Reproduction of Social Inequality in S.E.A. Write Literary Work Entitled ‘Until We Lie the World’s Embrace’ Written by Palita Phonpradapphet.


  • uraiwan singthong คณะครุศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏร้อยเอ็ด
  • ชมบุญ สุทธิปัญโญ
  • วิทวัส ชลรินทร์


reproduction, social inequality, s.e.a. write literary work, ‘until we lie the world’s embrace’, palita phonpradapphet.



This article had the objective of studying the reproduction of social inequality in S.E.A. Write literary work entitled ‘Until We Lie the World’s Embrace’ written by Palita Phonpradap phet. The sociology concept and social inequality were utilized and presented in descriptive analysis. The result found that the reproduction of social inequality in this S.E.A. Write literary work written by Palita Phonpradapphet found 4 topics were 1. income 2. education 3. governmental welfare and 4. urban and rural context. Palita Phonpradapphet conveyed social inequality occurred when society was weakened by Covid-19 pandemic. This led people to be pushed, pressed, and overlapped then became the social inequality.


Keywords: reproduction, social inequality, s.e.a. write literary work, ‘until we lie the world’s embrace’, palita phonpradapphet.


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How to Cite

singthong, uraiwan, สุทธิปัญโญ ช., & ชลรินทร์ ว. (2024). Reproduction of Social Inequality in S.E.A. Write Literary Work Entitled ‘Until We Lie the World’s Embrace’ Written by Palita Phonpradapphet. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Uttaradit Rajabhat University, 11(2), 32–43. retrieved from