The Integration of Human Relations and Sangahavatthu IV of School Administrator


  • พระมหาวินัย สิริภทฺโท (แช่มสายทอง)


         School administration especially as government agencies. There will be some agencies that cannot manage the school perfectly. If the principles of the Buddha's teachings have been applied. The 4 sacred objects in school administration can be effective. In addition, other doctrinal principles can be applied. Application to promote more support. This is a great way to improve your school management. Human relations give rise to satisfaction, joy, power, solidarity, unity in work. Human interaction creates trust. Harmonize each other Human interaction produces success in mutually beneficial activities. To achieve the highest efficiency in school administration. To have the moral to make the administration of the school effective. The principle that is conducive to the administration of the school is the sacred object, which consists of speech, speech and self-image.

Author Biography

พระมหาวินัย สิริภทฺโท (แช่มสายทอง)

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How to Cite

สิริภทฺโท (แช่มสายทอง) พ. (2019). The Integration of Human Relations and Sangahavatthu IV of School Administrator. Mahamakut Graduate School Journal, 16(2), 218–226. Retrieved from



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