The wedding ceremony of Tai Daeng in Ban Sobhao, Sobbao District Huaphan province Lao people democratic republic (ประเพณีการแต่งดองของไทแดง สปป.ลาว)


  • Somphavanh Keoboutta มหาวิทยาลัยกาฬสินธุ์


Tai Daeng, The wedding ceremony


The objective of this article was to study about the wedding ceremony of Tai Daeng in Ban Sobhao, Sobbao District Huaphan province, Lao people democratic republic by using the concept of ethnic relationsand the concept of Identities, for the data collection was to emphasize of the practical education and presented by narrative analysis.

Tai Daeng is atribe thathave many interesting traditions and cultures for especially the wedding ceremony because the wedding of Tai Daeng have many steps. The first step is to philander next is the step of askingsome sticky riceand said somethings about the wedding, next is to prepare for wedding, there are too many steps, after that is to prepare somethings move to husband’s house and finally is the step of receiving inheritance or sharing inheritance that receive from own husband’s house.In each steps are very important and have characteristic of Tai Daeng. If there missed some steps, that wedding is not perfectly. Because it means the important change of Tai Daengs’ women. So the wedding ceremony of Tai Daeng is the ceremony that to show the characteristic of them, although where they are.

Anyway, nowadays Tai Deang at Sobhao Village, Sobbao District Huaphan Province had promoted trade involvement with external society, especially Lao Buddhist Society. So this makes a change according to the social streams has mix with Lao Buddhist Culture. This makes Tai Deang had received that Culture. Especially, the wedding because Lao Buddhist culture, there are not many steps and is not spend long time. It is impossible Tai Deang will received that Culture and another reasons, when Tai Deang had been settlement with Lao Buddhist people is makes involve together and all kinds of exchange, so that, mostly the wedding ceremony of Tai Daeng is similar the wedding ceremony of Lao Buddhist.
