of Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology (Humanities and Social Sciences)2024-12-26T13:02:39+07:00ดร.ชาลินี ปลูกผลงาม Journal Systems<p>วารสารวิชาการสถาบันเทคโนโลยีแห่งสุวรรณภูมิ ได้ดำเนินการ ตั้งแต่ ปี พ.ศ. 2558 ขอบเขตของวารสารเป็นวารสารทางสาขามนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์ และได้เผยแพร่วารสารวิชาการเล่มแรก ปีที่1 ฉบับที่ 1 เดือนมกราคม – มิถุนายน 2558 และอยู่ในความดูแลและบริหารงานของสถาบันวิจัยและพัฒนาเพื่อเตรียมการนำวารสารเข้าประเมินคุณภาพวารสาร รองรับการเข้าสู่ ศูนย์ดัชนีการอ้างอิงวารสารไทย (Thai Journal Citation Index Centre : TCI ) ในโอกาสนี้ที่ทางศูนย์ดัชนีการอ้างอิงวารสารไทยกำหนดมีการประเมินคุณภาพ วารสารในฐานข้อมูล TCI รอบที่ 4 ปี พ.ศ. 2562 ทางสถาบันได้สมัครเข้าสู่การประเมินคุณภาพวารสารรอบที่ 4 นี้ ซึ่งผลการประเมินจากทางศูนย์ดัชนีการอ้างอิงวารสารไทย (Thai Journal Citation Index Centre : TCI ) วารสารวิชาการ สถาบันเทคโนโลยีแห่งสุวรรณภูมิ (สาขามนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์) เป็นวารสารวิชาการที่อยู่ในฐานข้อมูลของศูนย์ดัชนีอ้างอิงวารสารไทย (TCI) <strong>กลุ่ม 2</strong> ทางคณะผู้จัดทำวารสารจะพัฒนาให้เป็นแหล่งรวมรวมบทความวิชาที่คุณค่าเพื่อก่อประโยชน์ทางวิชาการยิ่งยิ่งขึ้นไป</p> QUALITY IMPROVING THROUGH THE CUSTOMER JOURNEY IN THE AIRLINE BUSINESS: SERVICE PERSPECTIVES FOR VALUE CREATION IN THE ELDERLY PASSENGER NEEDS2024-01-16T10:34:15+07:00Chadaporn Jaktongchadanoi612@gmail.comAnamai Damnetchadapornnoi612@gmail.comWanlapa<p>This academic article focuses on the Service Quality Improving the Customer Journey in the Aviation Industry: Addressing Aging Passenger Needs. By studying a review of literature from research document , books and related articles. It analyses information on the study points in the area of service needs, obstacles, through the service touch point of all process. To bring an analysis of improvement and development approaches to airline operators. It can be introduced as a guideline or policy to develop a better quality of service for older passenger groups. It is important to be able to respond to the service at the exact point of need, to minimize the chances of failures or errors in the service.</p>2024-12-26T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology LIFE DEVELOPMENT SKILLS MANAGEMENT FOR LIVING A NORMAL AND HAPPY LIFE OF INDIVIDUALS IN THE 21ST CENTURY2024-03-03T19:04:14+07:00Manoonpong<p>The purpose of this academic article is to present guidelines and activities in developing people life skills of all genders, all ages and all career fields in the 21st century, it was found that the guidelines for developing life skills so that individuals have the potential to lead normal and happy lives amid social fluctuations in the 21st century are: 1) must be developed with activities that focus on working together individuals so that people can have a process of thinking together participate in and be proud of the group's work, which will lead to self-esteem. 2) Must develop activities that focus on developing thinking processes and solving complex problems that require higher-order thinking skills, such as activities, solve social or community problems, social development and creativity activities to promote happiness in society, etc. and 3) must be developed with activities that emphasize the use of digital technology to participate in activities such as activities to study information from learning resources in the form of information in the online system, computational activities using ready-made computer programs and activities that focus on presentations using various types of modern technology, etc.</p>2024-12-26T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology CODING: LEARNING ACTIVITIES MANAGEMENT FOR CRITICAL THINKING AND PROBLEM SOLVING SKILLS DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY CHILDHOOD 2024-09-16T15:31:44+07:00Boonyanat buarachae13boonyanat@gmail.comBilgis<p>Critical thinking is a skill which can reflect the process of problem solving. It can happen from experiment, watching and touching. Critical thinking of early childhood relate to structure and function of brain. Brain working can develop critical thinking of early childhood. The importance competencies of early childhood in problem solving ability is problem solving ability and obstacles which early childhood can face on the basis of suitable principle and reason. They understand the relationship and changing events. Using unplugged coding activities for provision learning management for early childhood is the preparation for early childhood. They can gain direct experiences from learning. Teacher can give a chance for early childhood in decision making, critical thinking and problem solving. Unplugged coding activity is a skill can help early childhood to show the step of the critical thinking and problem solving reasonably.</p>2024-12-26T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology LEARNING: EDUCATIONAL INNOVATION IN LEARNING PHENOMENA2024-09-16T14:47:29+07:00Adisorn Siriadi867444@gmail.comPimpanitt<p>This article presents the concept of Phenomenon-Based Learning, an instruction in response to learning management of the essential work skills of the 21st century Finnish education. The teaching approach is based on the phenomena of the world to develop interpersonal and communication skills, agile thinking skills, creative thinking skills, and self-directed learning skills in different topics of learners’ view. This is called integrated learning and is done by combining transdisciplinary knowledge and subjects and guidelines for developing lifelong learning skills: 1) stimulate interest 2) show challenging situation 3) discuss and reflect 4) construct knowledge and 5) collaborate learning via the internet and information system in the digital era. The 5 steps of learning management: 1) Enquiry Question, 2) Mini-lessons and Scaffolding, 3) Research and Collaborative work, 4) Public Presentation, and 5) Reflection on Learning are for educational instructors to use and apply in a holistic manner to learning management.</p>2024-12-26T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology ROLE OF MODHUM AS BAN DONG DANG COMMUNITY IDENTITY, DONG DANG SUB-DISTRICT, JATURAPHAKPHIMAN DISTRICT, ROI ET PROVINCE2024-01-30T15:50:18+07:00Thana Phromsathana.phromsa@gmail.comAnchalee<p> The objective of this article is to study the role of Modhum as the community identity by using qualitative research design. The key informant consisted of 25 persons. The area studied was Ban Dong Dang, Dong Dang sub-district, Jaturaphakphiman district, Roi Et province. The sample was selected by purposive and snowball sampling methods. An in-depth interview through structured questionnaires was used for data collection. Data were analyzed using content analysis and triangulation was used to test the validity of the data obtained.</p> <p> The research result revealed that the cultural identity of Ban Dong Dang Community, Dong Dang sub-district, Jaturaphakphiman district, Roi Et province was influenced by Modhum culture based on living a community lifestyle from the past to the present. Modhum culture is the medium for maintaining and passing on community culture and wisdom. Modhum culture was combined with Buddhism, creating belief and faith among people in the community through ritual practitioners known as “Modhum”. Modhum culture is the center of the mind, the anchor of people who suffer physically and mentally, and the culture of rituals. According to the study on the identity in terms of lifestyle and the wisdom of Modhum culture, current Modhum culture could be analyzed in 10 roles as follows: 1. The role of leadership in behaving and conducting oneself. 2. The role in unity. 3. The role in creating and uplifting community culture. 4. The role in giving knowledge, wisdom, and information. 5. The role of being a local wisdom and cultural learning center. 6. The role in teaching. 7. The role of being the spiritual anchor. 8. The role in conserving and reflecting local identity. 9. The role in carrying on community traditions, and 10. The role in linking the belief in herbal medicine and the belief in modern medicine.</p>2024-12-26T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology DEVELOPMENT OF THE ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION SKILLS OF WHOLE NUMBERS LESS THAN 100 USING A GAME SET TO PRACTICE FOR FIRST-GRADE STUDENTS AT PRIVATE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 2024-02-06T09:43:48+07:00Panyaporn Putithadaratpanyapornfon22@gmail.comManoonpong<p>This research was Quasi-Experimental design that aimed to 1) compare learning achievement in addition and subtraction numbers of whole numbers less than 100 for first-grade elementary school students before and after the learning intervention using a game set to practice addition and subtraction skills and 2) investigate the satisfaction of first-grade elementary school students regarding learning management using a game set to practice addition and subtraction skills. The samples of the research were 35 Prathomsuksa 1/2 students, Sarasas Witaed Ekkachai School, which were selected through simple random sampling using in the first semester of the academic year 2023. The research tools included 1) a set of practice games, 2) a lesson plan, 3) an achievement test, and 4) a satisfaction questionnaire. The statistics used for data analysis were percentages, mean, standard deviation, and t-test.</p> <p> The result showed that 1) the learning achievement in addition and subtraction numbers of whole numbers less than 100 for first-grade elementary students after the learning intervention using a game set to practice addition and subtraction skills was statistically significantly higher than before the learning at the .05 significance level. And 2) the overall satisfaction of first-grade elementary students with the learning management using a game set to practice addition and subtraction skills was high level.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Addition and Subtraction Skills, Practice Games, Mathematics Achievement</p>2024-12-26T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology SOFT POWER THAT AFFECTS THAILAND SPORTS INDUSTRY VALUE ADDED 2024-02-13T10:32:42+07:00Patantiya Singcrampatantiya1122@gmail.comNalineewan Praphunthatofkpru@gmail.comPanuwat<p>The purposes of this research are to study the factors in hosting sports competitions that affect value added in the sports industry in Thailand and to study the factors in supporting national athlete teams that affect value added in the sports industry in Thailand. The researcher reviewed relevant literature and designed a questionnaire instrument. There was a sample size of 400 people. Data were collected using simple random sampling. and analyze the results of the hypothesis testing using the Multiple Regression Analysis test method.</p> <p> The results of the hypothesis test found that the hosting factor of sports competitions affects value added in the sports industry in Thailand. Statistically significant at the .05 level when considering the results of the multiple regression equation analysis, it was found that the multiple correlation coefficient (R) was equal to 61.1 percents. The Adjusted R Square value was equal to 37.3 percents and the Significant value was equal to .00 and the factor of supporting national athletes’ teams has an influence on value added in the sports industry in Thailand. Statistically significant at the .05 level when considering the results of the stepwise multiple regression analysis, it was found that the multiple correlation coefficient (R) was equal to 62.7 percent and the Adjusted R Square value was equal to 61.9 percents and Significant equals 0.00.</p>2024-12-26T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology DEVELOPMENT OF COUNTING SKILLS FOR INCREASING AND DECREASING NUMBERS OF EARLY CHILDHOOD IN KINDERGARTEN 3 USING THE ACTIVITY SET “KIDS WITH MATH” 2024-03-02T10:31:02+07:00Anongluk Pratudthonganongluk685@gmail.comManoonpong<p>This research aimed to 1) develop the "Kids with Math" activity set to enhance counting skills for increasing and decreasing numbers for preschoolers to meet the efficiency criterion of 80/80 and 2) compare counting skills for increasing and decreasing numbers in preschoolers before and after the implementation of the "Kids with Math" activity set. The samples of the research were 29 third-year kindergarten students from a private elementary school, which were selected through simple random sampling. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, E<sub>1</sub>/E<sub>2</sub> efficiency values, relative gain score, and t-test. </p> <p>The result showed that 1) the “Kids with Math” activity set used for teaching increasing and decreasing numbers to third-year kindergarten students had an efficiency of 86.67/84.43 and 2) the counting skills for increasing and decreasing numbers of third-year kindergarten students after the learning intervention using the "Kids with Math" activity set was statistically significantly higher than before the learning at the .01 significance level and the average relative gain score was at a very high level.</p> <p> </p>2024-12-26T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology OF SERVICES AFFECTING ACCOMMODATIONS DECISION MAKING OF TOURISTS AT AONANG SUB-DISTRICT, MUENG DISTRICT, KRABI PROVINCE2024-03-24T18:47:25+07:00Natthanit<p><strong> </strong></p> <p>This research aimed to 1) study behaviours about the accommodations decision-making of tourists, 2) study the quality level of services and accommodations decision-making of tourists, and 3) study services quality affecting accommodations decision-making of tourists. This study was quantitative research using a 5-point Likert’s rating scale questionnaire as the research instrument. Samples of the study consisted of 385 Thai and foreign tourists selected by purposive sampling. Descriptive statistics (Frequency, Percentage, Mean, and Standard Deviation) and Enter Multiple Regression Analysis were employed in data analysis.</p> <p> Overall findings revealed that the majority of respondents were Thai female and single. Their age was between 20 - 30 years old. Their job is secondary school students or university students. Average salary was approximately 10,001 – 30,000 baht. According to their behaviours towards accommodations decision-making, it was found that most respondents travelled with their families for vacation once or twice a year. In addition, the tourists reserved accommodations on the hotel website and selected accommodations at the rate of 1,001 – 2,000 per night. Referring to service quality affecting accommodations decision-making, overall results showed the highest mean scores. In each aspect, service objectiveness ranked the highest, followed by credibility and trustworthiness, reaction towards the customer, and understanding the customer respectively. As per the quality level of services and accommodations decision-making, overall results indicated the highest mean scores. In each aspect, need and problem recognition ranked the highest, followed by optional assessment, information acquisition, buying decision, and behaviours after purchase respectively. Hypothesis analysis revealed that service quality significantly affected the accommodations decision-making of tourists at Aonang Sub-District, Mueng District, Krabi Province at the p-value 0.05. </p>2024-12-26T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology REQUIREMENT OF CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVISION SYSTEM INSTALLATION FOR ENTREPRENEURS IN MANUFACTURING AND SERVICE SECTORS THAT USING 3 NATIONALITIES OF WORKERS IN THE EASTERN ECONOMIC CORRIDOR2024-03-04T11:24:07+07:00Natee Konghuayrobsarunyalmbabuu@gmail.comSarunya<p>This research aims to study the current situation and problems of using Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) systems and to study the needs of installation for CCTV systems in order to find ways to develop CCTV systems aligned with the needs of entrepreneurs in the manufacturing and service sector that employs 3 nationalities in the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) zone. The research theoretical used in this study is qualitative research by conducting in-depth interviews with 24 key informants. The research findings indicate that CCTV systems effectively meet the objectives of installation. All entrepreneurs use recordings of CCTV system as evidence in incident investigations. Additionally, CCTV systems can reduce problems of property loss, employees time thief, reduced incident investigation period of time and crime problems. The need of installation for CCTV system indicates the important features such as the use of new technologies, system reliability, continuous operation, durability, intact signal, multiple data recording formats, notification systems, clear images, night vision capabilities, affordable prices, and good after-sales service. Suggestions for developing CCTV systems include utilizing Artificial Intelligence (AI) and features to assist in CCTV operation, such as motion detection, facial recognition, license plate recognition, and metal detection. Cloud record capability without recording on devices and ability of manage tasks over the internet allowing accessed from anywhere.</p>2024-12-26T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology PARTICIPATION IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF ISO 9001:2015 QUALITY OF MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AT CHULABHORN ROYAL ACADEMY OFFICE2024-06-20T11:45:05+07:00Pansa<p>This study has 2 objectives: 1) to study the level of employee participation in <br />the development of ISO 9001:2015 quality management system at Chulabhorn Royal Academy Office 2) to compare the participation of personnel, classified by personal factors, motivation factors, and organizational environment factors. The samples are 221 employees, working at the Chulabhorn Royal Academy Office. The data was collected by questionnaires and statistics were analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. For data analysis, the study used percentage, mean and standard deviation, including t-test and one-way analysis of variance. The results found that the participation of personnel in developing the ISO9001:2015 quality management system was overall at a high level, namely the aspect of receiving benefits, evaluation, decision making, operations and respectively. In considering factors affecting their participation, it was found that personal factors comprising educational level and job levels, motivation factors, and organizational environment factors have statistically significant difference in participation in developing management quality according to ISO 9001:2015 at the 0.05 level of significance.</p>2024-12-26T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology MODEL FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: THE CASE OF CLOTHES FROM RAGS IN THE THAI MARKET2024-05-09T09:37:03+07:00Kulwadee Samaesalamat1nabae@gmail.comRapeepun<p>This research aims to study the level of decision-making in purchasing clothing made from fabric scraps and to investigate and compare the personal factors influencing the decision to purchase clothing made from fabric scraps. This research is quantitative research. The sample group consists of 152 clothing buyers who purchase clothing made from fabric scraps. The research utilizes inferential statistics including mean, standard deviation (SD), and hypothesis testing statistics such as t-test. The research findings indicate that the decision-making process in all five steps is at a high level. Males make decisions to purchase clothing made from fabric scraps faster than females, while age and residency do not differ significantly. This research is beneficial for guiding production planning tailored to the unique characteristics of each area and for expanding production outcomes in markets that predominantly target male clothing, supporting the BCG (Bio Circular Green Economy) concept of creative economy</p>2024-12-26T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE WORK ENGAGEMENT AND EMPLOYEE SERVICE PERFORMANCE WORKING IN THE HOTELS IN CHONBURI 2024-08-05T10:36:51+07:00Panadda<p>This research aims to investigate the relationship between emotional intelligence work engagement and service performance of front-line employees working in 3-star and above hotel businesses in Chonburi. Using a theoretical sampling method and semi-structured interview approach, data collection was conducted through in-depth interviews, using traditional content analysis, coding, data types, and main points. The results of the research found that emotional intelligence and work engagement were positively related to employees’ service performance. Emotional intelligence helped employees express service behaviors that impressed customers, while work engagement factors led to employees’ enthusiasm, dedication, and pride in their work, leading employees to provide services with happiness. The results of the research indicated that emotional intelligence and work engagement have a positive relationship with employee service performance. Therefore, executives and supervisors should focus on developing emotional intelligence and work engagement to gain a competitive advantage.</p>2024-12-26T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology DAY-OF-THE-WEEK EFFECT ON THE SET50 MUTUAL FUND PERFORMANCE IN THAILAND 2024-08-19T10:19:14+07:00Sansanee Saeleesorasart@yahoo.comSorasart<p>This study aims to analyze the Day-of-the-Week Effect on the returns of SET50 index funds in Thailand. The findings indicate that the average return of the index funds is positive and highest on Wednesdays. Using a multiple regression model with dummy variables and a GARCH (1,1) model, it was found that the return on Wednesday was significantly positive, confirming the existence of the Day-of-the-Week Effect on SET50 index funds in Thailand.</p>2024-12-26T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology EVALUATION OF THE DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (REVISED A.D. 2018), FACULTY OF EDUCATION, BURAPHA UNIVERSITY2024-07-28T11:02:47+07:00Paratchanun<p>The purposes of this research are 1) To evaluate the curriculum of the Doctor of Philosophy Program in Human Resource Development (Revised Curriculum, B. E. 2561), Faculty of Education, Burapha University, and 2) To provide guidelines for developing and improving the Doctor of Philosophy Program in Human Resource Development, Faculty of Education, Burapha University. The researcher followed CIPPIESST model for this study. Quantitative research approach is used. The population is this study is the stakeholders includes 5 lecturers, 4 current students, 17 Ph.D. graduates, and 7 Ph.D. supervisors, totalling 33 people. Data collection was conducted using questionnaires. Statistics used in data analysis include frequency, percentage, mean, and content analysis. The research results found that Context Evaluation: C, Input Evaluation: I, Process Evaluation: P, Product Evaluation: P, Impact Evaluation: I, Effectiveness Evaluation: E, Sustainable Evaluation: P, and Transportability Evaluation: T were at the highest level in all aspects. And guidelines for developing and improving the Doctor of Philosophy Program in Human Resource Development, Faculty of Education, Burapha University found that it must be a human resource developer with expertise in the field of human resource development, ability to conduct research, be creative, create new things or innovations in human resource development, perform assigned tasks well, discipline and responsibility, teamwork, apply knowledge to solve human resource development problems, creative ideas in designing tools, activities, or innovations in human resource development, develop various processes to achieve efficiency in work, with the characteristics of a human resource developer, conduct and behave according to the professional ethics of human resource developers, logical thinking, leadership, be a role model for change, life skills, digital skills, and lifelong learning.</p>2024-12-26T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology AFFECTING THE PARTICIPATION OF ENTREPRENEURS IN THE MANAGEMENT OF CHATUCHAK MARKET2022-08-13T09:34:17+07:00Pawit JongnapasirikulPawit.jong789@gmail.comChandej Charoenwiriyakul่<p>The objectives of this research were to 1) study the level of participation, knowledge, understanding, attitude, and confidence of entrepreneurs in the management of Chatuchak market; 2) to compare the participation of entrepreneurs in the management of Chatuchak market. 3) To study the factors affecting the participation of entrepreneurs in the management of Chatuchak Weekend Market. A questionnaire was used to collect data with 385 merchant operators in Chatuchak market using descriptive statistics, t-test, F-test, and multiple regression analysis. The results showed that 1) the participation was at a moderate level, knowledge, confidence, and understanding were at a high level and attitudes were at a moderate level.2) Operators with different ages and types of stores. There was no difference in the participation of entrepreneurs in the management of Chatuchak market. Sex, education level and average monthly income were not different. 3) Knowledge, understanding, attitude and confidence affect participation in the management of Chatuchak Market.</p>2024-12-26T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology EFFECT OF STOCK PRICE FROM THE STOCK REPURCHASE PROGRAM: DOES SIZE MATTER?2024-08-02T20:15:43+07:00Sirawee Rawiwongsorasart@yahoo.comSorasart<p>The study investigates the abnormal return rates of securities during the announcement period of stock repurchases, comparing large with small-scale repurchases. The results show that there is a significantly positive abnormal return rate for stock repurchase in large-scale repurchases during the periods (-1,1) and (-3,3) trading days, with statistical significance at a 90% confidence level. On the other hand, for small-scale stock repurchase, during the periods before and after the announcement (-180,180) and (-250,250) trading days, there is a significantly negative abnormal return at confidence levels of 95% and 90% respectively. Additionally, the study finds that the average abnormal return rate across all periods is higher for large-scale compared to small-scale stock repurchases.</p>2024-12-26T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology OF WORK LIFE AFFECTING WORK SATISFACTION OF POLICE NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICER SUNDER THE METROPOLITAN POLICE DIVISION 22022-08-24T18:56:26+07:00Ratchapon<p>The objectives of this research were to 1) study the quality of life and the level of work satisfaction of police officers at the military level, under the Metropolitan Police Division 2.2) Comparison between the job satisfaction of the police officers the military level, under the Metropolitan Police Division 2, according to personal factors and3) To study the influence of quality of work life on the satisfaction of police officers at the military level, under the Metropolitan Police Division 2, a questionnaire was used as a tool to collect data with 222police officers at the military level, under the Metropolitan Police Division 2. This research used descriptive statistics, t-test values, F-test and multiple regression analysis. The results of the research were as follows: 1) the satisfaction of the police officers at the military level, under the Metropolitan Police Division 2, overall, at a high level. When considered in every aspect, it was found at a high level in all aspects. They are sorted in this order. The satisfaction of the organization with regard to the satisfaction of the executives, there were satisfaction with the supervisors. Satisfaction with colleagues and the satisfaction of subordinates. 2) Gender and service age were different. Satisfaction in work,different sections, age, level of education,salary rates were not different and 3) About the quality of work life, the compensation is fair and sufficient. Environmental hygiene and safety, the development of knowledge and competence as well. In promoting growth and stability affecting the job satisfaction of the police officers at the military level, under the Metropolitan Police Division 2.</p> <p> </p>2024-12-26T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology FOR DEVELOPING ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE IN MANAGEMENT EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS UNDER THE SARABURI PRIMARY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA OFFICE2024-04-17T16:26:02+07:00Manoon<p>This article aims to 1) study the need for developing organizational culture in the administration of educational institutions under the jurisdiction of the Saraburi Primary Educational Service Area Office, and 2) study guidelines for developing organizational culture in educational institution administration under the jurisdiction of the Saraburi Primary Educational Service Area Office. The samples in this research consisted of 353 participants from 106 educational institution administrators and 247 teachers classified by educational qualifications, and experience in managing educational institutions of the size of educational institutions. Stratified sampling and simple sampling were created using the drawing method. The research tool was a questionnaire with a consistency index between 0.60 - 1.00. The confidence coefficient alpha was 0.907. Data were analysed using frequency distribution, percentage, mean and standard deviation.</p> <p> The research results found that the need to develop an organizational culture in the administration of educational institutions under the district office of Saraburi Primary Education Area is in a high level. Considering each aspect was found that the top three averages were: Empowerment (4.47), Objectives of the educational institution (4.33) and feeling part of the educational institution (3.59), respectively. From a group discussion of 9 experts, it was found that school administrators should have a meeting of teachers and personnel in educational institutions to clarify operational guidelines, regularly to build trustworthiness, confidence, and understanding for everyone to have a way of working that is open-minded and accepting to listen to opinions. Suggestions that differ from their ideas should be assigned to people who are suitable to do the work, mainly taking into account abilities and aptitudes.</p>2024-12-26T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology IMPACTING FACTORS OF STUDENT PERFORMANCE IN APPLYING EXPERIENTIAL TEACHING METHODS TO PROMOTE LABOR EDUCATION AT VOCATIONAL COLLEGES IN CHENGDU, CHINA2023-10-13T19:48:35+07:00Jiasheng<p>The study aims to delve into the influential factors of student performance in applying experiential teaching methods in vocational colleges in Chengdu, China. The research framework contains perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, use attitude, social influence, use intention, convenience, use behavior, and student performance. Questionnaires and quantitative analysis were relied on to acquire sample data. Before it was dispersed, the questionnaire's validity and reliability were determined. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modelling (SEM) were used to verify the model's goodness of fit, confirm causality and influence degree among variables, and test hypotheses. By the study's results, the behavioral intention had the largest influence on use behavior, and use behavior substantially impacted students' performance.</p>2024-12-26T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology CASE STUDY OF GENERATION X’S REPURCHASE INTENTION ON ONLINE SHOPPING PLATFORM IN THAILAND2023-11-06T14:47:13+07:00Chayapon<div> <p>This research demonstrated the factors that influence trust and repurchase intention on online shopping platforms among Generation X consumers in Thailand, by measuring responsiveness, perceived usefulness, enjoyment, customer satisfaction, and perceived value. A quantitative method was grounded and sampling techniques of purposive/judgmental sampling, quota sampling, and convenience sampling were used to reach target respondents. The author has collected a total number of 500 responses from Generation X users who lived in Thailand and prefer shopping through online shopping platforms for analysis. Data collected was analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), and structural equation model (SEM) to test the overall model and research hypotheses proposed. The analysis has posited that responsiveness significant influences trust, while enjoyment is the key contributor to repurchase intention on online shopping platform, followed by trust, perceived value, perceived usefulness, and customer satisfaction. Therefore, to strengthen trust and intention to repurchase on online shopping platform among Generation X, all perspective of service qualities, platform’s design and functionality, and values of products and services offered are vital for implementation.</p> </div>2024-12-26T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology AND STRATEGIES IN IMPLEMENTING A CENTRAL CLEARING HOUSE FOR UNIFIED TICKETING IN BANGKOK METROPOLITAN REGION'S PUBLIC TRANSPORT2024-02-06T09:44:22+07:00Atipon<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The study examines the challenges in implementing a Central Clearing House (CCH) for a unified ticketing system in Bangkok's public transport network in Thailand. The qualitative approach was conducted. In-depth interviews were used with eight key informants, employing purposive sampling. Content analysis was used to analyze the data. The findings illuminate the multifaceted challenges inherent in the implementation of a CCH in Thailand. The research underscores the necessity of meticulous planning, robust legislative frameworks, and collaborative synergy between governmental bodies and private sectors as fundamental strategies to navigate these complexities. The study further highlights that the endeavor to institute a CCH is not merely a response to logistical and operational challenges but also a strategic alignment with the global evolution of public transportation systems. This alignment is indicative of an acute awareness of and responsiveness to the dynamic needs and anticipations of contemporary commuters. The research posits that the realization of a more interconnected and efficient transit network is pivotal in meeting these evolving consumer demands and contributing to the broader discourse on urban mobility solutions. </span></p>2024-12-26T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology FACTORS INFLUENCING THE INTENTION TO USE E-LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS AMONG VULNERABLE WOMEN IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES: A STUDY OF NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION PARTICIPANTS2024-03-12T17:02:54+07:00Anna<p>This research aims to explore factors that influence the intention to use e-learning management systems among 500 vulnerable women attending non-profit organizations in developing countries. The factors under investigation encompass computer self-efficacy, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, user satisfaction, personal innovativeness, and attitude. Employing a quantitative research design, the study involved the distribution of self-administered questionnaires to the target population for data collection. The research employed rigorous methods, including the Item-Objective Congruence (IOC) index, pilot testing, Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), to analyze the data and draw meaningful research conclusions. The study yielded confirmation of hypotheses relating to the significant influence of perceived ease of use, attitude, and user satisfaction on the intention to use e-learning systems. Perceived ease of use has a significant influence on perceived usefulness and attitude. However, computer self-efficacy has no significant influence perceived usefulness. Perceived usefulness and personal innovativeness have no significant influence intention to use. In conclusion, the findings emphasize the paramount importance of fostering a positive attitude towards technology in the context of e-learning implementation.</p>2024-12-26T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology OF BEHAVIOR INTENTIONS AND USE BEHAVIOR OF CHINESE TOURISTS TOWARDS TOURISM APPS2024-04-17T14:33:37+07:00Ruiheng<p>This paper investigates the factors influencing Chinese tourists' behavior intention and use behavior of tourism apps. The framework considers perceived destination quality, satisfaction, memorability of a trip experience, performance expectancy, social influence, behavior intentions, and use behavior as variables. A quantitative research method (n=500) was used in this study to survey Chinese tourists who experienced the use of three tourism apps. Sampling methods included judgmental, quota, and snowball sampling. Data analysis included structural equation modeling and confirmatory factor analysis for model fit, reliability, and construct validity. Satisfaction, memorability of the trip experience, performance expectancy, and social influence significantly impact the behavioral intentions and usage behavior of Chinese tourists' app use, with performance expectancy exerting the strongest influence. Furthermore, perceived destination quality significantly influences satisfaction, while behavioral intentions significantly influence usage behavior. In conclusion, the results provide appropriate reference information, and promote more possibilities for Chinese tourist services to create more economic value.</p>2024-12-26T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS ADOPT LIVESTREAM SHOPPING?: A CASE STUDY IN CHENGDU, CHINA2024-04-19T19:44:14+07:00Yizhen<p>This study intends to investigate the factors influencing the choice of livestream shopping among postgraduate students in Chengdu. Seven variables are perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, perceived enjoyment, attitude, service quality, social influence, and behavioral intention. The researcher applied the quantitative method (n=500), distributing questionnaires to postgraduate students in three designated universities in Chengdu. The Structural Equation Model (SEM) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) were used for the data analysis, and they included model fit, reliability, and validity of the constructs. The results explicated that perceived ease of use, usefulness, and enjoyment significantly impact attitude. Attitude, service quality, and social influence positively affect behavioral intention. Eight hypotheses were completely proven to fulfill research objectives. Hence, we need to observe how the different variables influence the customers’ behavioral intention and work less with a higher efficiency.</p>2024-12-26T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology JOB SATISFACTION OF UNIVERSITY TEACHERS IN SICHUAN, CHINA 2024-04-25T14:02:07+07:00Zhang<p>This study aims to investigate factors impacting principal's transformational leadership, principal's transactional leadership, teamwork, training and development, and self-efficacy on teacher job satisfaction. The study used the item-objective congruence (IOC) index as validity and Cronbach's alpha (n=30) as reliability. The 80 valid questionnaires from Sichuan University of Science & Engineering were analyzed using multiple linear regression to verify the significant relationships among the variables. Subsequently, 30 teachers were selected to attend the strategic plan over 14 weeks. Then, paired samples t-tests were conducted to compare the quantitative results of post-strategic and pre-strategic planning. In a multiple linear regression study, the results line principal's transformational leadership, principal's transactional leadership, teamwork, training and development, and self-efficacy are five variables that have a significant effect on teachers' job satisfaction. Finally, the paired samples t-test showed a significant difference between the post-strategic plan stage and the pre-strategic plan stage in terms of teachers' job satisfaction. This study aims to improve teachers' job satisfaction regarding principals' leadership, teamwork, training and development, and self-efficacy to stabilize the teaching force and improve the overall quality of school operations.</p>2024-12-26T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology INFLUENCERS OF INTENTION TO USE SOCIAL MEDIA AMONG UNDERGRADUATES IN CHENGDU, CHINA2024-06-13T09:36:01+07:00Zhang<p>This research investigates the various factors influencing the intention to use social media in ten universities. The proposed conceptual framework delineates the causal associations between the usage of social media, utilitarian value, hedonic value, social safeness, share intention, social benefit, social overload, and life satisfaction. The study employed a quantitative methodology with a sample size of 500 participants. Questionnaires were distributed to undergraduate students from ten selected universities who use WeChat. A sampling method was purposive, stratified random, and convenience sampling. The researcher utilized the Structural Equation Model and Confirmatory Factor Analysis techniques to analyze the data, assessing model fit, reliability, and construct validity. The study's findings revealed that utilitarian value significantly influences shared intention. Share intention presented the strongest impact on life satisfaction, followed by social benefit and social overload. Six hypotheses were proven to fulfill research objectives. Hence, it is recommended that social media developers, higher educators, and educators focus on improving social media functions to enhance students' perception of its social benefit and foster a positive attitude and intention toward their life satisfaction.</p>2024-12-26T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology GRADUATE STUDENTS’ USEFULNESS, ATTITUDE AND E-SHOPPING INTENTION OF A PUBLIC UNIVERSITY IN GUANGXI, CHINA2024-06-13T09:28:03+07:00Lu<p>This study conducted an empirical study on the impacting factors of graduate students' e-shopping at Guangxi University of Science and Technology. The study analyzed the causal relationship perceived value, ease of use, usefulness, trust, customer service, attitude, and e-shopping intention. This study adopted a quantitative method (n=500), distributing questionnaires to graduate students in GXUST, China. The nonprobability sampling contains purposive, quota, and convenience sampling in distributing questionnaires and collecting data online. Confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling were used to analyze the collected data and validate the constructs' model fit, reliability, and validity. The results presented that perceived value, trust, and ease of use significantly impact attitude toward e-shopping, and usefulness has less impact on attitude. Ease of use has a significant impact on usefulness. Attitude reveals the strongest impact on e-shopping intention, followed by customer service. Seven hypotheses have been verified to the survey objectives. Therefore, more and more graduate students can be attracted to e-shopping by creating a good e-shopping environment, innovating e-shopping methods, improving the convenience and usefulness of e-shopping, and improving the quality of e-shopping customer services.</p>2024-12-26T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology OF STUDENTS' ATTITUDE AND ADOPTION INTENTION TOWARDS ELECTRONIC VEHICLES IN ZHEJIANG, CHINA 2024-05-28T10:48:25+07:00Zhang<p>This study investigates the determinants of consumer attitudes and adoption intentions toward electric vehicles in Zhejiang Province, China. The conceptual framework determines how environmental concern, subjective norms, knowledge, perceived incentives policy, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and perceived fun to use affect attitudes and adoption intentions. The sample (n=460) was collected from online and offline questionnaires using multi-stage sampling, including judgmental, stratified random, and convenient Sampling. The study applied the structural equation model and confirmatory factor analysis to analyze the data to confirm the model's goodness-of-fit and hypothesis. The results indicate that environmental concerns, subjective norms, knowledge, and perceived incentive policies have a significant impact on attitude. Perceived incentive policy, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and perceived fun of use have a significant impact on adoption intention. This study provides feasible suggestions for formulating Chinese government policies based on this research result. It provides a basis for optimizing the design of public policies that align with China's national conditions to enhance consumer attitudes and adoption intentions toward electric vehicles.</p>2024-12-26T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology INFLUENCING THE SAFETY BEHAVIOR OF PRODUCTION WORKERS IN THE PLASTICS INDUSTRY: A CASE STUDY OF A FACTORY IN CHACHOENGSAO PROVINCE2024-08-16T10:40:12+07:00Phongdej<p>This research aimed to study the safety behavior in the workplace of production employees and the factors influencing safety behavior among production employees at a plastics industry in Chachoengsao Province. The study adopted both document research and quantitative research methodologies to systematically examine occupational health, safety, and environmental conditions in the Thai manufacturing industry.</p> <p>This study focused on all production employees of a specified company, totaling 30 individuals. A questionnaire, developed based on literature review and relevant research, was used as the research instrument. It was divided into four parts: general information, knowledge of workplace safety, attitude towards workplace safety, and workplace safety behavior. Data was collected through these questionnaires and analyzed using SPSS for both descriptive and inferential statistics.</p> <p> Regression analysis revealed that safety knowledge significantly influences safety behavior, with a positive coefficient of 0.297. This indicates that higher safety knowledge correlates with better safety practices among employees. The relationship was statistically significant (<em>p</em> = 0.006), underscoring the importance of comprehensive safety training programs. The intercept value of 3.212 suggests a baseline level of safety behavior exists regardless of explicit safety knowledge, likely reflecting inherent safety practices, organizational culture, or regulatory standards. However, safety attitude did not significantly impact safety behavior, suggesting other factors might play a more crucial role.</p> <p> In conclusion, this research highlights the critical role of safety knowledge in promoting safe behavior in the manufacturing sector. By prioritizing safety education and integrating it into comprehensive safety management systems, organizations can enhance workplace safety and reduce accidents. Future research should continue to explore the multifaceted nature of safety behavior to develop more effective safety interventions.</p>2024-12-26T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Suvarnabhumi Institute of Technology