Civic consciousness , Contemplative Education, Collaborative learning


  • พิชญ์อนงค์ ผดุงศิลป์ไพโรจน์ -
  • รวงทอง ถาพันธุ์


Civic consciousness , Contemplative Education, Collaborative learning


The word ‘citizen’ is very important in building a strong community, society, and nation that has quality progress. Many countries around the world place great importance on building citizenship, who through education to Civic Education for the people of the nation, especially children and youth. Because today’s children are tomorrow’s adults. So civic consciousness with contemplative mind and making understanding of inner dimensions on emotion, felling, thought and belief of event and situations knowingly with contemplative education aims at bringing about change to human learning, expressing human ‘value’ within ‘self’, raising civic consciousness with contemplative and connect external dimensions. This could be combined with the impact of people and society with collaborative learning. It aims to bring about a fundamental change in thinking and stimulate citizenship consciousness among children and youth. In order for students to learn their roles, duties, rights, and freedoms when living with others in society.

In this article, the meaning of citizenship, importance on building citizenship, civic consciousness, the meaning of contemplative, organizing collaborative learning and example on building civic consciousness too contemplative and collaborative learning for as a guideline to building civic consciousness to be aware of the concrete changes.


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How to Cite

ผดุงศิลป์ไพโรจน์ พ., & ถาพันธุ์ ร. (2024). The CIVIC CONSCIOUSNESS WITH CONTEMPLATIVE EDUCATION AND COLLABORATIVE LEARNING: Civic consciousness , Contemplative Education, Collaborative learning. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Uttaradit Rajabhat University, 11(2), 44–58. retrieved from