of Science and Technology Phetchabun Rajabhat University2025-01-03T16:16:05+07:00Assoc.Prof.Dr.Sumalee Journal Systems<p>Journal of Science and Technology Phetchabun Rajabhat University, It reports original research findings and provides technical perspectives in <strong>scientific, </strong><strong>Technology mathematics and Agiculture</strong>. The journal presents in depth scientific analyses with logical organization. It acts as a medium for exchange of knowledge and information between scholars. The journal publishes both original research and review articles. All submitted manuscripts are peer reviewed with online submission system. The JSTPCRU Journal is published every 6 months in an electronic format.<br /><br /></p> <p><strong>Publication fees<br />An Article-Processing Charge (APC) of 5,000 bath for each article accepted for publication.</strong><br /><br /></p> <p><strong>ISSN:</strong> 2774-0528 (Online) <span data-v-4fadc455=""> </span></p> <p><span data-v-4fadc455=""><strong>Peer review process:</strong> All submitted articles will be assessed by at least three referees and our review process is double-blinded.</span></p> <p><span data-v-4fadc455=""><strong>Types of articles:</strong> Research articles and review articles</span></p> <p><span data-v-4fadc455=""><strong>Language:</strong> Thai and English</span></p> <p><strong>Publishing schedule</strong><strong>: </strong>2 issues per year</p> <p>No. 1: January – June</p> <p>No. 2: July – December</p> Lecture Demonstration in the Isobaric Process by Using Pee-Pee Boy2024-09-12T15:43:11+07:00Chanwit<p>The purposes of this research were to 1) develop and examine interactive lecture demonstration (ILD) in the isobaric process by using the pee-pee boys and 2) investigate students’ satisfaction with ILD. The ILD is designed for a large lecture class, motivating students to engage with the interactive tasks. The students were asked to predict the experimental results, observe the outcomes and discuss them in relation to the previous predictions. In this study, the ILD worksheet for isobaric process was designed and implemented for students to complete after being demonstrated by the interactive pee-pee boys experiment. The target group of this research is 82 freshmen who enrolled in a fundamental physics course in the 2<sup>nd</sup> semester of the academic year 2022 at Chiang Mai Rajabhat University. The collection of ILD students’ worksheets was analyzed, and students’ satisfaction responses were categorized. The results of this research reveal that implemented ILD can improve students’ understanding of the isobaric process and motivation. This study has highlighted that ILD serves as a suitable methodology for teaching thermodynamics.</p>2024-12-29T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Science and Technology Phetchabun Rajabhat University solutions of the Diophantine equations 〖11〗^x-3^y=z^2 and 〖14〗^x-3^y=z^22024-09-30T14:47:41+07:00Suton<p>In this paper, we study all solutions of the Diophantine equations <img title="11^{x}-3^{y}=z^{2}" src="^{x}-3^{y}=z^{2}"> and <img title="14^{x}-3^{y}=z^{2}" src="^{x}-3^{y}=z^{2}"> , where <img title="x,y" src=",y"> and <img title="z" src=""> are non-negative integers. By using the elementary concepts of congruence and Mihăilescu’s Theorem, we show that the Diophantine equation <img title="11^{x}-3^{y}=z^{2}" src="^{x}-3^{y}=z^{2}"> has the unique non-negative integer solution <img title="\left ( x,y,z \right )" src="\left&space;(&space;x,y,z&space;\right&space;)"> , which is <img title="\left ( 0,0,0 \right )" src="\left&space;(&space;0,0,0&space;\right&space;)">. The Diophantine equation <img title="14^{x}-3^{y}=z^{2}" src="^{x}-3^{y}=z^{2}"> has exactly two non-negative integer solutions <img title="\left ( x,y,z \right )" src="\left&space;(&space;x,y,z&space;\right&space;)">, which are <img title="\left ( 0,0,0 \right )" src="\left&space;(&space;0,0,0&space;\right&space;)"> and <img title="\left ( 2,3,13 \right )" src="\left&space;(&space;2,3,13&space;\right&space;)">. </p>2024-12-29T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Science and Technology Phetchabun Rajabhat University reproductive patterns of Paphiopedilum villosum (Lindl.) Stein2024-10-17T14:35:00+07:00Juk<p>The <em>Paphiopedilum villosum</em> (Lindl.) Stein is an epiphytic orchid native to Thailand, found in restricted areas and classified as near threatened. Therefore, studying the reproductive patterns of this orchid species is essential for supporting conservation efforts and enhancing its population. This study aimed to investigate these reproductive patterns of the orchid within a greenhouse established as part of the Lady's Slipper Orchid Conservation Project at Doi Inthanon, Chiang Mai province. The research was conducted from December 2019 to February 2020. Data on greenhouse environmental conditions, morphological characteristics of <em>P. villosum</em>, and five pollination methods; four hand pollination methods (self-pollination, cross-pollination, emasculation, and spontaneous autogamy) and natural pollination were recorded. Insect pollinators were observed for 160 hours. The results showed that floral morphology was influenced by pollination patterns. Self-pollination (40%) and cross pollination (30%) exhibited higher fruit-setting rates compared to natural pollination (20%). One species each of <em>Stomoxys</em> sp., <em>Episyrphus</em> sp., and <em>Betasyrphus</em> sp. were observed. These findings highlight the need for further research on efficient pollination pattern to increase populations of this endangered orchid species, ultimately contributing to the conservation of the lady’s slipper orchids in Thailand.</p>2024-12-29T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Science and Technology Phetchabun Rajabhat University solid waste management in the San Khong Noi community, Chiang Rai Municipality2024-10-09T09:40:26+07:00Satian Chuntachunta7@gmail.comSutthiporn<p style="margin: 0in; margin-bottom: .0001pt; text-align: justify; text-justify: inter-cluster; text-indent: .5in;"><span style="font-size: 16.0pt; font-family: 'TH SarabunPSK',sans-serif;">The purposes of this research were to study the conditions, factors, and participatory solid waste management in the San Khong Noi community, Chiang Rai Municipality, and distill the lessons of participatory waste management in the community. We conducted the research using a qualitative method, gathering data from household representatives among 50 and 15 community committees. The research tools used were SWOT and TOWS analyses, the CIPP model, guide interview structure, and focus group discussion. We gathered the data using content analysis and synthesis, then composed it into a descriptive research report. The study revealed that San Khong Noi is an urban community with a garbage problem. Garbage from various activities has increased in both households and communities, contributing to the problem. Factors that support success in community solid waste management include community leaders, community committees, village health volunteers, and villagers working together to manage solid waste using the 3R principles: reduce, reuse, recycle, and 5Kor. The 5Kor components, which include a group, fund, rules, activities, and committee, work together to create an efficient community solid waste management model, such as a <span lang="TH">“</span>Recyclable Waste Bank, etc. The Chiang Rai Municipality and the Chiang Rai Provincial Office have come together to support the budget and implement a concrete waste management plan. We recommend applying the concept of community solid waste management to enhance each urban community's solid waste management outcomes and contribute to the reduction of waste in the province and country.</span></p>2024-12-29T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Science and Technology Phetchabun Rajabhat University Inquiry-Based Learning and Metaverse for Improving in a Lesson on Nervous System and Sense Organs on Grade 12 Students2024-11-13T10:35:05+07:00นายสุเมธ เนาว์รุ่งโรจน์<p>The research aimed to investigate the learning achievement and satisfaction of grade 12 students with learning management in a lesson on the nervous system and sense organs, using inquiry-based learning and the metaverse approach. The population is consisted of 148 students in grade 12 of Petcharik Demonstration School, Nakhon Si Thammarat province. The instruments were lesson plans, Metaverse, pretest-posttest, and a questionnaire. The statistics use for analyzing the data were mean, standard deviation and t-test. The results of research found that the students’ pretest average score was 7.59 points (S.D. = 2.19), posttest average score was 14.47 points (S.D. = 2.92). The students’ achievements on the posttest was significantly higher than pretest at the 0.05 level. And the satisfaction of the students towards the learning was at a high level (mean = 4.50, S.D. = 0.74). Therefore, the learning management in lesson on the nervous system and sense organs, using inquiry-based learning and the metaverse approach can improve the grade 12 students’ achievements. </p>2024-12-29T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Science and Technology Phetchabun Rajabhat University of boric acid content in pickled mangoes from Municipal Shops in Sakon Nakhon Province Using UV-Visible Spectroscopy2024-11-14T13:58:03+07:00Nattapong<p>In the present study, quantitative analysis of boric acid in pickled mangoes has been done by using UV-VIS spectroscopy. The samples were bought from five shops in Muang District, Sakon Nakorn province. The reaction between boric acid and curcumin yielded a rosocyanine compound (red color), absorbing light at a wavelength of 550 nm. From the result, the standard curve between absorbance and boric acid concentration (0.02, 0.04, 0.08, 0.16 and 0.24 µg/mL) was linear, with an R<sup>2</sup> value of 0.9964 and a standard deviation ranging from 0.002-0.005. The results from pickled mangoes (five shops) indicated that the amount of boric acid ranged from 0.572 to 1.15 µg/g. The samples from three shops contained boric acid levels of about 0.5 µg/g, which was lower than the samples from two shops (1.15 and 0.803 µg/g). A comparison of the present results with the criteria from the Ministry of Public Health Issue 391 B.E. 2561 suggested that all pickled mangoes from these five shops were unsafe for consumers because the presence of boric acid (a prohibited substance) exceeded the criteria.</p>2024-12-29T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Science and Technology Phetchabun Rajabhat University study of the geometric shapes between players on the passing success of youth Football players2024-10-07T09:54:43+07:00Sarayut<p>This study aims to analyze and identify the geometric shapes between players that influence the success of passing among youth football players, utilizing Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient and Linear Regression Analysis. The research employed player tracking technology and video processing with Python to analyze the movements and playing patterns of the athletes. The findings revealed that triangular shapes have a significant positive correlation with passing success (r = 0.67, p = 0.003), with the highest success rate of 72.5%. Additionally, Linear Regression Analysis indicated that each unit increase in the frequency of triangles leads to a 0.45% increase in passing success rate. Quadrilateral and pentagon shapes showed decreasing success rates, with quadrilaterals having a moderate correlation (r = 0.45, p = 0.012) and pentagons <br />a lower correlation (r = 0.30, p = 0.080). The analysis suggests that positioning players in triangular formations is the most effective strategy for enhancing passing success in youth football.</p>2024-12-29T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Science and Technology Phetchabun Rajabhat University promotion of child development using Line chatbot and machine learning2024-12-02T04:30:03+07:00Kanokporn<p>Promoting the development of children from birth to 5 years is essential because children's brains develop at the fastest rate. The brain creates billions of neural connections every second. Appropriate stimulation such as touching, talking and playing help promote brain cell connections, giving children a strong learning foundation. however, challenges such as overcrowding at hospitals and the COVID-19 pandemic have made it difficult for parents to access child development promotion services. This study utilizes the Early Childhood Development Assessment and Promotion Manual to evaluate the development of young children in five areas: Gross Motor (GM), Fine Motor (FM), Receptive Language (RL), Expressive Language (EL), and Personal and Social (PS). The objective of this research is to develop a chatbot on the LINE platform to facilitate child development promotion, aiming to alleviate the aforementioned challenges. The study employs Random Forest models and Generalized Linear Models (GLMs), trained using child development data collected from 2014 to 2019, with the RapidMiner Studio Educational Version 9.5.001 software. The performance of these models was evaluated based on Accuracy and Area Under the Curve (AUC). The findings indicate that the development of a chatbot for child development promotion significantly enhances the ease, convenience, and speed of parental child development assessments. The chatbot also enables real-time data collection. Furthermore, the results reveal that the Generalized Linear Model outperforms the Random Forest model in predictive efficiency.</p>2024-12-29T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Science and Technology Phetchabun Rajabhat University Nutritional Status and Health Behaviors 3E2S of People: A Case Study of Kaeng Hin Village, Wang Prachop Subdistrict, Mueang District, Tak Province2024-11-19T13:53:28+07:00Juthathip Thunkamwasoontara2556@gmail.comWachakorn Nopnarinwasoontara2556@gmail.comWasoontara<p>This descriptive research aimed to study nutritional status and health behaviors 3E2S of people: a case study of Kaeng Hin Village, Wang Prachop Subdistrict, Mueang District, Tak Province. A sample of 247 people, was selected by systematic random sampling. The sample size was calculated using the Taro Yamane formula. Data were collected using self-administered questionnaires between April and May 2023. Moreover, data were analyzed statistically using frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation, maximum and minimum values.</p> <p> The results of the research found malnutrition in the sample group at 57.89 percent, with overnutrition at 22.67 percent. Therefore, the overall health behaviors of the sample group were at a fair level (65.99%). Moreover, the results of this study can be used as a guideline for organizing a nutritional status and health behavior 3E2S program for people.</p>2024-12-29T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Science and Technology Phetchabun Rajabhat University and development an interactive simulation on light and shade for formative assessment of Mathayomsuksa 5 Students2024-10-09T15:23:08+07:00Arjaree<p>This research aimed to design and develop an interactive virtual simulation, study its efficiency on Light and Shadow according to the 80/80 criterion (E1/E2), examine learning achievement, and assess student satisfaction with the simulation. The target group consisted of 22 grade 11 physics students at Wachirawit Chiang Mai School during the first semester of the 2023 academic year. The analysis is conducted using pre-tests, worksheets, post-tests, and responses from a satisfaction survey regarding the use of the interactive virtual simulation on Light and Shadow. The research findings shows that: (1) the efficiency of the interactive virtual simulation on Light and Shadow is 92.27/75.00, (2) most students demonstrated learning progress in the Medium gain group, and (3) students showed positive satisfaction with an average score of 3.99 and negative satisfaction with an average score of 1.90, indicating a high level of satisfaction with the use of the interactive virtual simulation. These results suggest that this interactive virtual simulation on Light and Shadow is suitable as an instructional tool for grade 11 physics students.</p>2024-12-29T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Science and Technology Phetchabun Rajabhat University Effective of Holistic Health learning Courses for Older Adults in Elderly School2024-12-02T16:16:08+07:00Laoo<p> This quasi-experimental research aimed to compare the physical and mental health of older adults before and after participating in a Holistic Health learning course at the Nong Chum Phon Nuea Elderly School, Khao Yoi District, Phetchaburi Province. The sample comprised 30 elderly aged 60 and over who were selected purposively. The data collection tools consisted of 1) a physical function assessment form, and 2) a mental health assessment form. <br />The research instrument was the holistic health learning courses for older adults. The activity content consisted of 5 domains: 1) group relations and recreation activities, 2) physical activities, 3) communication, language, and technology, 4) mental health promotion activities, and 5) spiritual activities, media, and evaluation. Data were collected from May to August 2024. Data were analysed using percentages, mean, standard deviations, and t-tests. The result found that the mean of systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, And the 2-minute walking pace pre-and post the experiment was statistically significantly different (p < 0.05). The mean mental health scores were statistically significantly different (t = 3.34, p < 0.05), with the item with a higher mean score being self-esteem (t = 2.18, p < 0.05).</p>2025-01-06T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Science and Technology Phetchabun Rajabhat University Effect of Utilizing the Triage Guidelines to Categorize Patient Severity on the Accuracy of Severity Index-Based Patient Triage and Registered nurses’ Satisfaction2025-01-03T16:16:05+07:00Watchara<p>The objectives of this quasi-experimental study were to examine the results of utilizing the triage guidelines for categorizing patients according to their levels of emergency, and to assess the satisfaction of registered nurses on the use of patient triage guidelines in the emergency department, Padad Hospital, Chiang Rai Province. Study samples consisted of two groups, including: 1) 13 registered nurses working in the emergency department, Padad Hospital, who were purposively selected and voluntarily participated in the research; and 2) two groups of medical records of service recipients at the emergency department before and after using the triage guidelines, 385 records per group, totaling 770 records. Data were collected between March and November 2023 using validated tools, including the guidelines for categorizing patients according to their levels of emergency, and a satisfaction questionnaire. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and a Chi-squared test. The results showed that after the trial of using the triage guidelines, the accuracy of patient triage increased from 85.57% to 92.73% with a statistical significant difference at the 0.05 level (<em>χ</em><strong><sup>2 </sup></strong><strong>=</strong> 8.623, df=1, <em>p</em>=0.003). The registered nurses’ satisfaction on the guidelines utilization was at highest level (= 4.50, <em>SD</em> =0.50). It is concluded that the triage guidelines for categorizing patients according to their levels of emergency can be used to increase the efficiency of patient classification. However, before applying this guidelines, new operators should be trained in how to use them and understand their use every time.</p>2025-01-15T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Science and Technology Phetchabun Rajabhat University