Synthesis of local people's human rights laws with the participation of network partners in Corum Subdistrict, Phichai District, Uttaradit Province.


  • Chaiyaphum Chanaphai
  • Waraporn U-sub
  • Wannee Thongraya
  • Monchuda Supornjak


            The objective of this research is to find answers for creating a local human rights curriculum. and find solutions to solve problems and promote human rights in the local area, Corum Subdistrict, Phichai District, Uttaradit Province The research used a qualitative research process. It is an analytical tool to find answers.

            In this research, the problem situation was analyzed. together with concepts, theories, and principles related to human rights Principles of public participation The concept of decentralization and local government educational management concept Related Laws Government plans and policies In-depth interviews based on the specified issues Participation in design - co-design It is a research method that requires a population of 30 stakeholders to obtain answers. Contents of creating a local human rights curriculum. There are common threads related to human rights. and specific content related to the human rights of the elderly Authority and duties of the agency and related laws Solutions to solve problems and promote human rights in local areas A framework outlines actions that can be taken to solve local problems.

            Request for this research Recommend that the government sector promote human rights with public participation. and for the government sector to expedite knowledge and understanding for the people on human rights.


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How to Cite

Chanaphai, C., U-sub, W. ., Thongraya, W. ., & Supornjak, M. . (2023). Synthesis of local people’s human rights laws with the participation of network partners in Corum Subdistrict, Phichai District, Uttaradit Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Uttaradit Rajabhat University, 10(2), 1–13. Retrieved from


