The Memory of Sacred Area with and artificial Tradition of the Community to Support the Religious Tourism at Banmai-Chaiyapoj District, Buriram Province, The Case study of Prang Ku Suan Taeng and Ku Rusee

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tanom boonprajong



The objective of this research article is To study the Sacred space of the community And the Invented tradition to promote religious tourism in the Prang Ku Suan Taeng area and Ku Ruesi is a qualitative research By collecting document data Observation And in-depth interviews From a sample of 39 images / person Present descriptive analysis data

The study indicated that Sacred space Which caused the story of the ancestors That appeared in the Prang Ku Suan Taeng area Which has the belief that it is a sacred space with a guardian deity And the community has a ritual for blessing or to fulfill it for their purposes. While Ku Ruesi has a belief from his ancestors that the sacred thing or the satyr. Can inspire fortune And any person who wishes to bless anything will receive success Along with the holy water pool of the 108 inverted ones, called Baiyai. which is a quadruple shaped pool surrounded by laterite stones In the legend, there is a belief that a serpent resides. To preserve the sacred pool For Invented tradition Which is clearly visible in the area of Prang Ku Suan Taeng, which is a firework festival Prang Ku Suan Taeng Festival and Bun Bai Fai And the Praang Ku Suan Taeng tradition. Ku Ruesi has a tradition of Ku Ruesi. And festivals. For religious tourism Caused by the study of sacred space memories that appear in areas 2 places and promote tourism in Invented tradition. Found There is a traditional tradition that originated from the original belief from the ancestors made. As for the Invented tradition caused by the current social ideology Therefore has created a new tradition, modernized to be popular and accepted in society to participate in the event, Have Such as performing on stage, assembling light, sound, history of Prang Ku Suan Taeng, and the story of Pha Daeng Nang Ai,  With an amusement, and have various games To be used as a guideline to promote religious tourism.

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