Curriculum Leadership Development Model for the 21st Century of School Administrators under the Office of the Basic Education Commission

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Samrit Kangpheng
Sarayuth Kunlong
Surachai Anutragulchai


The research objectives were to 1) study and compare curriculum leadership behavior of 21st Century school administrators in the primary and secondary level, 2) analyze factors of the curriculum leadership model of school administrators for the 21st Century, and 3) present the curriculum leadership development model for the 21st Century of school administrators under the Office of the Basic Education Commission.  The sample comprised 720 school administrators derived from multi-stage sampling. The collecting tools were 5-level rating scale questionnaire and case study form.  The data analyses employed descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, and referential statistics using LISREL software package together with content analysis. The research findings are as follow.  (1) The curriculum leadership behavior in the 21st Century of the school administrators as a whole and in detailed dimension are at medium level.  The behavior between the primary and secondary level school administrators has no difference.  (2)  Theoretical model of curriculum leadership factors for the 21st Century is congruent with empirical data with Chi-square (c2) equaling 4.58; degree of difference (df), 6; statistical significance (P-value), 0.60; goodness-of-fit index (GFI), 1.00; adjusted goodness-of-fit index,  0.99; and  root-mean-square error (RMSE), 0.00. And (3) curriculum leadership development model for the 21st Century  (The CLD Model)  including 3 dimensions and 1 development mechanism.

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