Museum Objects and Wellbeing: A pilot project for older adults at Thammasat Museum of Anthropology
museum object, museum, wellbeing, older adultAbstract
This paper presents findings from a pilot project for older adults at the Thammasat Museum of Anthropology which aims to study the possibility of using museum collections as a medium to foster wellbeing among older adults in Thailand. The author developed a series of activities with special focus on the Museum’s objects and invited participants from an elderly club at Yucharoen community. The three key themes of the activities included “reminiscence,” “learning new things” and “communication between participants.” Evaluation during and after activity sessions suggested that object handling contributed to positive wellbeing as well as encouraged more experience sharing among the participants. This demonstrates that such programme should be developed to foster wellbeing among older adults in Thailand. Finally, the author concludes with suggestions on how to develop activity programmes that can work more substantially and efficiently.
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