Ability to Work after Graduation of Vocational Students and University Students.

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The objectives of this research are to study and compare the ability to work of vocational students and university students after graduation. The opinions and recommendations of entrepreneurs in Nakhon Ratchasima province are also investigated. This research focused on working readiness and efficiency working. Data collection method included in-depth interview with key informants and the obtained data were analyzed by content analysis. The findings were reported in descriptive manner.

The results showed that most entrepreneurs prefer vocational students’ working ability to university students because vocational students are ready to work and have high degree of patience, and they were trained to work specifically while studying, whereas the university students mostly learned from books. However, certain type of employers satisfied with university students working because students have fast learning skill, leadership and problem solving skills. Every type of entrepreneur recommended that the important characteristics of all graduates should include positive attitude at work, patience, and the basic necessary skills such as communication skill, computer skill, and problem solving skill.


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