of the way human society2020-12-25T19:36:52+07:00กิตติ์ธนัตถ์ ญาณพิสิษฐ์ (Kittanut Yanpisit)ykittanut@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p>วารสารวิถีสังคมมนุษย์ มีนโยบายในการส่งเสริม เผยแพร่ เชื่อมโยง และกระตุ้นการผลิตผลงานวิชาการและงานวิจัยที่มีคุณค่าต่อการพัฒนาวิชาการด้านมนุษยศาสตร์<br>และสังคมศาสตร์ โดยรูปแบบผลงานที่วารสารจะรับพิจารณา มี 3 ประเภท คือ บทความวิชาการ บทความวิจัยและบทวิจารณ์หนังสือ บทความวิชาการและบทความวิจัยที่จะนำมาตีพิมพ์ในวารสารวิถีสังคมมนุษย์ นี้จะได้รับการตรวจสอบทางวิชาการ ( Peer Review) ก่อน เพื่อให้วารสารมีคุณภาพในระดับมาตรฐานสากล และนำไปอ้างอิงได้ ผลงานที่ส่งมาตีพิมพ์</p> <p> </p> to Corporate Good Governance Principle for Community Development, Case Study: Community Leaders in Sisaket Province2020-12-25T19:31:02+07:00เสถียร Sathian สีชื่น<p>The Four major objectives of the study were (1) examine the meaning of Good governance of Sisaket community leaders (2) study the guidelines for Creating good governance in community development work and (3) study the way navigation key to good governance and community development. This qualitative research collected the data by in-depth interview of 100 key-informants, focus Group of 11 people and the data were analyzed by logical principles based on related concepts and theories, together with the context. The descriptive statistics were employed to describe the results.</p> <p><strong> </strong>1) The definitions of Good governance of Sisaket community leaders as given by the community people could be divided into 3 Nature: (1) Style approach to management administration (2) Nature of the monitoring (3) The basic characteristics of outstanding individuals.</p> <p><strong> </strong>2) Guidelines to create good governance and community development : The benefit to the public and resource management efficiency. The discipline itself moralitu In the community leaders and staff officers. Self-awareness Training on ethics. The development of the five precepts. Transparency, accountability The collaboration of all the sectors of work. Using the philosophy of sufficiency economy. And creating engagement.</p> <p> 3) Way navigation key to good governance in the community development approach to good governance and community development : (1) Adoption agency focused on corporate management. The benefit to the public is important. (2) Adoption agency or organization. should create Regulations a corporate culture that clear values clear. (3) should provide instruction to strengthen morality and ethics. (4) Adoption agency or organization Should prepare a plan or plans, procedures, work. (5) Adoption agency or organization. should conduct a strategic plan for the agency's containment plan. (6) adoption agency or organization should events on the five precepts. for example, during his years of persistent vices. (7) the operation of the public should be involved from the start until the end of the project. (8) Adoption agency or organization. Should an event or project that has made a personnel officer or collaborate frequently. (9) Adoption agency or organization should issue regulations or define the culture of the organization the major economic use. (10)Adoption is to provide opportunities for public participation, awareness and contemplate,</p>2020-12-25T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2020 Journal of the way human society Cultural Dimension drawn from The Plalm-Leaf Manuscriptures: A Case Study of Wat Si Chomchuen, Phiman Subdistrict, Na Kae District, Nakhon Phanom Province.2020-12-25T19:29:03+07:00Athirach2524<p>The purpose of this research 1. To study the history of Ban Piman community, Piman Sub-district, Na Kae District, Nakhon Phanom Province, and 2. To study the cultural dimension from the Bailan scriptures of Wat Si Chomchuen, Piman Subdistrict, Na Kae District, Nakhon Phanom Province</p> <p>The study indicated that Ban Piman community has a long history. Calling themselves Phutikaengling means having ethnic groups. Phutai and Klinging live together in the community. The first era of setting up a village Is a group of Phra That Phanom opportunity Responsible to pay the bounty and to build accommodation for pilgrims every year. Year 2450 was established in Nong Sung district of Ban Na Kae. And appointed Luang Sripritphon as the first village headman of Phiman district During the unrest The villagers of Phiman have established a security guard with government officials until 1986, the situation has been resolved. Piman villagers live by nature. The popular rice farming is tattoo rice farming, which is a kind of drought cultivation. By sowing rice in the fourth month when rice farming season Piman villagers will experience flooding. Rice plants in Sak Na are mature, strong, resistant to floods. The villagers of Piman have jars called Hai Piman. Trading and exchanging of products such as salt, rice, and fish in Kam River Basin communities.</p> <p>Palm leaf scriptures found there are 116 long palm leaves and 1,100 short palm leaves. There are Northeastern Thai scriptures, Thai Noi scripts and Khmer scripts. Metaphysics. Villagers believe that it is the balance of the Buddha. Therefore it is most popular to create. The palm leaf scripture that continues today is God instead of breast milk. The villagers still use it in a pile of merit dedicated to the deceased parents but changed to a long paper and printed with the Thai alphabet today. The age of the palm leaf scripture The oldest is Sang Hom That, built in 1761 B.E., most of the authors are Phra Ajarn Upakut, a former abbot of Wat Si Chomchuen, famous for preaching Vessantara. He is well-known to the people in the Kam Basin. Lan is the person who bought Lan leaves to the author and received equal merit. Wishes in order to receive merit by intention such as desire to go and quell happiness. May the merit reach the dead Wish to have money. 2445 B.E., ghost disease in the community caused many people to die. The author of the Bailan scriptures has a desire to merit and brighten skin. Recover from illness.</p>2020-12-25T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2020 Journal of the way human society Income Tax , A Case Study on Tax Allowance for Married Couple2020-12-25T19:22:18+07:00งามพรต พรหมมานต<p>This research of personal income tax , case study of tax allowance for married couple has the following objectives (1) the appropriate income tax allowance for the married couple in according to the Revenue Code of the personal income tax (2) to analyze problems and legal gaps regarding the allowance of personal income tax and (3) to propose the guidelines for improving the law on personal income tax allowance for the married couple.</p> <p><strong> </strong>This research is a qualitative research compesing of the study of The Revenue Code of Thai laws and related International laws, legal textbooks, governmental orders, regulations and guidelines for tax payments as well as other thesis in order to analyzed and synthesized the tax allowances for the married couple.</p> <p> The study found that (1) to study the history and principles of law on personal income tax in the allowance of married couple (2) to study legal measures in Thai laws and International laws (3) to analyze problems and legal gaps regarding the allowance of personal income tax (4) to propose the guidelines for improving the law on personal income tax allowance for the married couple. The tax allowance is not suitable for the current economic situations because price of goods are higher . These can increase the expenses of the family whether children or family member. The tax allowance can be considered as financial help for many married couples . The way to develop the tax structures in this research should lead to the family’s stability and finally to national stability because family is the greund social institute of the nation leading to stability of the family institution in the future .</p>2020-12-25T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2020 Journal of the way human society comparison study of full dose of the rabies vaccination for rabies-exposed patients afterreceiving the knowledge2020-12-25T19:36:52+07:00suchada surangkulsuchada.jub@gmail.comดารุณี บุญเต็ม<p>In this study, the Behavior comparison of full dose of the rabies vaccination for rabies-exposed patients after receiving the knowledge was conducted in 2017. The objective in this preliminary experimental research was investigated the behavior comparison of full dose of the rabies vaccination for rabies-exposed patients after receiving the knowledge. The data was collected during 15<sup>th</sup> March to 15<sup>th</sup> April, 2017 by answering the questionnaire from 35 of rabies-exposed patients that the doctor has decided to vaccinate against rabies at the emergency room ofNong Bun Mak hospital, AmphoeNong Bun Mak, NakhonRatchasima Province. Participants were patients older than 15 years or less than 15 years. In group of patients less than 15 years, the questionnaire has been answered by parents.The questionnaire consisted of 4 parts; general information, knowledge about the rabies, attitudes to vaccination and self-protection against rabies.The content validity and internal reliability (Cronbach's alpha) of the questionnaire were determined. Cronbach's alpha values of knowledge and attitude were 0.738 and 0.603, respectively. The data obtained from the interviews were analyzed using descriptive statistics i.e. percentage, mean and standard deviation and inferential statistics i.e. Paired samples t-test. The results of the study revealed that the knowledge, attitude and self-protection behaviors of participants were significantly higher after receiving the information. The average score of knowledge, attitude and self-protection behaviors of the participants were 8.94, 29.80 and 28.34 respectively.</p> <p>Based on the above information, it should be publicized more and give knowledge about the carrier of rabies, full doses vaccination and self-protection against rabies.</p>2020-12-25T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2020 Journal of the way human society