The Unwritten Sources of Administrative Law in French Legal System : Jurisprudence and Doctrine


  • Apinya Kaewkamnerd Office of Research and Academics, Administrative Court Office


unwritten source of administrative law, general legal principle, jurisprudence


The purpose of this article is to present an introduction to two types of unwritten sources of French administrative law, Jurisprudence and Doctrine, from the study of french jurisprudence expériences in creating, finding and applying the general principles of the administrative law. The first part studies laws originating from the jurisprudence of the courts to understand the judicial power in creating laws. The second part studies how courts establish legal principles, including techniques and consequences of the court’s interpretation and application of written law to the case. The third section examines the legal principles arising from three types of academic teachings or explanations: the legal principles of scholars (La doctrine universitaire), legal principles from academic explanation of courts (La doctrine jurisprudentielle), and administrative legal principles ( La doctrine administrative).


Benoît PLESSIX, Droit administratif général, 53-87; Marie-Christine ROUAULT, Droit administratif et institutions administratives (2018).

Grégoire BIGOT, ‘สภาแห่งรัฐกับคดีปกครองที่เกี่ยวข้องกับการเมือง (Le Conseil d’Etat connait-il du contentieux politique ?)’ อภิญญา แก้วกำเหนิด ผู้แปลและเรียบเรียง (2563) 20 วารสารวิชาการศาลปกครอง 116.

Hans KELSEN, Théorie pure du droit, Dalloz (1963).

Marie LANNOY, Les obiter dicta du Conseil d’Etat statuant au contentieux (2016).

Marie-Christine ROUAULT, Droit administratif (2007).

Marie-Christine ROUAULT, Droit administratif et institutions administratives (2018).

Philippe Raynaud, “La justice constitutionnelle: une approche philosophique” in Constance GREWE, Olivier Jouanjan, Eric Maukin, Patrick Wachsmann (sous la direction de), La notion de la justice constitutionnelle (Edition Dalloz 2005).




How to Cite

Kaewkamnerd, A. (2023). The Unwritten Sources of Administrative Law in French Legal System : Jurisprudence and Doctrine. Nitipat NIDA Law Journal, 12(2), 81–114. retrieved from



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