From Sacred Landscape to Package Tour: Buddhist Pilgrimage to Myanmar and the Political Economy of Buddhist Tourism
Myanmar tourism, Pilgrimage, Buddhism, Thai tourismAbstract
This paper traces the historical development of Thai pilgrimage tourism in Myanmar, revealing the relationship between the Burmese sacred sites and the political contexts of Thailand and Myanmar. From document research and ethnographic data, it argues that the Burmese Buddhist sacred sites that became tourist attractions have became parts of Thai Buddhist landscape because of three crucial historical contexts: 1) the Buddhist mission to Lanna sponsored by a Mon king in 15th century; 2) The teak trade link between British Burma and Lanna in 19th-20th Century; and 3) the Burmese military government economic and religious policies that turn sacred sites into tourist attractions to boost the country's economy and the government moral legitimacy. Later, the change of Thai international policy towards Myanmar that encouraged economic cooperation between the two countries and the lift of Western sanction on Myanmar precipitated the boom of Thai pilgrimage in Myanmar during 2012-2019.
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