The management practices in managing a community Enterprise Group in Nong Bua Lam Phu province

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อารยา ญาณพิบูลย์




This is qualitative research.  The objectives were to study the management practices in managing a community enterprise group in Nong Bua Lam Phu province. There were eighteen informants including nine board members of the Huay Bong fish product community enterprise group (The One), six group members, two villagers and one official from the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand. Research tools were interview guideline for in-depth interview, observational guideline and group discussion.  The Descriptive Analysis method was used to analyze data.


            The Huay Bong Fish Product Community Enterprise Group (The One) was founded by the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (Ubolratana Dam).  The group is administrated by a board.  S organizations support the group and certify its products’ standards. The group neither planned its production process nor had any business plan.  Instead, the group held a bimonthly meeting to discuss its production plan.  There are fifteen group members, mainly laborers in the production process.  The group hired additional labor including seniors and children in the community to help preparing materials during periods of high demand.  The group used multiple machines in the production process.  The group produced several products from fish.  The group set prices for each product based on the per kilogram fixed costs of each product.  Products are distributed through different channels.  The group used word of mouth and distributed business cards.  The group’s revolving fund derives from group members’ shares, profits, and grants and/or loans from outside organizations.   The group used very simplified bookkeeping.

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