Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Uttaradit Rajabhat University
<p><strong>วารสารวิชาการมนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏอุตรดิตถ์ </strong></p> <p><strong>ISSN</strong><span style="font-weight: 400;">: 2350-9317</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>สาขาขอบเขตเนื้อหาการตีพิมพ์</strong> </span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;"> บทความ ประเภทบทความวิชาการ บทความวิจัย บทความปริทรรศน์ หรือบทวิจารณ์หนังสือ เกี่ยวกับ ภาษา ศิลปวัฒนธรรม รัฐประศาสนศาสตร์ การศึกษา ประวัติศาสตร์ สังคมวิทยาและมานุษยวิทยา ดนตรี ศิลปะ การออกแบบ ศาสนา ปรัชญา พัฒนาสังคม การท่องเที่ยว และสหวิทยาการ </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">โดยมีกลุ่มเป้าหมายคือคณาจารย์ นักศึกษา และนักวิจัยทั้งในและนอกสถาบัน </span></p> <p><strong>ประเภทบทความที่รับ<br /></strong> ตีพิมพ์ผลงาน 2 ประเภท คือ</p> <ul> <li>บทความวิจัย (Research article)</li> <li>บทความวิชาการ (Academic article) </li> </ul> <p><strong>การพิจารณาบทความ</strong></p> <p> บทความที่ได้รับการเผยแพร่ตีพิมพ์ในวารสารมีการตรวจสอบและพิจารณาจากผู้ทรงคุณวุฒิ (Peer-reviews) จำนวน 3 ท่าน ต่อ 1 บทความ โดยผูัทรงคุณวุฒิพิจารณาบทความที่มีความเชี่ยวชาญตรงตามสาขาวิชาที่เกี่ยวข้อง ทั้งนี้จะมีรูปแบบที่ผู้พิจารณาบทความไม่ทราบชื่อผู้นิพนธ์บทความและผู้นิพนธ์บทความไม่ทราบชื่อผู้พิจารณาบทความเช่นเดียวกัน (Double-Blinded Peer Review) ผ่านระบบ ThaiJo</p> <p><strong>กำหนดการตีพิมม์เผยแพร่</strong></p> <p> กำหนดตีพิมพ์เผยแพร่เป็นประจำทุกปี ปีละ 2 ฉบับคือ</p> <ul> <li>ฉบับที่ 1 ช่วงเดือน มกราคม-มิถุนายน</li> <li>ฉบับที่ 2 ช่วงเดือน กรกฏาคม-ธันวาคม</li> </ul> <p><strong>ค่าธรรมเนียมการตีพิมพ์</strong></p> <p> วารสารจัดเก็บค่าธรรมเนียมการตีพิมพ์บทความ ต่อ 1 บทความ รายละเอียดดังนี้</p> <ul> <li>บุคคลภายนอก ค่าธรรมเนียม 3,000 บาท (สามพันบาทถ้วน)</li> <li>บุคคลภายในมหาวิทยาลัย ค่าธรรมเนียม 1,500 บาท (หนึ่งพันห้าร้อยบาทถ้วน)</li> </ul> <p> โดยจะเรียกเก็บเมื่อบทความของท่าน ได้รับการพิจาณาจากบรรณาธิการให้เข้าสู่กระบวนการส่งพิจารณาบทความจากผู้ทรงคุณวุฒิพิจารณาบทความ โดยวารสารขอสงวนสิทธิ์คืนเงินกรณีบทความได้ดำเนินการส่งผู้ทรงคุณวุฒิพิจารณาบทความแล้ว</p>คณะมนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏอุตรดิตถ์en-USJournal of Humanities and Social Sciences Uttaradit Rajabhat University2350-9317<p>บทความเป็นลิขสิทธิของคณะมส. มรภ อต.</p>The CIVIC CONSCIOUSNESS WITH CONTEMPLATIVE EDUCATION AND COLLABORATIVE LEARNING
<p>The word ‘citizen’ is very important in building a strong community, society, and nation that has quality progress. Many countries around the world place great importance on building citizenship, who through education to Civic Education for the people of the nation, especially children and youth. Because today’s children are tomorrow’s adults. So civic consciousness with contemplative mind and making understanding of inner dimensions on emotion, felling, thought and belief of event and situations knowingly with contemplative education aims at bringing about change to human learning, expressing human ‘value’ within ‘self’, raising civic consciousness with contemplative and connect external dimensions. This could be combined with the impact of people and society with collaborative learning. It aims to bring about a fundamental change in thinking and stimulate citizenship consciousness among children and youth. In order for students to learn their roles, duties, rights, and freedoms when living with others in society.</p> <p>In this article, the meaning of citizenship, importance on building citizenship, civic consciousness, the meaning of contemplative, organizing collaborative learning and example on building civic consciousness too contemplative and collaborative learning for as a guideline to building civic consciousness to be aware of the concrete changes.</p>พิชญ์อนงค์ ผดุงศิลป์ไพโรจน์รวงทอง ถาพันธุ์
Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Uttaradit Rajabhat University
2024-11-222024-11-221124458Chao Pho Mahayaksampanton Wat Srilom Lampang: Background and the Ritual Roles
<p>Chao Pho Mahayaksampanton, is the name of Thao Wessuwan who is enshrined at Wat Sri Lom, Mueang Lampang District, Lampang Province. He is the one of Thao Chatulokaban (the four gods who are the keepers of the world). Thao Wessuwan is the god of giants, besides being the god who protects the human world in the north and is the god who protects Buddhism. He is also believed to be the god of wealth. He has the power to give wealth to those who behave well and act rightly. According to the history of Chao Pho Mahayaksampanton, his stories has been shown in many areas in Lampang including his submission to the power of the Lord Buddha, and becoming ready to be a Dharma god. He takes the burden to take care of the country and help those who stand firm in morality. The stories about Chao Pho Mahayaksampanton (the three thousand great giant) have been told for ages. This instills faith among Lampang people and in the public. This can be seen from the increase of the number of people who come to pay homage every day, especially on holidays and in the ceremony of feasting Chao Pho Mahayaksampanton that has been held continuously for more than 100 years. The ritual of feasting is still passed down and has survived until the present day. This is caused by two factors: the main factors are: The six roles and responsibilities of the ceremony for feasting and the secondary factors include: The 10 factors on the context of the ritual for feasting that support the ritual to remain even in the change of social circumstances compared to the past.</p> <p> </p>piyapong wangkeereeเอื้อมพร ทิพย์เดชบัณฑิต ทิพย์เดชวัชรินทร์ แก่นจันทร์
Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Uttaradit Rajabhat University
2024-11-222024-11-221127285King Vajiravudh’s views towards German Influence in Turkey from the Late 19th Century to World War I
<p>The objective of this academic article were to examine King Vajiravudh’s views towards the expansion of German influence in Turkey or the Ottoman Empire during the period from the late 19th century to World War I and the impact of such views on German propaganda operations in Siam during World War I. This would help expand the knowledge about King Vajiravudh’s views towards Germany, which past academic works focused only on his views towards the expansion of German influence in Siam. It would also help expand the knowledge about Siam’s role in World War I. The results of this study indicated that King Vajiravudh had negative views towards the expansion of German influence in Turkey. He also viewed the Young Turks, who seized power in Turkey from Sultan Abdul Hamid II, as merely a German puppet. King Vajiravudh believed Turkey did not gain any benefits from its participation in World War I on the German side unlike Germany. Additionally, these views affected German propaganda operation in Siam during World War I because it caused King Vajiravudh to distrust Siamese military officers who graduated from Germany. King Vajiravudh also viewed the dissemination of German propaganda in Siam as an attempt to make Siam become like Turkey.</p>Wasapol Thumruksa
Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Uttaradit Rajabhat University
2024-12-242024-12-24112123131Prasat Muangkao - Wat Prang Muangkao in Sung Noen District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province: Field Survey and Knowledge Collection on 'Phra Bhaisajyaguruvaiduryaprabha' in 'Suktalai' of 'Arokayasala'
<p>The objective of this research was to collect the data from field survey about ‘Sukthalai’ of ‘Arokayasala’ in Prasat Muang Kao – Wat Prang Muang Kao in Sung Noen District of Nakhon Ratchasima Province. The empirical observation was carried out based on the actual condition of the ancient site according to the Arokayasala floorplan, which consisted of 1) Prasat or Ruen tart (a shrine containing a fragment of the Buddha's relic), 2) Kam Paeng Kaew (brick wall surrounding a temple), 3) Kopura or archway, 4) Bun na lai (a library containing ancient scriptures) and 5) Sra nam or ponds. As for the current utilization of the ancient site, it was found that the temples and communities had used Prasat or Ruen tart as a place to enshrine the Buddha’s footprint instead of the ‘Phra Bhaisajyaguru Vaiduryaprabha’ image according to the original belief. Moreover, the knowledge about Phra Bhaisajyaguru Vaiduryaprabha was summarized in terms of belief, naming, meaning, characteristics of the Buddha and sculptures in brief</p>Hathairat OumnoiHathairat Oumnoi
Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Uttaradit Rajabhat University
2024-12-252024-12-25112132141Self-English Learning Strategies to Achieve Higher Proficiency: A Case Study of High Proficiency English Major Students
<p>The objectives of this study were to 1) to explore the self-English learning (SEL) strategies employed by high proficiency English major students and investigate their preferred methods for improving the four main English skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing, and 2) to examine the effective techniques these students use to overcome challenges encountered in their English language development journey. The participants consisted of 30 English major students holding Grade Point Average more than 3.50 in all English subject fields. The survey instruments used for collecting the data included a questionnaire and focus group interview and to be analyzed by mean and standard deviation. The result revealed that these advanced English students primarily utilize digital resources, particularly AI chatbots and online translation tools, alongside traditional techniques to enhance their language acquisition and address specific learning challenges. Based on the results, it is suggested that instructors should integrate a hybrid approach, combining AI-powered tools with traditional techniques, to enhance students' English proficiency achievement.</p>Kusuma Ruangpattanakul
Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Uttaradit Rajabhat University
2024-10-172024-10-17112118การศึกษาทดลองกระบวนการภาพพิมพ์ลอยน้ำเพื่อใช้ทดแทนแท่นพิมพ์ และลดขยะที่เกิดจากการสร้างสรรค์ภาพพิมพ์โดยการใช้สีจากวัสดุธรรมชาติ
<p>การทดลองศึกษาของผู้วิจัยครั้งนี้นั้นเป็นการศึกษาเพื่อคิดค้นสร้างสรรค์กระบวนการภาพพิมพ์ที่ไม่อาศัยแท่นพิมพ์ และลดขยะที่เกิดจากการสร้างสรรค์ภาพพิมพ์จากใช้แท่นพิมพ์ให้น้อยลง กระบวนการสร้างสรรค์ศิลปะภาพพิมพ์จำนวนมากหลายเทคนิคนั้นมักจะพึ่งพาแท่นพิมพ์ในการสร้างสรรค์เป็นอุปกรณ์สำคัญในการสร้างสรรค์ แต่ด้วยข้อจำกัดอย่างเช่นขนาดที่ใหญ่จน น้ำหนักที่มากและราคาที่สูงทำให้เป็นข้อจำกัดในการเข้าถึงแท่นพิมพ์เพื่อ สร้างสรรค์ศิลปะภาพพิมพ์ และการใช้แท่นพิมพ์ในการสร้างสรรค์นั้นมักผลิตสารพิษออกมาพร้อมกับผลงานศิลปะภาพพิมพ์เป็นจำนวนมาก การศึกษาทดลองกระบวนการภาพพิมพ์เพื่อใช้ทดแทนแท่นพิมพ์ โดยใช้วัสดุจากธรรมชาติและวัสดุที่รบกวนธรรมชาติให้น้อยลง การพัฒนากระบวนการภาพพิมพ์ลอยน้ำและสีจากวัสดุธรรมชาติ นั้นจึงมีวัตถุประสงค์ 1.ศึกษาและทดลองกระบวนการภาพพิมพ์ที่มีน้ำเป็นวัสดุ ให้สามารถพิมพ์ซ้ำได้โดยไม่ใช้แท่นพิมพ์ 2.ทดลองกระบวนการภาพพิมพ์ที่ใช้วัสดุจากธรรมชาติให้คุ้มค่า และรบกวนธรรมชาติ ระบบนิเวศให้น้อยที่สุด โดยเริ่มจากศึกษา การคิดค้นกระบวนการภาพพิมพ์ที่ใช้ทดแทนแทนพิมพ์ ศิลปะmarbling art และการใช้เทคโนโลยีช่วยในการการใช้วัสดุธรรมชาติให้มีประสิทธิภาพมากยิ่งขึ้น และทดลองพัฒนาการพิมพ์ภาพพิมพ์ลงบนผิวน้ำ จากการใช้กาวลาเท็กซ์ รองรับสีภาพพิมพ์ที่ผลิตจากวัสดุธรรมชาติ ผสมกับน้ำมันเพิ่มขึ้นเป็นตัวทำละลายเพื่อใช้ในการสร้างสรรค์ จนสามารถสร้างสรรค์กระบวนการภาพพิมพ์ลอยน้ำที่สามารถพิมพ์ซ้ำได้ ซึ่งลดการทิ้งสารตกค้างหรือรบกวนธรรมชาติให้น้อยลงได้ โดยพบว่ากระบวนการภาพพิมพ์ลอยน้ำนั้นมีรูปแบบเฉพาะตัว คือร่องรอยของสีที่ห่อย่นดูคล้ายใบไม้ การจับตัวเป็นวงของสีบนผลงาน และยังให้ความคมชัดเหมือนการพิมพ์ด้วยแท่นพิมพ์</p>suparnut charmorcharthวิเชียร คงสวัสดิ์สิทธิวัฒน์ มีวันคำ
Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Uttaradit Rajabhat University
2024-11-222024-11-221121931Reproduction of Social Inequality in S.E.A. Write Literary Work Entitled ‘Until We Lie the World’s Embrace’ Written by Palita Phonpradapphet.
<h2>Abstract</h2> <p>This article had the objective of studying the reproduction of social inequality in S.E.A. Write literary work entitled ‘Until We Lie the World’s Embrace’ written by Palita Phonpradap phet. The sociology concept and social inequality were utilized and presented in descriptive analysis. The result found that the reproduction of social inequality in this S.E.A. Write literary work written by Palita Phonpradapphet found 4 topics were 1. income 2. education 3. governmental welfare and 4. urban and rural context. Palita Phonpradapphet conveyed social inequality occurred when society was weakened by Covid-19 pandemic. This led people to be pushed, pressed, and overlapped then became the social inequality.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: reproduction, social inequality, s.e.a. write literary work, ‘until we lie the world’s embrace’, palita phonpradapphet.</p>uraiwan singthongชมบุญ สุทธิปัญโญวิทวัส ชลรินทร์
Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Uttaradit Rajabhat University
2024-11-222024-11-221123243A Study of the structure “you+VP” in Chinese
<p style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">The objectives of this study aimed to Study and analyze the meaning and syntactic structure of the "有 + VP" construction in the Chinese language, and To study the pragmatic functions of the "有 + VP" construction in the Chinese language. The study collects data from the Beijing Language and Culture University Corpus (BCC), gathering a total of 100 instances of the "有 + VP" construction used in conversational contexts. The results found that the "有 + VP" construction in Chinese has five meanings: 1)Emphasis or reinforcement, 2) Indicating a small amount or quantity, 3) Expressing a completed action or state, 4) Describing an event or action that has occurred, 5) Denoting a continuous or ongoing action. In terms of pragmatic functions, the "有 + VP" construction serves three main purposes: 1) Expressing opinions and evaluations, 2) Conveying emotions, thoughts, and feelings, 3) Informing or indicating expectations. This structure is frequently used in spoken Chinese to emphasize actions.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"><strong> </strong></p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>Keywords: </strong>the structure “有+VP”; verb phrase; the meaning; pragmatics; semantics</p>SUKHANSA FUANGWONGSAKULพัศศ์ ผณิณศวรสกุลวิราช ทูลแก้วอัญชลี เรือนมั่น
Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Uttaradit Rajabhat University
2024-11-222024-11-221125971Language strategies that reflect marginality in country songs By "Tai Orathai"
<p>The objective of this research article is to analyze the language strategies that reflect marginality in the country songs of "Tai Orathai" by analyzing the marginality in the country songs of "Tai Orathai" from a total of 32 songs using the concept of "marginality". 4-sided edge Including 1. geographic context 2. economic context and 3. social and cultural context 4. educational context As for the analysis of language strategies that reflect marginality The researcher used a five-dimensional framework: 1. Lexical strategies, 2. Explanation strategies, 3. Pragmatics and discourse strategies, 4. Rhetorical strategies, 5. Symbolic strategies. The researcher analyzed the data using descriptive analysis methods. The results of the research found that there are 4 aspects of marginality content in the country songs of "Tai Orathai", arranged in order of the most frequent occurrence: Marginality in the geographic context was found with a frequency of 27 songs, accounting for 84.38 percent, and marginality in the economic context was found with a frequency of 27 songs, accounting for 84.38 percent. The second was Marginality in the educational context was found with a frequency of 7 songs, accounting for 21.88 percent. And the least common is Marginality in the social and cultural context was found with a frequency of 2 songs, accounting for 6.25 percent. And in the analysis of language strategies, it was found that there were language strategies that reflected marginality. In the country song of "Tai Orathai", all 3 aspects, arranged in order of data from the analysis. The highest frequency found was language strategies for expansion. The frequency was found in 22 songs, accounting for 68.78 percent. Second is the language strategy in terms of vocabulary strategies. The frequency of using verbs was found in 21 songs, accounting for 65.63 percent. The second most common was Language strategies in terms of vocabulary strategies Using names and calling names was found with a frequency of 19 songs, accounting for 59.38 percent, and the least common was Language strategies Verbal strategies found the frequency of 9 songs, accounting for 28.13 percent. Data analysis did not reveal any linguistic strategies. Rhetorical strategies and symbolic strategies</p>Sangduen JongjamSuchada Jiaphong
Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Uttaradit Rajabhat University
2024-12-042024-12-0411286100A Study of Klon Sab Technique of the Kong Wong Lek on the Sathukarn Repertoire, of Homrong Yen Suite from Kromsilapakorn Score in 1950
<p>The objectives of this research were to investigate Klon Sab (or known as Kong Wong Lek's variation techniques) and to examine the role of Klon Sab, in Sathukarn repertoire, an important song included in Homrong Yen suites (evening overture), published by the Fine Arts Department in 1950. The study applied qualitative research which was performed by reviewing the original documents, converting musical notes into Thai musical note, and interviewing an expert. This study focused only on the characteristics and roles of Klon Sab in Sathukarn repertoire. The <em>Klon Sab</em>'s characteristics could be divided into two categories of complete phrases [<em>Klon Sab Baeb Somboon</em>] and incomplete phrases [Klon Sab Baeb Mai Somboon]. The role of <em>Klon Sab</em> is not solely to enhance the melody's aesthetic appeal. Rather, it functions as a connecting melody, maintaining a harmonious relationship between the melodies preceding and following it.</p>Vassakarok KaewloyKritsada HekrathokChayuti TassanawongwaraJatuporn SeemuangJarun Kanchanapradit
Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Uttaradit Rajabhat University
2024-12-242024-12-24112101111Naming of shops in the old town of Songkhla: the dynamics of language, and Contemporary Multicultural Society
<p>A Study on Shop Names in Songkhla Old Town: Linguistic, Social and Contemporary Multicultural Dynamics The objective is to study the characteristics and language of shop names in Songkhla Old Town.</p> <p>The results of the study showed that there are 6 characteristics of naming shops as follows: 1. Naming individuals in conjunction with businesses. The most common names are 66 names 2. Specific naming with the business are 37 names 3. Naming the business in conjunction with the location of the store are 15 names 4. Specific naming of the business are 13 names 5. Naming the specific person are 10 names 6. Other specific naming are 9 names. The use of language in naming the store has 4 characteristics as follows: 1. The use of English in naming the most common store with 45 names 2. The use of Chinese in the naming of the store are 42 names 3. The use of Malay transliteration are 33 names. 4. The contemporary social and multicultural are 30 names. The contemporary social and multicultural changes from the name of the shop in Songkhla Old Town have two characteristics as follows: 1. Traditional shops that have been inherited. 2. New Shops with the Times. Contemporary linguistic, social and multicultural dynamics reflect the contemporaneity created by the previous generation and the new generation living together with 3 religions, 3 races, Buddhism, Muslims and China for a long time and forever.</p>chananglak khuntong
Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Uttaradit Rajabhat University
2024-12-242024-12-24112112122Development of Smartphone-Based Online Resource for Chinese Vocabulary Memorization Skills for Students Enrolled in Chinese for Communication Course at Uttaradit Rajabhat University
<p>The objectives of this research were to 1) develop a smartphone-based online resource for Chinese vocabulary memorization skills for students at Uttaradit Rajabhat University, with an 80/80 efficiency rate, 2) compare students’ achievement in Chinese vocabulary memorization before and after learning using a smartphone-based online resource, and 3) investigate students’ satisfaction toward learning using a smartphone-based online resource. The sample group consisted of 27 students who registered in the course “Chinese for Communication” during the second semester of the 2023 academic year which were selected by using a purposive sampling technique. The research instruments were a smartphone-based online resource, a Chinese vocabulary memorization achievement test, and a satisfaction assessment form. The statistics used in data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test. The results showed that the efficiency of a smartphone-based online resource for Chinese vocabulary memorization skills E1/E2 was at 82.74/85.93, which was higher than the specified criteria (80/80). The achievement of students in Chinese vocabulary memorization after studying was significantly higher than before studying at a statistical level of 0.05. Overall, students were very satisfied with studying using a smartphone-based online resource for Chinese vocabulary memorization skills at a high level.</p>Mrs.Thipphakan ThongchueadetSupansa Noinakorn
Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Uttaradit Rajabhat University