Modern Management Journal <p>วารสารการจัดการสมัยใหม่มีวัตถุประสงค์เพื่อส่งเสริมและเผยแพร่วิทยาการ ความรู้ ความคิดทางวิชาการ และวิชาชีพด้านการจัดการ เพื่อเป็นแหล่งสารสนเทศทางวิชาการด้านการจัดการ เพื่อเป็นแหล่งประสาน แลกเปลี่ยนความรู้ ความเข้าใจ รวมทั้งการปรึกษาแนะนำเกี่ยวกับการศึกษาด้านการจัดการสมัยใหม่ รวมทั้งเรื่องที่จะเป็นประโยชน์แก่นักศึกษา คณาจารย์และผู้สนใจทั่วไป</p> สาขาวิชาวิทยาการจัดการ มหาวิทยาลัยสุโขทัยธรรมาธิราช en-US Modern Management Journal 1686-7319 Factors Affecting Investment Decisions among Generation Y Investors in the Stock Exchange of Thailand <p> The objectives of this study were (1) to study the opinion levels on investment factors among Generation Y investors in the Stock Exchange of Thailand; (2) to study the opinion levels of Generation Y investors regarding investment decisions in the Stock Exchange of Thailand; and (3) to test the investment factors affecting investment decisions of Generation Y investors in the Stock Exchange of Thailand. This study was survey research. The population was unknown Generation Y investors in the Stock Exchange of Thailand. The sample size of this study was determined by using the Cochran method as a total of 400 samples. The samples were selected by randomly convenience sampling. Data were collected through questionnaires. The statistics used for data analysis included frequency, percentage, mean, Standard Deviation, and Multiple Regression Analysis. The findings indicated that (1) the overall opinion level on investment factors among Generation Y investors in the Stock Exchange of Thailand were at a high level. (2) The overall opinion level of Generation Y investors regarding investment decisions in the Stock Exchange of Thailand was at a high level. (3) Factors affecting investment decisions of Generation Y investors in the Stock Exchange of Thailand were economic and political environment, knowledge, understanding and investment experience, and information and firm performance.</p> Pannita Chaikunrat Tanapond Swanpitak Copyright (c) 2024 Modern Management Journal 2024-11-21 2024-11-21 22 2 1 25 EVALUATING BURIRAM'S SUSTAINABLE SPORTS TOURISM MANAGMENT <p>This research investigates Buriram, Thailand's impressive transformation into a sustainable sports tourism destination. Analyzing its practices through the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) criteria and the McKinsey 7S Framework, the study aligns with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This qualitative research is conducted by literature review and focus group discussions with eleven informants to identify areas for alignment and improvement. Findings highlight Buriram's exemplary sustainable sports tourism model, which contributes positively to economic growth, environmental conservation, and community engagement. The study underscores Buriram's potential as a case study for aspiring other destinations to enhance sustainability in sports tourism, offering valuable insights for industry advancement and SDG attainment.</p> Peeranthorn Puacharoen Linjong Pocharee Copyright (c) 2024 Modern Management Journal 2024-11-21 2024-11-21 22 2 26 48 Lesson Learned from Driving the National Strategy 2018-2037 of Thailand <p>Public policy and strategy begin with ideas and results in action by driving strategy. The executives must supervise the action together. It can be considered from driving the National Strategy 2018-2037 of Thailand. It converts the plan into action with a 3-level plan. The national strategy is the 1st level plan with 6 aspects as a framework for creating the plan to the 2nd level plan, which is a master plan, which has 23 plans and forwards to the 3rd level plan, which is the action plan of each agency. It aligned with the cause-effect relationship under the top-down principle to achieve the vision. Strategic driving can be achieved through (1) dedicated and committed leadership, (2) organizational structure, which is power structure change, (3) change agents that create change across the organization, and (4) organizational culture adjusts the behaviour for mutual success.</p> Noppadol Udomwisawakul Copyright (c) 2024 Modern Management Journal 2024-11-21 2024-11-21 22 2 49 62 Developing a model to strengthening base of collaboration in local governance through participatory budgeting <p> This research article aims to: 1) study the problems in order to analyze the development of a model to strengthen the network base of cooperation in local governance through participatory budgeting. 2) study the contributions of management based on cooperation and participatory budgeting that help strengthen local governance. This study employed qualitative research methods using participatory community analysis techniques (Participatory Rural Appraisal: PRA) with in-depth interviews and small group discussions. The key informants were local government organization leaders, community leaders in the study area, public sector/civil society network, private network, government network, and academic and educational institution network totaling 60 people and Five scholars. The results of the study revealed that the challenges in developing cooperation include: 1) unfavorable regulations and laws 2) a lack of a cooperative culture among the public 3) a lack of motivation and skills in fostering cooperation and 4) the absence of leadership in promoting collaboration. The recommended approaches to enhance cooperation are: 1) involving relevant networks in joint roles 2) establishing mechanisms, regulations, rules, and mutual agreements 3) building trust to ensure transparent management and 4) the role of leadership in collaboration. Therefore, recognizing the significance of strong cooperation as the foundation of local governance through participatory budgeting leads to increased collaboration.</p> Walaiporn Chinnasri Supanut Subnavin Copyright (c) 2024 Modern Management Journal 2024-11-21 2024-11-21 22 2 63 81 Entrepreneurial Competence Affecting Compettitive Advantages Through Thai-Laos Border Trade Policy: A Case Study of Huai Kon Border Chaloem Phrakiat District, Nan Province <p>This article aims to study (1) the performance of Thai-Lao border trade entrepreneurs, (2) border trade policies that support Thai-Lao border trade entrepreneurs, (3) the competitive advantage of Thai-Lao border trade businesses, and (4) the impact of border trade policy on entrepreneurs' performance, affecting competitive advantage. This is a quantitative study with a population and sample group consisting of 300 border trade entrepreneurs in Chalerm Phra Kiat District, Nan Province, using a questionnaire.</p> <p> The research findings revealed that (1) the performance of Thai-Lao border trade entrepreneurs was high (mean = 3.65), (2) border trade policies supporting Thai-Lao border trade entrepreneurs were rated high (mean = 3.85), (3) the competitive advantage of Thai-Lao border trade businesses was high (mean = 3.88), and (4) the performance of entrepreneurs and border trade policy had a positive direct impact on competitive advantage. The performance of entrepreneurs had a direct positive impact on border trade policy with a direct effect size of 0.77 and a total effect size of 0.77, statistically significant at the 0.01 level. Border trade policy had a direct positive impact on competitive advantage with a direct effect size of 0.96 and a total effect size of 0.96, statistically significant at the 0.01 level. Entrepreneur performance had a direct positive impact on competitive advantage with a direct effect size of 0.25, statistically significant at the 0.01 level, and also had an indirect positive effect on competitive advantage through border trade policy, with an indirect effect size of 0.65 and a total effect size of 0.90, statistically significant at the 0.01 level. For the prediction coefficient (R2) of the latent variable structural equation model, the R^2 of border trade policy was 0.60, indicating that the variables in the model explained 60% of the variance in border trade policy. The R^2 of competitive advantage was 0.84, indicating that the variables in the model explained 84% of the variance in competitive advantage.</p> Ponkrit Rakjul Copyright (c) 2024 Modern Management Journal 2024-11-21 2024-11-21 22 2 82 102 The Awareness of Benefits of Sustainable Development Concept in Business Conduct of Thai Medium Enterprises <p>The concept of sustainability is widely discussed and emphasized nowadays. This research aims to achieve three objectives: To study 1. The level of awareness of the importance of sustainability concepts among medium-sized executives in Thailand. 2. To investigate the level of awareness of the benefits of sustainability concepts among medium-sized executives in Thailand. 3. To examine the correlation between sustainability concepts and the benefits for medium-sized executives in Thailand.</p> <p>The researcher collected data from the population of medium-sized enterprise executives in Thailand using the Snowball sampling technique and obtained a sample of 319 participants. The research findings revealed that medium-sized business managers in Thailand demonstrate a high to the highest level of awareness regarding the importance of sustainability concepts across environmental, social, corporate governance aspects, and overall. They are also highly aware of the benefits derived from sustainability concepts. Furthermore, it was found that sustainability concepts have a positive influence on business benefits.</p> Wut Sookcharoen Phattaraporn Timdang Copyright (c) 2024 Modern Management Journal 2025-01-23 2025-01-23 22 2 103 118 The Causal Relationship Model of Purchasing Decision Through Social Media of Undergraduate Students in Bangkok Metropolitan Region: The Multiple Group Structure Analysis <p>The objectives of this research are 1) to develop a causal relationship model for the decision to purchase products through social media of undergraduate students in Bangkok and the surrounding areas and 2) to examine the invariance of the causal relationship model. By applying the multiple-group model, the quantitative research consists of 3 latent and 12 observed variables. This research uses multi-stage sampling. The sample consisted of 1,200 undergraduate students in Bangkok and surrounding areas. The research instrument was a questionnaire with a 5-level estimation scale. The causal relationship model was analyzed with the LISREL program. The results of the research found that 1) The development of a causal relationship model for the decision to purchase products via social media of undergraduate students in Bangkok and the surrounding area: the multi-group found that the technology acceptance variable was a factor affecting the decision to purchase products through social media, followed by expectations. The developed model conformed with empirical data using statistics to measure the goodness of fit index (c<sup>2</sup> = 36.48, df = 41, P-value = .06, RMSEA = .000, RMR = .005, CFI = 1.00, AGFI = 1.00). 2) The results of the invariance analysis of the model between male and female student groups were invariant to the model. However, there is variation in the parameters.</p> Prapasri Phongthanapanich Copyright (c) 2024 Modern Management Journal 2025-01-09 2025-01-09 22 2 119 131 AI and Global Marketing in the Digital Age <p> This article presents an overview of the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in global marketing in the digital age. Currently, business organizations are increasingly adopting AI technologies to enhance their global marketing strategies, necessitating an understanding of the impacts, challenges, and opportunities arising from such utilization. This paper examines the impact of AI on various aspects of global marketing strategies, drawing on empirical research and practical insights, covering issues of market forecasting, consumer behavior analysis, and cross-cultural communication. It also reviews AI-enhanced global marketing strategies such as data-driven consumer behavior analysis, culturally aware marketing, language localization, hyper-personalization, and predictive analytics. The article addresses the challenges in integrating AI in global marketing, including ethical considerations, cultural sensitivity, technological disparities, and regulatory compliance. It presents case studies of global brands like Netflix, Unilever, and Alibaba to illustrate successful AI integration in global marketing scenarios. Finally, the paper points out future directions for AI in global marketing, emphasizing the necessity for continuous learning, adaptation, and ethical considerations.</p> Anothai Ngamvichaikit Copyright (c) 2024 Modern Management Journal 2025-01-09 2025-01-09 22 2 132 142