rights of LGBT+ People


  • Thitaporn Noynalum -


The objectives of this research article are: 1. To study and analyze the principles, theories, recognition of the rights of LGBT people in Thailand. The situation of gender equality problems under Thai and foreign laws The research methodology is qualitative research. It consists of research papers. in-depth interview group chat public hearing in order to bring the answers to the preparation of laws to support rights and duties in the future

              The findings of the research are the lack of legislation that guarantees the rights and obligations of LGBT people to legally recognize the rights of LGBT couples. provide support for the engagement engagement rights marital rights marital property relations between spouses Marriage ends Spouse's adoption Being a legal heir who has the right to inherit as a statutory heir and the right to file a criminal lawsuit as an authorized representative and the right to continue prosecuting the deceased in order to achieve equality and equality of persons under the law

              Research offers suggestions. Amendment Civil and Commercial Code, Chapter 5, Family, Chapter 5, Rights of Persons with Sexual Diversity and amendments Code of Criminal Procedure Regarding Persons with Power to Manage Representatives in order to support equal rights

Keywords: LGBT people, equal rights, equality


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สมบูรณ์: ศึกษาเชิงวิเคราะห์จากบทกฎหมาย. พลสยาม.




How to Cite

Noynalum, T. (2023). Developing Laws Supporting the Rights of LGBT+ People. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Uttaradit Rajabhat University, 10(1), 185–197. Retrieved from


